December 12, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 53 Holiday Dances Are Planned for Delight of the Younger Set The Christmas season indicates a pe- riod of holiday celebration for young people, and already the Winnetka so- cial calendar foretells of several parties planned for the younger set. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fentress of Hubbard Woods are giving a dance a Indian Hill club Saturday, Decem- ber 26, at 8:30 o'clock, for their daugh- ter, Emily. Monday evening, Decem- ber 28, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Withers are entertaining at a dance at Indian Hill club for their daughter. Leila, and the same evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Street will give a dance for | their daughter, Marjorie, at their res. idence, 592 Sheridan road. The fol- lowing evening Herman Lackner will be host at a dinner preceding the dance Frederick Preston is giving in Highland Park, and his brother, Fran- cis Lackner, Jr., will entertain at a dance at the Lackner home, 339 Linden avenue. NEXT WEEK IN WINNETKA Monday, December 14 Noon-- League of Women Voters' lunch- eon, Community House. Evening-- Symphony concert, 8 p. m., New Trier. Tuesday, December 15 Afternoon-- Winnetka circles, 2:30 p. m. Evening-- Village council, 8 p. m., Village hall. Masons, 8 p. m., Masonic temple. Wednesday, December 16 Open. Thursday, December 17 Open. Friday, December 18 Noon-- Rotary club luncheon, 12:15 p. m., Community House. Evening-- Christmas programs in schools. North Shore Congregation, 8 p. m,, Skokie school. Saturday, December 19 Afternoon-- "Why the Chimes Rang," 3 p. m, Community House. : Sunday, December 20 Evening-- "Why the Chimes Rang," 8 p. m,, Community House. Read the Want Ads Mrs. E. E. Brown Injured in Motor at Elm and Birch Mrs. Edwin E. Brown, 1045 Dins- more road, was painfully injured last Friday evening when she was thrown from her automobile in a collision | with another car. The driver of the 'other car was J. F. Salmen, 1018 Ash street, and the accident occurred at 3irch and Elm streets. Mrs. Brown received a broken arm and numerous cuts and bruises. She | was taken to the Evanston hospital by her husband, who was not injured. The accident was marked by a curious feature. Mrs. Brown, who is treasurer of the Winnetka League of Women Voters was carrying a large sum of money belonging to the league. As she was thrown from the car this fell to the street. Salmen's car was knocker! against a water plug by the crash and this burst, flooding the street and gushing the money into a sewer. All but $70 was later recovered, it was reported. Read toa Own Novels at Tonight's Dinner Howard V. O'Brien, 630 Blackthorn road, and Mrs. Clara Louise Burnham will be guests of honor at the Allied Arts association dinner which is being given this evening in the rooms of the Woman's City club. Miss Olga Menn, chairman, has ar- ranged a notable after-dinner program. Mrs. Burnham and Mr. O'Brien will read from their forthcoming novels. Mme. Hanna Bufler, soprano, Fran- cesco Daddi, tenor, and member of the Chicago Opera company, with others, will supply musical numbers. Miss Menn will preside at the dinner. Attic Puppets Perform for Children Tuesday All Winnetka school children above the third grade will be invited to at- tend a performance of the Winnetka puppets at the Skokie school Tues- day afternoon, December 15, at 2 o'clock. The Attic puppets will pre- sent Dickin's "Christmas Carol," one of the best known Christmas plays. There will be a small charge, it was announced. "God the Preserver of Man," Is Lesson-Sermon The lesson sermon at First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morn- ing, December 13, will be "God the Preserver of Man." Services are held in the Masonic temple at 708 Elm street, at 11 o'clock, and the testimonial meeting is held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:35 o'clock. Have Your Shoes Rebuilt Not Repaired Worn out soles and run All work guaranteed. Reb! r Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 down heels are unhealthy R. WAGNER Nursery Board Announces Annual Christmas Party The Matheon Day nursery board, which recently celebrated its 30 years' existence with a reception to past presidents and a reminiscence program, in the Wedgwood room at Marshall Field's, will give its annual Christmas party for the nursery children and | their mothers at the Chicago Commons in their own nursery suite, Saturday, December 19, at 1 o'clock. Gay Christmas stockings and red mittens with spicy fragrance of ever- greens and all the yuletide decorations will be in evidence, with jolly old Santa present too, according to the plans being made by the nursery board of which Mrs. Theodore Coyne of Provident avenue is chairman. Mrs. Anita Willits Burnham of Tower road will give a program of Chalk Talks from children's Christmas stories. COAL PHONE WINNETKA 12 E. C. Weissenberg ENTERTAINS AT TEA Mrs. Harry Marshall of 847 Grove street, Glencoe is giving a tea this afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock in honor of Mrs. Jacob Replogle and Mrs. A. B. Martin. Luncheon We serve a delicious luncheon, including salads, dessert, bev- 30 t2 Afternoon Tea Our afternoon tea is a pleasant social occasion, providing needed refreshments. 2:30 to S Dinner A substantial meal of home cooked foods at a moderate Be Si30 tol8 Lilac Tea Room 576 Lincoln Avenue Tel. Winnetka 1820 pliances that she should not T hink of the future. 554 Center Street Toaster, Waffle Iron, Coffee Urn or Electric Iron? ' These smaller appliances are every-day necessities, ap- 8 Make her happy. If Electrical--We Have It North Shore Electric Shop F. W. SCHWALL y Jd A) EPEEY 2 REEILEYL ddd x 45% 20D 20 JR DEY SE RPE BE RPE EY, ERR IEEY, Make it i . + ; an Electrical Christmas § USEFUL GIFTS ARE PRACTICAL GIFTS Wy ELECTRICAL GIFTS ARE PRACTICAL X What could make mother more happy than to have ¥ her find on Christmas morning an Electric Percolator, ' be without. = Then too, there's the Vacuum Cleaner--another essen- ~~ & tial. We suggest the Hoover or Eureka Cleaners. Then come wash days; Thor, Eden and Maytag need no in- 3 troduction to take the hard work from those days. SB 0 BS D5 Jia AY AT AY 4 Phone Winn. 44 REE EY,