January 15, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 17 John J. Moore, Rev. J. A. Richards Prints Y Church Leader, Book of Twenty Sermons | A report has been prevalent of late EXCLUSIVE! Taken by Death : AY at Rev. James Austin Richards of ge death Side J. Moare 8 440 the Winnetka Congregational church, Sosomomade clothes are for ary 1, following an opers (Has written a book. oo WE EW rw of tion which took place a week ago. Mr. To Tux WINNETKA Tark this week, style, fabric and finish, clothing | Moore was active in church work, in |Rev. Richards verified the rumor, ad- we make to a man's own meas- the business world, and in many organ- | ding that "the manuscript was pre- ure looks "different" from the jaatjons 5 Chvcagy, at the Hine of his pared in response to the urging of Tomek you Son i and wears jas 54 years 3 s fe a race Sai sd he Ys he ES Se some friends who sent it to the George lay y aside Y Phen Is BY ur a graduate of the Candies H Pore Sompayys the New ork custom-made clothes! -- at E ' le ald dae i °".° | publishers. Doran has accepted 1t an hard . : svat A th Oe esumcs saline in |cXDects to have the book out about sna uh S RAN 4 < @ ~ ) » i Evanston, and two sons, William, a Jae volume" Rev. 'Richards con- . os ge Yow: Hviaw wn n . i yo. > : student a "big and Himes, {| tinued, "will consist of some twenty graduate o g oi 9 ge, era sermons and addresses, most of which ° ° Services were held at 2 o'clock, Friday, | have been heard in Winnetka. Their : . January 14, at the residence. preparation for publication was, for Cleaning ¥ Dyeing Mr. Moore was born in Chicago, and |the most part, done at my summer Wi spent all of his life, except for the |camp in Maine. The title for the book 1050 Gage St. Tel. mn. 278 fourteen years he has lived in Glencoe, |has not yet been determined. in that city. He was affiliated with the firm of Moore, Case, Lyman and Hub- bard, in the insurance business. He was a member of the Glencoe Union church, and for sixteen years acted as treasurer for the Chicago Congregational club. This club, known to many north shore people, has been an active organization, and an influen- tial one for many years. Mr. Moore held another office in a leading Chicago organization, being secretary for two years for the Chicago Congregational City Mission society. Aside from his interest in these clubs and societies, he had been a member of the University club of Chicago, having joined that organization many years ago. He is a graduate of Beloit col- lege. Mrs. R. D. Gordon of 921 Private road has returned from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Gund, at La Crosse, Wis. C. of C. Considers Electric Fire Alarm for Winnetka The matter of an electric fire alarm system for Winnetka was discussed to some extent at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Monday eve- ning. The estimated cost is said to be about $6,000. G. E. Williams, district manager of the Harrington Seeberger Co. ad- dressed the Chamber on the subject, but no action was taken relative to recommending installation of such a system to the Winnetka village council. It is said the Chamber may take the matter up again at a later meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Ross, 256 Woodstock avenue, returned to Kenil- worth on Thursday, January 6, after spending the holidays with Mr. Ross' family in Asheville, N. C. While there's a breathing spell . .. and you can relax, utilize the time to get that Permanent Wave. We are specialists in that line, having equipment that turns out only the high- est type work. Expert hair cutting; with both men and women operators. Hubbard Woods Beauty Shoppe 1081 Gage St. Hubbard Woods Ph. Winn. 857 Tongregational Church Al Morning-- 9:30 Kindergarten, Class, 11:00 Morning Worship. Richards. Evening-- 6:00 Winnetka, 8:00 Evening Worship. A. Goodwin. before Monday, Sunday, January 16th Primary, 7th, 8th and High School Grades of the Church School. the Woman's Class. 10:00 The Young Men's Class. 10:15 4th, 5th and 6th grades of the Church School. Mr. Davies will speak at both sessions of the Church School on Benjamin Franklin. "Benjamin Franklin." Sunday Evening Club. 7:00 Young People's Club. Sermon by Rev. Thomas "The Unjustice of God." Wednesday, Evening, January 19, 1927 6:30 Annual Dinner of the Church. Reserve tickets January 17. members of the parish are invited. The Men's Sermon by Rev. J. A. All friends and WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS Vol. 1 ~ Winnetka, 11L. 43 Mr. H. A. Bradt of Delevan, Wisconsin, is making some ex- tensive repairs on the home of J. W. Walsh at 1032 Dins- more Road. It is real economy to use Celotex in the building of your home. You get a better, more com- fortable home. It insulates. When our coal goes into your home, cold goes out. It's the best antidote for cold weather we know anything about. Keeps the house nice and com- fortable. Burns with a fine even heat. We can buy cheap- er merchandise in al- most every line we handle. But to the customer who buys it, it wouldn't be cheaper. We have found that it is safe to stick to standard merchandise. Our customers prefer it. Mr. John D. Hoth is making rapid pro- gress on the Roth- child residence at 1109 Sheridan Road, Ravinia. Over 100 ton of plaster will be used before this job is complete. Tom Lynch asks, "What would we do for conversation if we didn't have the weather to talk about?" There was a sur- prise party on a cer- tain lady in this com- munity not long ago. But she says she wasn't surprised. She knew something was going to happen be- cause her husband took a bath. How good are you in Arithmetic? A farmer has $100. He buys a hundred head of stock, consisting of cattle, sheep and geese. Cattle at $10, sheep at $3, and geese at 50c. How many of each does he buy? Let us know if you get it. We wish some- body would invent a substitute for shav- ing. And don't tell us, "wear whiskers," either. Now that most of us merchants have finished our inven- tories we can get busy on our income tax reports. Another thing we like about rubber heels -- they don't scar up the desk. Winnetka Coal - Lumber Co. 823 Spruce Street Winnetka 734