a -- January 22, 1927 WINNETKA "TALK 17 "Ben Franklins" Commemorate Birth of Great American Jenjamin F. Affleck of 695 Lincoln | avenue, Winnetka, president of the Benjamin Franklins, an organization consisting of men who bear the name of that illustrious American officiated at the memorial services held Monday, | 16:11, "Thou wilt shew me the path January 17, at 1:30 o'clock, at the Ben- | of life: in thy presence is fulness of jamin Franklin statue in Lincoln park. | joy; at thy right hand there are plea- The statue was presented to Chicago | sures for evermore." printers by Joseph Medill, former edi-| Among the citations which comprised tor of the Chicaga Tribune. the Lesson-Sermon was the following he services held at the statue, and | from the Bible: "And this is the rec- the dinner given at the Continental| rd that God hath given to us eternal and Commercial bank building were | fife and this life is in his Son. He in recognition of the 22Ist anniversary | that hath the Son hath life: and he of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, and | {hat hath not the Son of God hath were attended by many representative not life. And we know that the Son Chicago and north shore men. Benja- | of God is come, and hath given us min Franklin Langworthy of 832 Bry- |; understanding, that we may know ant avenue, Winnetka, is another mem- | him that is true, and we are in him ber of the society, who took part in that is true, even in his Son Jesus the ceremonies. [ Christ. This is the true God, and eter- nal life" (I John 5:11, 12, 20). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christ- ian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Ignorance of God is no longer the stepping-stone to faith. The only guarantee of obedience is a right apprehension of Him whom to know aright is life eternal" (Pref. VID. Christian Science Churches "Life" was the subject of the Les- son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, January 16. The Golden Text was from Psalms Civic Orchestra Gives First Concert Jan. 30 The Civic orchestra of Chicago will give the first of its concerts in Orches- tra hall, Sunday afternoon, January 30, under the direction of Eric Del.amar- ter. Frederick Stock and Mr. Del.a- marter have chosen a highly varied and interesting program w hich will in- clude the E flat major symphony by Mozart, Felix Borowski's poem "Le nr kp Printemps Passionne," the Marche SELLS ORANGE GROVES > Slave by Tschaikowsky, etc. Two so- Robert M. Johnston of the firm of loists will appear on the program-- | R. M. Johnston and company, real es- | Miss Anna Burmeister, soprano, and |tate operators, who is wintering in Joseph Brinkman, pianist. Florida, has become associated with the Holly Hill Groves company at Or- Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Sanders, 415 |lando, Fla. for the season. Mr. John- ston will be engaged in selling orang= groves. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and their children will remain in the South until early spring. Cumnor road, returned to Kenilworth last week from a three weeks' visit in Maine where they spent the holidays with Mr. Sanders' parents. DESIREE is nice beautiful! It 15 beautiful in the softness of its Leisure Light Felt-- and absolutely irresistible in its charming style of youthful vi- vacity. Colors for every mood -- sizes for every heaa. You will find other models of Dobbs Sport Hats-- And Millinery for all occasions. N. A. Hanna & Co. Gowns -- Hats -- Sports Apparel 1168 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 467 WILMETTE eer TIE @) ER Henry C.Lytton & Sons State and Jackson -- Chicago Orrington and Church -- Evanston All merchandise advertised in the Chicago papers is also on sale in our Evanston Shop. January Clearances Now in Progress Throughout Our Evanston Shop Presenting Decisive Savings on | Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits Overcoats, Shoes and Furnishings Comes from Tubercular- tested cows. Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our Drivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029-- Greenleaf 820. Nomi) The cream taken from this milk will whip OIL TO BURN A Grade for Every Burner HUGHES & COMPANY General Offices, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 6481-2-3-4 Telephones: Niles Center 217 Greenleaf 3456 Rogers Park 0982 hatte