oe hb BS ---- x NE -- A ------ February 5, 1927 WINNETKA TALK MCCORDIC NAMED HEAD OF LOCAL WALTONIANS Winnetka Chapter Enjoys Annual Turkey Feast and Accom- panying "Large" Evening (Contributed) The Winnetka Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America held its annual meeting and dinner Friday eve- ning, January 28. Fifty three men, at- tired in their favorite outdoor sports clothes, sat down to a turkey dinner at 7 o'clock and enjoyed a thoroughly pleasant evening. In the absence of Dr. J. O. Ely, the founder and president of the chapter for its first two years, J. W. F. Davies, vice-president, presided. After passing resolutions of regret that Dr. Ely could not be present and that the president-elect, Alfred FE. McCordic, was also unable to be present due to illness, "Chief" Davies turned the gavel over to George B. Massey who, as toastmaster, kept the crowd in an almost continuous laugh through his apt introductjons of the various speak- ers and his comments on the frailties of Waltonians in general. At the dinner last year honorary titles had been conferred as follows: Chief Ranger, Charley Thomson; Meat Hunter, John Marshall; Ancient Mari- ner, Jim Richards; Adventurer, Bill McKinney; Spiggoteer, Harry Bar- num; Mountaineer, John Montgomery ; Compleat Angler, Ros Mason; Feath- er Chaser, Monte Ferry. The Mountaineer had climbed too many mountains and was confined to his home with a hard cold. Dr. Suker was asked to climb a few mountains in his behalf and did so in a very ac- ceptable manner. The Compleat Angler, Ros Mason, was unavoidably absent and it was considered that, since affidavits con- cerning the truth of all remarks made by any fisherman would be necessary, it would hardly be fair to ask anyone to fill in the gap on short notice. Technique Improves : The other holders of honorary titles gave serious or undignified answers to their responsibilities as the spirit moved and it was generally agreed that the technique of these accom- VALENTINE SPECIAL Why Not a Photograph? THREE Photographs for the price of ONE, in- cluding all sizes and finishes. All Frames sold now at 209) Discount For Appointments Phone UNIVERSITY 2238 2 Hoyburn Building 615 Davis Street plished "liars" improves as the years go by. Following the talks of the honorary title holders, a short business session and election were held with the result that the following officers were elected for 1927: president, Alfred E. McCor- dic; vice president, Frederick E. Clerk; secretary, Perry Buchanan; treasurer, John C. Cobb, ]Jr.; directors--Eugene A. Rummler, F. A. DePeyster, Dr. C. O. Schneider; delegates--the president and Dr J. O. Ely; alternates--Godfrey Atkin and William B. Dale. The honorary titles for the ensuing year were conferred on the following members: Chief Ranger, William I. Davis; Mountain Climber, Dr. C. O. Schneider; Ancient Mariner, Godfrey Atkin; Great Adventurer, George B. Massey; Meat Hunter, John S. Miller; Feather Chaser, Fred W. Fairman; Compleat Angler, William I. Babcock; Chief Spiggoteer, J. C. Cobb. A very interesting discussion fol- lowed, with the result that definite steps were taken to canvass the sit- uation with a view to providing a retreat for Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls and other organizations which could be used as the objective for overnight hikes, picnics and simi- lar festivities throughout the year. IME to plan for the spring painting. It is a lot better to come in and go over your needs and de- cide on what paints, varn- ishes, etc., you will need and just when will be the best time to get the work done. We have the very best in painting needs for any work you have in mind and can recommend the best painters for the par- ticular job you want done. Devoe's Paints and Varnish Valspar Enamel and Varnish Duco-Devoe Brushing Lacquer Paint Brushes Johnson's Wax Liquid and Prepared Eckart Hardware Co. 735 Elm St., Winnetka Phones 843-844 Accurate Figures . . . as to how you stand Financially! NE of the best reasons for maintain- ing a Checking Account is that you al- ways know just how you stand financially. Each month the bank returns your can- celled checks together with a statement of your account balance. ..the checks are a record of your financial transactions and the statement of how much you have on hand! What could be more simple and convenient? Come in and let us give you other good reasons for having a Checking Account with this bank! BANKING HOURS Daily Saturday 7:30 A.M. to 3 P. M. 7:30 A.M. to 12 M. Saturday Evenings 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. Hubbard Woods Trust & Savings Bank 952 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods