WINNETKA TALK February 5, 1927 Black & White Cab Co. Black 8 White Cab Co. is again run- ning on meter rates, although during the heavy weather we had so much overhead expense that we were forced to operate on a flat rate basis. .not an idea to overcharge the public. Black 8 White Cabs are cleaned thoroughly inside and out every night, thereby insuring cleanliness. We are constantly adding new equip- ment, and before long, all of our cabs will be sedans. .adding to your com- fort. Remember Black 8 White Cabs oper- ate Soy and night every day of the week. SE 7 passenger Studebaker sedan for hire by the hour or trip. "BLACK & WHITE CAB CO. "Ride right in a Black & White" Phones Winnetka 72 -73 - 74 For the convenience of the people of the Hub- bard Woods vicinity we maintain a branch at 917 Linden Avenue, Phone Winnetka 828. SCHOOL SITE PURCHASE AUTHORIZED BY VOTERS Proposed Location for New School Building in Northwest Section Approved In the special election, held Satur- day, January 29, by the Board of Edu- cation, for the purpose of authorizing | the purchase of a new site in the Hub- bard Woods district, the proposition carried by a vote of 89 votes for the | purchase to 5 against it. A second vote taken at the same time, regarding the purchase of the three and one half from acre site, extending due west Grove street for two short blocks, and south Prairie toward Tower road one-half block, from its present owners, Lester F. Clow, Al- fred Livingstone and Louis M. Sever- | son, at a cost of $20,600, also carried; | from avenue the vote being 86 in favor of the pro- | position to 6 against it. In the January 22 WINNETKA TALK, Superintendent Wash- | burne explained the need for the school as follows: "Winnetka is growing steadily and | rapidly. The school enrollment has in- | creased since 1916 from 535 children | to 1,650 children. There has not been the slightest indication of any decrease | in the rate of growth. The village will | not have reached saturation, as far as available building space is concerned, even with the present zoning laws and boundaries, until the population reach- es about 20,000 as against the present 10,500, although the rate of increase in growth should drop off when the vil- issue of the] maps lage population reaches 1500 or 16,000. Survey Shows Needs "Careful figures have been compiled of the probable growth of the village school building needs during the next five years. These are based upon de- tailed statistics for the past ten years and upon an examination of insurance showing what lots have been built upon and what lots are still avail- able for building purposes. Calculations of the Illinois Bell Telepohne Company have also been consulted. "As a result of these studies, it is evident that within five years a new building will be needed in the nodth- west part of the village. "It is in the northwest part of the village that growth is most rapid. The school enrollment in the Hubbard Woods district increased last year half again as rapidily as did the enrollment for the village as a whole. The recent defeat of the Park board in its plan to condemn for park purposes the Skokie land immediately west of the |end of Tower road opens up this land for settlement. School's Growth Limited "With the four rooms that are to be built on the Hubbard Woods school this spring and summer, that building will have reached its ultimate capacity. It cannot be enlarged further with the ground available. Some children go- ing to the Hubbard Woods school now have to walk from a mile to a mile and a half from the west end of Scott, As- bury, and Tower road--a walk that is too far for kindergarten, first and sec- ond grade children." In connection with the Board's build- ing program for the newly purchased site, Mr. Washburne stated that the erection of a building would probably not take place for a period &f four or five years. The New HOOVER IT BEATS... asitSweeps asit Cleans good news for you. o. L. 554 CENTER STREET If you have made up your mind to have only the cleaner that embodies 'Positive Agitation" here's You can now get a Hoover with the revolutionary 'Positive Agitation" in a model price at a new low figure. for it in small monthly amounts. is one of the greatest values we have yet offered. Call us up and we'll send one out to clean a rug. Only $6.25 down, complete with dusting tools. North ShoreElectric Shop Our New low priced HOOVER $50.50 And you can pay This new Hoover Porter PHONE WINN. 44