re yr pk poe bled WINNETKA TALK February 5, 1927 REPRODUCER A FINE, cone-type radio loud speaker, built around an amaz- ing new principle. Gets the low horns, the beat of the drums, and all the fine shadings of the symphony that or- dinary radio repro- ducers miss. In beautiful mahogany cabinet of classic gothic shape, 124 inches high, about the size of a mantel clock. For discrim- inating radio listen- ers who want some-~ thing better than the ordinary. Price $35.00. Your Old Speaker Taken in on Trade THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Carbonated 50c Full Quart Brick | Purer Because Division of National Dairy Products Co poration While Your DECORATOR Can Best Serve You... NY before the Spring Rush for outside work ties him up so that he can't touch your job with any promise of speed. Interior work can be done better and for less money now than later. Phone for Estimate. A. FRANCO Painter ¥ Decorator Winnetka 480 Rosewood Ph. Winn. gos Read-- Use Winnetka Talk Want Ads Phone 1840 SPECIAL This Week: MALTED MILK CHOCOLATE and NEW YORK ICE CREAM with WALNUTS a = Se -------------------------- 1/0 [= 1111 [117979 GIVES LECTURE ON | evil, tormented by disease, and im- | perfection have their source and abid- CHRISTIAN SCIENC™ ing place in the human mind or con- | sciousness. Hence their cure must EDITOR'S NOTE: Accompanying is an | there be brought about. Excerpt Som Rs ure enti | Material things, the human body in- given at the First Church of Christ, Sci- cluded, seem very real and tangible. guest, in Winnetka, Friday, February 4,|But actually matter is only a mistaken by Peter V. Ross, member of the Board |sense of things as se IV. of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The |, Se of things a dense and heavy, First Charchrof Christ. Scientist. in Bos. | aS having weight and ends and sides. | For the human mind is, so to speak, ton, Mass. -- shortsighted. It gets a blurred sense by Peter V. Ross, C. S. B. of things as dimensional and ponder- Thoughtful qbservers are impressed | ous. This restricted sense of things with the apparent imperfection of Canst tues matter. Matter will there was : A : fore disappear as mortal sense, under things as they pass before us in the the influence of truth, gives way to a panorama of life. The plant is twisted, | right perception which sees things as the beast vicious, while man, the|they 'are in spiritual perfection. The noblest of earth's inhabitants, seems | disappearance of matter. does not so deplorably prone to disease and|mean that the foundation of things evil that he is described as mortal and [will slip away or that the individual fallen. will disappear or lose his identity. It May not all this supposed imperfec- [means that our heavy awkward, cum- tion rest in our mistaken sense of |bered, suffering sense of ourselves, and things rather than in the things them- |of things generally, will give place to selves? Unquestionably the Creator the bouyant, free, spriritual--the true has made all things perfect and per- |sense of things and of ourselves. manent. Otherwise the universe could | We live, then, in a mental realm. not endure. The source of the diffi- |All things are mental, man himself culty, then, must be sought in personal |being an aggregation of thoughts, a sense or in the human mind, and the |state of consciousness, instead of an remedy must be applied to this mind |aggregation of cells or a physical and a correction therein wrought to|body as physiology declares. And it the end that a perception be attained |is toward consciousness rather than which sees man and the universe as |corporeality that Christian Science God made them. treatment is directed. Science by de- The human mind, because it is hu- |claring perfection in all things and in man, catches at most only faint |all places, operates to eliminate from glimpses of what is going on even in | human consciousness its beliefs that the so-called physical realm. Small matter is actual, that disease is pres- wonder, then, that it gets a grotesque |ent, that evil is attractive. It sweeps sense of spiritually real things, and, |from consciousness the heavy, sickly instead of seeing them in their glory [sense of man, and brings out the true and perfection, renders them sickly |sense of man as healthy and holy, as and ugly. | spiritual and perfect. The Mental Realm So it is not surprising that the hu- by presenting the facts to the individ- man mind should misinterpret, should ual and arousing him fo, the Hoe She belittle man. And this is precisely what | uation. It declares to him that the the human mind does. Divine Mind, {Presence of God who is Love and Life or Cod, creates and sees man spiritual [leaves no place or possibility for di- and perfect, above and beyond disease; |S€as€ and suffering; that man as the but the human mind, unable to com- reflection of God is as perfect in a prehend man in his fullness and per- degree as God is; that man is an ex- fection, visualizes him as physical, as |Pression of perfect Life and Mind and a finite form or figure, swayed by the therefore that he is well and knows evil, tormented by Phy be Faw he is well. The effect of these truths, limited and imperfect. Thus it is that | (Continued on page 52) TTT Ne al [1 THE COMFORT SHOP PHONE WINNETKA 933 For Your Permanent Marcel Wave Water Wave Facial and Scalp Treatment Shampoo--M anicure Ladies' and Children's Haircutting Miss Jennie Anderson, Prop. 797 Elm Street SHOPPE I O. M. HENDERSON PAINTER and DECORATOR | First Class Work at Reasonable Cost All Work Guaranteed Call Winnetka 481 oe Christian Science accomplishes this'