. 26 WINNETKA TALK January 15, 1927 January 15, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 2 IMPORTANT PURCHASES AT SPECIAL PRICES! To Pack the hd University 1024 Southbound Our New Wilmette $6.95 Tomboy Rogues Par aga Telsphone Line Wardrobe in Flannel Skirts Fountain Square Evanston The January Shoe Sale Wheary Airplane Wardro- ends January 15. Our en- lette, to fit under Pullman tire stock $4.85, $6.85, seat--and immensely capa- . $8.85, or reduced at least Rigid-Tested cious. con- N72 Y 20% of regular prices-- struction, easy to handle as W ! Don't miss this! : On the ay! Tan, green and powder blue. A 3 a suitcase. $27.50 to $45. fine, all-wool flannel--flare front, 4 : 3 pleated, and plain back. Men's Cowhide Bags, Men's Gladstones, $20 You can leave your cares be- ¢ $13.50 Second Floor. Full cowhide, leather-lined. hind you completely when 18 inch, brown or black. " you depart--if you have Women's Gladstones, planned carefully so that no T . - . Week End Bags $29 playtime occasion finds you 74 ailored O 0 eqr Silk 3 and $16.50 : Bearskin grained cowhide. Blue without the proper costume. / / He dined, Pla grained leather. ; moire lined, 22 inch. Black or It's so simple, too, if you Flannel Frocks 22 he Lord's--Basement. russet. come to Lord's! We've planned for southbound travelers -- everything is $9 75 3 . avdus weaving is . Crystal Jewelry Is All-Silk Umbrellas that will be convenient and satisfac- Very nicely tailored--with pleats of various tory! intriguing kinds. French blue, rust, tam, for afternoon to Be Worn Much Serve as Sunshades, too, $7.50 checked tweeds, jade stripe, jungle, rose. All of thoroughly sponged and shrunken Of pure silk of excellent weight. Plain or fancy selvage. Green, . wo ; urple or navy. Amber-tipped, or gilt-tipped or plain. 16 ribs. flannel. da fi rm. / Brilliantly clear, to catch the sunlight of the P 4 Second Floor. an mm 0 a y . > Lord's--First Floor pleasant lands you're going to visit--and spray them out, rainbow fashion, as the most im- evening wear peccable of decorations for your costume. SATIN : A blue-green choker, cut Beads and matching jewelry . crystal pendant. Brilliant in blue, flamingo, amber, French -Print rhinestone pins and many topaz, amethyst, and genu- makes a other pieces. $3 to $18.50. ine rock crystal. Wool Challis shimmering {re orge tte Lord's--First Floor. : : negligee makes a charming frock 4 | $25 Dresses The Handbag Should $12.95 A imme ath Belong to the Costume The Shoes to ors--rose tan, periwinkle dered with . fluffy -ostrich-- blue, delicate water greens, LJ : It should match some detail of the costume--green, ivory, W th S th orchid, blue bud. graye alincing, figt- pearl gray, gilt, silver, jungle green, cherry and lovely rich ear mn e ou Quai d halli and orange. g $ blues. Goat, reptile, calf, kid, $10 to $27.50. uaint and creamy challis, : : Lord's--First Floor. Novelties--and shoes of delicate color, of course. = And printed in the gayest of colors Wide sleeves, Simply made, all of them. with these we are ready! that are somehow never more edged, too, Pleats, shirring, contrast- than gay--never by any chance with ostrich. ng bands--very little of 5 2 : ; garish or bizarre! the more pretentious trim- White Kid Cutout instep; fancy tie; $12.50 gi : mings that make up for 3 4 Cuban dress heel. Youll went 5 eh White and Pink Coats : d gee to wear . : : Sr wide oh pelt; down south-- All exquisitely made and Tailored of F lannel Alligator-Grained 3 three-strap sport shoe: $8.50 grosgrain collar of plain and if it's only . . Calfskin brown; Cuban heel. color, and plain-colored one, it should beautiful ly finished. Priced quite, quite mod- pipings,. Chen}, jade, be a lovely, Simple, straight-line affairs, that follow in close harmony i Peacock, Chanel, syuni, feminine one, estly at $27.50 to $69.50. the effectively sleek lines of the costume that goes under Medium shade; gray 4 like this. them. Gray Kid grosgrain binding; 12.50 H Lord's--Second Floor. Lord s--Second Floor. Good flannels--practical in quality--and the soundest of y buckle strap. Cuban heel. $ Low tailoring. $19.95 to $59.50. Lord's--First Floor ora s-- Second Floor. Lord's--Second Floor. CT A ey SER Sn