WINNETKA TALK February 5, 1927 FLOWERS For St. Valentine's Day PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Cyclamen Jonquils Roses Jonquils Primroses Hyacinths Carnations Tulips Begonias Narcissus Sweet Peas Freesias Tulips Cierarias Calendula Narcissi FRANK BOROVICKA FLORIST 748 Center Street Phone Winn. 283 although in its present form it is al- connection with this course a text- BOY SCOUTS OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY WEEK Launch Elaborate Program Sun- day Throughout Country for Week of Special Anniversary By H. A. Armstrong Exactly seventeen years ago 'Tues- day, or on February 8, 1910, there was brought into existence through an Act of Congress, an organization that over- night fired the ambition and imagina- tion of half the boys in the United | States and immediately stepped into | a position of prominence as an institu- tion of character-development--the Boy Scouts of America. Fostered and discovered by accident, it has gained n the succeeding period the prestige of 750,000 members, in the United States alone. Although young in years the Scout movement is nevertheless rich in history and traditions and next week the anniversary of. its birth will be commemorated throughout the] United States. The Boy Scout movement was not first originated in the United States, most altogether an American product. In its original conception it served as a special training course for British soldiery in scouting and campcraft, un- der the direction of Lieutenant-Gener- al Sir Robert Baden-Powell, and in book, "Aids to Scouting," was publish- a wn I +H KOHLEROF KOHLER Make us Work T'S part of our business to "figure" with people who are planning to put in new bathrooms or re- model old ones. We won't charge you for suggest- ing or estimating; so--make us work! If you haven't enough bathrooms to go round, talk with us. Let us show you just the place for a beautiful modern bathroom. And let us quote you our fair-and-square prices, mighty low for highest- class work and the fine Kohler plumbing fixtures we sell. We'll come to talk with you any time. VIC J. KILLIAN Plumbing Contractor 874 Center St. Ph. Winn. 1260 LACQUE abedstead ™ at 5 o'clock and SLEEP init that The most marvelous finish the world has ever seen. Rogers er makes every woman an artist. App. faint. Goes right over old fin- es. Dries to a rich, glossy fin- ish while you wait! Practically in- destructible, too. Will not print or pick up lint. Dries dust-free. Cleans like a piece of porcelain. Comes in all popular colors, ready mixed. Merely apply with a brush. Use it to renew furni- ture, floors, woodwork and a hundred and one other things that require a beautiful, durable finish. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Insist upon the genuine RES EARAe BR LACQUER E. B. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. 546 Center St. ed. In th South African war of 1899- 1900, this text was used by Major Lord Edward Cecil in the organization of Mafeking boys as a corps for general utilitarian purposes, along scouting lines rather than as cadets. Baden-Powell, Leader In 1903 Baden-Powell returned to England and discovered that his book was being used as a text for the train- ing of boys in connection with church activities and immediately set about revising the book for that purpose. In 1907 he conducted a boys' camp at Brownsea Island and in its program introduced a training, based upon that which he had employed with the sol- diers, with adaptions to make it suit- able for boys. The camp achieved such success that he continued the experi- ment and, in 1908, brought out a hand- book of the training entitled, "Scout- ing for Boys." As a result a number of troops were started in different parts of the United Kingdom, and by 1910 the movement had grown to such pro- portions that he found it incumbent upon him to leave the army and take the movement in hand. About this time, W. D. Boyce, an American, was in London. While seek- ing a certain location in the congested part of that city one day, a lad noticing his bewilderment, saluted and asked if he might be of service. Mr. Boyce accepted his offer and upon reaching his destination offered the boy a shil- ling. The boy courteously refused the offer by saluting and saying: "A Scout accepts no reward for a courtesy or good turn." Mr. Boyce inquired as to what he meant, and the boy expressing astonishment that everyone did not know of Baden-Powell"s Boy Scouts, asked permission to take him to the headquarters of the English Boy Scout association. This resulted in Mr. Boyce bringing back to America a trunk load of literature and the subsequent in- corporation of the Boy Scouts of America. Careful Organization The present organization and its program are not the product of a hap- hazard assembling of ideas. At every point fresh obstacles were met and dealt with. Eminent psychologists and boy workers from all over the world were called together and several years of research and experimentation were necessary before the movement could show definite progress. It could not, of course, be a man made idea to thrust down the throat of a boy, nor a pattern cut to fit. It had to embody interest above all other things, and have extraordinary diversity, reaching out to boys of all degrees of mental ability, in all kinds of social environ- ment and create for them a need to do their level best. It had to present a never ending succession of problems that would fire the boy with en- thusiasm and bring out in him all of the boyish spontanacity, so necessary to the success of the project. That it has achieved success is ap- parent; nor is this success limited to the United States alone. All over the world boys of every race, creed and color have taken the Scout oath and are still further extending this "broth- erhood of boys." MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP 733 Elm Street For Appointment Phone Winnetka 822 Phones 998-999