6 WINNETKA TALK December 12, 1925 INDIAN HILL FROLICS Improvement Association is Host to Radio Staff of WHT; Business Ses- sion is Followed by Session of Fun Eleven artists from Radio station WHT, located on the Wrigley building in Chicago, came out to the meeting of the Indian Hill Improvement as- sociation held at the New Trier high school mess hall, and gave the as- sembled members of the organization the "time of their lives." The artists who performed were the Three Muskateers, Hill, Hirsch and Goring; Edwin Kemp, dramatic tenor: Lillian Knowles, concert contralto, and soloist at the Second Presbyterian church in Chicago; Cecil and Esther Ward, the Hawaiian team; Oscar Hether, assistant announcer at sta- tion WHT; Helen Rauh, concert pianist, and staff accompanist at WHT; John Clark, baritone, program director at WHT; and Frances Fromme, violinist, a pupil of Richard Czerwonky. Preceding the program by the radio artists there was a short business meeting of the Improvement associa- tion. The matter of securing addi- tional train service was referred to a committee and there was a discussion regarding an ice skating rink at the Indian Hill station park and of the congested condition of Winnetka ave- nue at the Indian Hill electric station. After this the meeting was put in charge of Mr. Clark, the program di- rector of WHT and the fun began: Everyone of the artists was en- thusiastically received and each was forced to give several encores. Fol- lowing the program there was dancing and refreshments, in both of which the radio folk shared. Members of the association were enthusiastic over the success of the evening and ex- pressed their gratitude to the guests for their contributions. | | | Harriet Plowman Names Attendants for Her Wedding Miss Harriet Plowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plowman of 421 Linden avenue, whose marriage to Dan Dana McCullough takes place Monday, December 21, at 8 o'clock, at Christ church, has chosen her mother as her | matron of honor, and her two cousins, | LLa Venia Sweet of Aurora and Mar- garet Douglas Sweet of Winnetka, as flower girls. Miss Bgtty Schwartz of Winnetka, Miss Ruth Leavens, Miss Helen Anderson of Evanston, Mrs. Eugene M. Flues of Toledo, school- mates of the bride at Penn Hall, and Miss Jule Lester of Wilmette will be the bridesmaids. Richard De Merrel of Larsing, Mich., will serve as best man, and the ushers will be Eugene Flues of Toledo, Stephen Plowman of Winnetka, and Spencer Libby, Kenneth Wright of Evanston, all members Psi W, Mec- Cullough's fraternity. Several prenuptial affairs are being given for Miss Plowman, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plowman are entertaining the bridal party and relatives of both families at a buffet supper Sunday, December 20. Mr. McCullough will arrive in Win- netka from Harvard university Sat- urday, December 19, to be a guest at the Plowman home. The bride-elect's grandmother, Mrs. Harry Sweet, has just returned for the wedding after |& a summer spent abroad. Miss Veda Henry of the faculty of the Columbia School of Music gave a program of piano music at Erie chapel Settlement in Chicago Saturday after- noon, December 5. Miss Henry leaves for her home in Buffalo December 18, for the holiday season, returning to the village the early part of January. Tongregational Church asm | ATHATAATAATAATAATATAATAATRATAATAATONTAATAATAATAOTY in AN ferent denominations. you are looking. God Works." Parker. 6:30 P. M. Sunday Evening Club in Camp Fire Room. 7:00 P. M. Young People's Club in Neigh- Subject: Between Religion and Morals." borhood Room. garet Stultz, This Is a Community Church There are members from twenty-five Perhaps it is the-kind of a church for which Sunday, December 13, 1925 9:30 and 10:30 A. M. Church School. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. by the Rev. James Austin Richards. Anthem, "Fear Not, O Israel." Offertory Anthem. "The Lord Is My Light." dif - Sermon "Where Spicker. "The Difference Leader, Mar- - Girls--It's Here! IT1S S cre. N.T.--Kampus Kompact--N.T. A new compact, with N. T. pennant on the cover in its original colors--Green and Gray-- single and double compacts. GET YOURS TODAY We are the only store in Hubbard Woods to handle them--and they won't last long. Don't delay! Christmas Gifts i For men, women and children Popular copyright books for 75¢ Kodaks and Supplies -- Holiday Cards Candies of all kinds North Shore Pharmacy Phones 76 and 6" Winnetka 940 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods "- Rl PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS o For the old folks, young folks, the children a gift that never tires. Today, see the Bruns- wick Panatrope, Bruns- - wick Radiola and Bruns- | wick Phonograph. It will be a pleasure to demon- strate them to you. We are pleased to announce that we now have a complete line of the new Brunswick Radiolas. A small deposit will place one 5 in your home, balance on -- monthly payments to suit your convenience. SHOP PHONOGRAPHS - RECORDS - RADIOLAS 568 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Illino Phone 2129 oe