--=R RS December 19, 1925 WINNETKA TALK Hay Loft Attracts Great Throngs of Eager Fun-Seekers Hey, Its Open! Hundreds of north shore folk have discovered that fact. We refer, of course, to the Old Hay Loft, that novel and entertaining dine and dance place inaugurated at Evans- ton last Saturday by Frint George, leading entertainment producer, who has lately added the role of res- taurateur to his extended roster of noteworthy pursuits. The Old Hay Loft was {formally opened last Saturday evening when Evanston and north shore folk flocked to the place to welcome with open arms the only permanent dinner dance salon this side of Edgewater. And they've been coming ever since open- ing day, according to Mr. George. Several times it has been found im- possible to accommodate the throngs of fun-seekers who daily storm the doors of the Loft. Already, various luncheon clubs have sought out the Loft as a regular meeting place, among these the Evanston Kiwanis club, a Northwestern sorority, and the Evans- ton City officers' club. The Hay Loft has the endorsement of the Northwestern university author- ities, the Evanston Woman's club and various other prominent groups. Train Future Teachers to Teach Health to Children Potentially the most significant development of the year in health work in Illinois, according to Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director, is the recent culmination of plans for in- troducing compulsory health educa- tional courses in the five state normal universities. The object, which has the endorsement and support of all the of- | ficials concerned, is to give the future | public school teachers of the state a practical training in fundamental hygienic and sanitary principles that will enable the teachers, in turn to inculcate correct habits and ideas of healthful living into the school chil- dren of the state. Comprehensive in scope, the operation of the plan is ex- pected ultimately to reach into the en- tire public school system of the state and is hoped to exercise a profound in- fluence over the physical well being of the whole population. } \ } R X i t 3 } \ \ iY Made to Order ere Ove Everythin, od Tort Classe # "up | ASaving of #10 to*25 is guaranteed on every HARRY MITCHELL oA" HOPPERS who "work up a good appetite" appreciate the lux- urious privilege of eating at the Library Plaza Cafeteria. Today, for instance, you may choose; among hundreds of other good things-- Mother's Chicken Pot Pie with Egg Dumpling, 35¢ Our Own Composed Ricatoni, 10e Quarter Roast Philadelphia Chicken, Stuffed; Apple Sauce, 35¢ Ragout of Spring Lamb, Bourgeois, 18e Broiled Sirlion Steak with Minute Potatoes, 35e Fried Pork Loin Chop, Jar- diniene, Potatoes au Gratin, 25e¢ LIBRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA Orrington Avenue south of Church Street in the Library Plaza Hotel IV AY AY AY. AY AV AV AV IV ZV 4 16-18 East Jackson Blvd. Bet. State and Wabash Tn i & [of Nef {7.1 eloR "exceL DOES excel' Therefore ed, at additional cost to ourselves to use CERTIFIED CREAM ONLY WE GUARANTEE that all cream which goes into making of EXCEL ICE CREAM comes from NON TUBURCULAR COWS! We do not supply Dealers. Our business is catering frozen desserts and iced confections to the most exclusive entertainers who demand Quality. We make innumerable kinds and special designs to fit any occasion. Our Sunday Special is a ireat indeed. Ask about it. EXCEL ICE CREAM CO., Inc.-- 7566 Elmwood Ave., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 3087--Wil. 3160 Announcement JE XCEL ICE CREAM has for years enjoyed the reputation of being the Highest Quality served on the North Shore. --in keeping with EXCEL POLICY of al- ways serving only the best, we have, arrang-