WINNETKA TALK December 11, 1925 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices--_ 530d advertisements will be charged only 4 o resident Glencoe inclusive whose names ap who are regular subscribers to eit TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates--1° cents per line in one paper. A MINIMUM CHARGE 50. the line. No black face type used. Rates for display type on application. papers. Deadline for Insertions---- ce the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or s of the district from Evanston to pear in the telephone directory, or er WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 20 cents per line in all three Average of flve words to assified advertisements will be ac- pted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE MY HIGHLAND PARK, new brick, 7 room home; h. w. heat; brick garage; located in East sec- tion on wooded property with ravine at back; and only 7 minutes to train; for Winnetka home or vacant prop- erty. YOUR OWN HOME AT CHRISTMAS Time! ! ! This ideal home of 6 rooms and two baths in finest location near schools and transportation; large sun and breakfast porches; 2-car garage with room above; h. w. ht. Unusually well built; beautiful hardware and fitures; model kitchen. $26,500. Heinsen & Kroll, Inc. 720 ELM ST. - Phones Winetka 1470 and 250 1LTN11-1te 1 REAL ESTATE Indian Hill Section FINE 7-ROOM HOME; 2 BATHS; porches; 2-car garage. Situated on large, beautiful lot. Very low price. Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co. Elm and Linden Winnetka 2350 1LTN11-1te FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 1T40-1te For Sale COUNTRY 8 room brick, 2 car garage, hot water heat, modern improvements, on lot 100x206, BARGAIN $11,500.00 5 room stucco bungalow, all im- provements, lot 75x197. PRICE $14,000.00 GLENCOE 5 room frame bungalow, garage, on lot 50x145, good location, BARGAIN--TERMS $11,000.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364, Wilmette, Illinois. 1LTN11-1te FLORIDA A RESIDENT OF EVANSTON, NOW in Pensacola looking after his own investments, will gladly give infor- mation free--to those who are com- ing to Florida, or to anyone inter- ested in West Florida real estate. Daniel Webster, Box 90, Pensacola, Florida. 1LTN11-2te $5,000 Reduction FOR QUICK SALE BY JANUARY 1. Owner makes this sacrifice on de- lightful 7-room brick; 2 porches; h. w. heat; automatic h. w. heater; 2- car brick garage. Immense wooded lot. Reduced from $30,000 to $25,000. Address Wil. Life A-735. 1LTN11-1te $15,500 OWNER FORCED TO SACRIFICE beautiful 5-room, pressed brick bun- galow; hot water heat; brick garage; concrete driveway. A real home mod- ern in every particular, Only 4 blocks to station; choice location; lot 50x140; all improvements in and paid. This is your opportunity and a bargain. F. Coleman Burroughs & Co. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640 1LTN11-1te GLENCOE EPLENDIDLY BUILT WHITE CO- lonial two yrs. old; 6 rooms, 3 bed rooms; 2 baths; beautiful sun room; all large rooms; att. htd. garage; 100 ft. lot; high and wooded. $26,500 if bought by Jan. 1st. E.E.StultsRealty Co 10 Carlton Annex 'Winn. 1800 1LTN1i-1te SOUTHEAST WINNETKA wooded and landscaped lot, 100x165 feet; 5 bed rooms; sun porch; south front. Make offer. E.E.StultsRealtyCo 3 Exclusive Agent 10 Carlton Annex Winn, 1800 1LTN11-1te FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE-- WINNETKA For Sale--Owner leaving town. Delightful small house, Indian Hill district. Large lot. House under two years old. Wonderful buy at $20,000. Fuller & Childs 518-526 Davis Street, Evanston University 6860 1TN40-1tp FOR SALE -- TWO 50-FOOT LOTS 2 Asbury avenue. $125 per ft. Ad- Arn . Life A-733. 1LTN11-1tc 1 Forced to Sell 50 FOOT LOT IN WILMETTE; 4 blocks from steam and electric trans- portation. $2,500 cash takes it. Tele- phone Wilmette 1750. " 1LTN11-1te FOR SALE OR RENT -- NEW HOUSE 7 rms. near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 433. 1LTN50-tfc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON EASTWOOD. AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN Evanston, 4's and 5's with extra beds, closets. Reasonable rents; 1% blks. to C. & N. W.; 18 min. down- town. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Owner on WANTED--EXP. COOK, 3 IN FAM- ily. ref. req. Tel. Winn. 2449. 12LTN11-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD--HOUSE BOY OR butler; experienced; best Evanston references. Phone John Thomas, Univ. 2069 or 10116. 14LTN11-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- HOUSE, YARD, car washing; by day or hour. Best premises. Phone Greenleaf 1919. ref. Phone Winn, 334. 3LTN50-tfc 14TN40-1tp FOR RENT -- GLENCOE. 3-ROOM |WANTED -- DRIVING BY DAY OR apartment, unfurnished; near trans- hour. Experienced chauffeur. Univ. portation. Telephone Glencoe 833 3434-W. 14T40-1tc evenings; Glencoe 410 during day. wem-- we --_-- SLTNIL Itc 45 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOM; 1 BLOCK FROM depot. 633 Park Ave. Wilmette 3566. 4LTN11-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM; NEAR HUB- bard Woods station; reasonable. 933 Linden ave. Phone Winn. 235. 4T40-1tp FOR RENT -- DESIRABLE ROOM; hot water heat; convenient to trans, Gentlemen preferred. Winn. 502-M, 4T40-1tp FOR RENT---NICE ROOM; FOR ONE or two; near Hubbard Woods Sta- tion; gentlemen preferfed. Phone Winnetka 2053. 4T40-1te CENTRAL HOTEL-- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. {LT50-tfe FOR RENT -- LARGE, WELL FUR- nished room, priv. bath. Near transp. Men only. Tel. Winn. 1543. 4LTN11-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM; NEAR transp. 630 Park Ave, Wilmette 3651. 4LT11-1te 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES SITUATION WTD--EXP. PRACTICAL nurse open for engagement Decem- ber 20. §$25-$35 per week. Address Wil. Life A-732. 15LTN11-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced girl; for general housework or second work. Call Victory 7260. 15LTN11-1tp SITUATION WTD -- EXPERIENCED laundress; Mondays and Tuesdays. Address Wil. Life A-734. 15LT11-1te SITUATION WTD--1ST CLASS LAUN- dress; 2 days. Diversey 4783 after 6 p. m. 15LTNI11-1itp WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO DO AT home; 1s class laundress. Tel. Wil. 2623. 15LT11-2te WANTED -- SEWING BY DAY OR week. Glencoe 647 or Atlantic 1250. 15LTN11-1tp Mrs. A. McKay Dressmaking, Expert tailoring, plain and fancy sewing, smock- ing, etc. Prices reasonable. 1126 Central Ave. Wil. 2195 FOR RENT -- STORE. CARLTON Bldg. Gonsalves and Roach. Win- netka 62. ' 5TN40-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--PRIVATE GARAGE, 978 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1686. 6T35-tfc 6A WANTED TO RENT--GARAGES WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE; NEAR Foxdale and Eldorado avenues. Tel. Winn, 1769. 11 HELP WANTED--MALE Wanted-- Janitor APPLY G. F. GONSALVES, 746 ELM St. Winnetka 62. 11TN40-tfc 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE $50 per month. 338 Lincoln avenue. Glencoe 624. 2LTN11-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED -- COMPETENT Spe NORTHWEST WINNETKA girl for general housework; n HEAVILY WOODED CORNER, 78x140, | family, Phone Winn. 2071. $25 per foot under market. Call at once. Winn. 1226. 1LTN11-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; white preferred; 3 in 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES -+| family. Winn. 2144. 12TN40-1te FOR RENT -- 4-ROOM COTTAGE; | WANTED -- NURSE GIRL FOR TWO gas; electricity; bath; stove heat. children. Call Winn. 312. 12T40-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; no washing; § in family; may go home nights. Phone Glen. 1067. 12TN40-1te Ready Now CHOICE SMALL APARTMENTS TO RENT IN THE NEW BLDG. N. E. COR. ELM AND CHESTNUT STS. WINNETKA MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL; painted and paneled walls; fine elec- tric fixtures; tile floored baths; gas ranges and ice boxes; reasonable rents. For further details see. Hill & Stone WINNETKA Phones: Winn. 1544 and 1545 3LTN11-1te FOR RENT--JAN. 15 POSSESSION; 1st floor, heated apartment; 5 rooms; bath; large sun porch. Phone Wil- mette 3407. 3LTI1-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR COOK- ing; '-eferences; wages $15. Tel. Winn, $35-W. 12TN40-1te WANTED -- WOMAN OR GIRL FOR housework few hours daily; Tel Winn. 1769. 12T40-1tp WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN FOR bakery store. Good wages and per- manent position to capable person. The Wilson Bakery, 1162 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. 12LTN11-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small family; good home; wages according to experi- ence. Phone Wil. 2483. 12LTN11-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; one who likes chil- dren. Tel. Winn. 2657. 12LTN11=<1tc WANTED -- GIRL: FOR TYPEWRIT- ing and general office work. Phone Winn. 850. 12LTN40-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- GENE RAL housework. Phone No. Chicago 3709-M after 8 p. m. or write 182 14th st.,, North Chicago. . 15T40-1tp SITUATION WTD -- YOUNG EXPERI- enced girl (white); day work clean- ing or care of children. Call Winn. 2639. 15LTN11-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL housework; until Feb. 1; colored girl. Virginia McRopbins, Victory 1781. 15T40-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- DAY WORK; Colored woman; Experienced. Call any time, Oakland 4541. 15T40-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- COMPETENT second mid or nurse, Colored; ex- perienced. Call Atlantic 2068. 15T40-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- TO ASSIST with housework; neat, settled col- ored woman. Call Glen. 647. 15TN40-1tp FIRST CLASS CUTTING AND FIT- ting; patterns drafted; sewing by the day. Phone Glenview 26-J-2. 15T40-1te SITUATION WTD. -- REGISTERED nurse desires cases by the day or week. Phone Univ. 5263. 15T38-3tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND alterations call Miss Carlsten. Winn. 15T32-tfec COOKING AND SERVING; ON SHORT notice. Call Greenleaf 318. 15LTN11-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW, Brownie Kodak; Book of Knowledge, latest edition; set of 'children's books, "After School Library"; Field's Gym apparatus; Everybody's Cyclopedia. Winn. 11 17T40-1tec FOR SALE--ANTIQUE SERAPI RUG, 8x10; porch furniture; curtains; small phonograph; lamp; electric train; blackboard; infant's carriage robe; silver slippers; child's desk and chair, etc. Winn. 1654. 17LTN11-1te HR