{ { : : Esto mci Ea Ya 18 WINNETKA TALK March 5, 1927 casa BERL L EAR ALEALELAITTTTITTTTTTTTTRTTTTT TTT ETT TT TTT ETI TITER AAA AA AAAALAA A AAA A LALA LAL RRR RNR RRR INRIRNCCINNINSNSSSNSSSSSSSNSSSSKS - pees pA Ny NG 619 Navis Street . Thursday, March 3rd | oI L 0Ed FREE! It is with the keenest gratifi- cation that we announce the : 3 Grand Opening of our Beau- ea of tiful, new Evanston Store Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday, March at our 4th and sth. Our rapid ex- : NEW EVANSTON pansion proves that our poli- \ Store cies and merchandise meet A $1 Quarter, Oz. Pottle with sincerest public ap- Famous "Truse" Perfume _J proval. We invite you to AY attend this gala opening. SONORA ~ STUDENT ~ Black Patent Leather Men's Imported Calfskin, Vamps, gray black or tam, broad toe, $6. COLLEGE Mews Im ported Calf- skin, pebble toe, black or tan, $6. CO-ED Rose Calf skin with cherry patent trimming, $6. Hosiery Special! For Opening Day Only-- at All Stores Women's Full-Fashioned Chiffon Hosiery, pure silk all the way to the top. The most preferred Spring colors. 3 Pairs, $4.25 University Students! Co-eds and men, our new Evanston Store, ideally ac- cessible from the campus, carries truly a Yd erf ul ar- ray of ad sf = folks. Drop in and see for yourselves. 106 No. Dearborn Street 1017 East 63rd Street (For Men) (For Women) 52 West Washington Street 9201 Commercial Ave (For Women) (For Men and Women) 462 South State Street 11209 S. Michigan Ave. (Roselano) (For Men) (For Men and Women) 619 Davis Street (Evanston) (For Men and Women) EEE EN NN EN NNN NNN NNN NNN YY YY YY YY YY WY SESS S S \ / fg \\ : i (r= h / 3 { \ FS RAN | Yr - 3 y \ | 2. \ X SiS 7) A TT Nr TT I RT TT TT TT I TT TT TT RT RR RRR IIR SEER TSS DUT SS A SS SS SA LAS TTR A SRSA INST SANSA NNN LA ARERR SR RS SA AS ASS Kenilworth Quintets to Engage Evanston Teams The first game of the North Shore | Grammar School Basketball league | schedule will be played between the three Kenilworth teams and the Bolt- wood teams of Evanston Saturday af-. ternoon, March 5 at the Kenilworth community gymnasium. The league, which is composed of Wilmette, Evans- ton and Kenilworth teams, was forced | to postpone its schedule because of the | Boltwood school fire but is now get- ting under way again. Now Offers You a CHARGE ACCOUNT C.& N.W.Terminal Restaurants This new Eitel feature is of particular importance to C. & N.W. Ry. commuters as it makes every minute count in Chicago -- gives each member of the family more time to shop or catch a train. By simply signing the pur- chase check, charge ac- count patrons may dine in our Lunch Room, Main Dining Room or Suburban Concourse--or take home bakery goods and cigars. Application blanks may be secured at any one of our cashier's desks. This latest feature of Eitel service also enables you to have Checks Cashed 'These charge accounts also entitleyoutothesameserv- ice at the new Hotel Eitel, which is under the same management. And we will be glad to make reserva- tions for you at the C. & N. W. Station. Rental Library to Be Extended to Broader Area Plans are in progress for an am- bitious extension of the Ballard Book shop rental library which will bring this increasingly popular exchange to every village of the north shore, as | well as to Evanston and Chicago. Phenomenal development of the library department of the Book shop has prompted the owners to close out the retail stock of books, stationery and gifts in the Wilmette store, in or- der that all the time may be given to the library feature. Wilmette is to be the headquarters for all the branches of the rental li- brary and the service is to be materi- ally enlarged, it is explained. First Scandinavian Evangelical 886 Elm Street, Winnetka. Pastor, A. E. Rohrbach 943 Spruce street. Telephone 2791 Hours of Worship Sunday services: Sunday school' .... addy 9:30 a. m. Bible class i... assis geass vas 9:30 a. m. Swedish services «.....cccv na. 11 a. m. Young People's service ........ 5 p. m. English services .......... 7:45 p. m. Subject: "With Jesus in the Storm." Celebration of Lord's Supper. Wednesday : Swedish service conducted by W. Eric Nelson and Mrs. Samuelson.. 8 p. m. The pastor will preach at the joint Lenten services at the Congregational church, 8 p. m. Saturday : Confirmation class .......... 10 a. m. "Truth wears well. Time tests it, but it right well endures the trial. If then, I have spoken the truth and have for the present to suffer for it, I cannot be con- tent to wait. If, also, I believe the truth of God, and endeavor to declare it, I may meet with much opposition, but I need not fear, for ultimately the truth must prevail. O, my heart, take care that thou be in all things on the side of truth ; but especially, on the side of Him by whom grace and truth came among men!" Neighborhood House Bridge Large Affair The benefit bridge party on Monday afternoon, February 28, at the Georg: ian hotel, by the Woman's Auxiliary society of Onward Neighborhood House, Chicago, not only added ma- terially to the support of Onward Neighborhood House, but gave north shore society women a most enjoy- able afternoon. Tables were attractively arranged in the Louis XVI room, the lobby, and the men's lounge. After a few hours spent in playing cards and chatting pleasantly, the six hundred women attending the party were taken to the prettily decorated ballroom and served delicious buffet refreshments. Arrangements for the party were made by the chairman, Mrs. John H. Buechler of Glencoe, who was assisted by a capable committee of north shore women. i Motor and Dog Taxes Due, Says Chief Pete Very few cars are to be seen now on which the shiny new license plates are not attached. Occasionally there is one, however, and W. M. Peterson, Winnetka's chief of police gives warn- ing that those who have not already procured the 1927 state license and local vehicle tax plates are asked to do so without delay. Annual dog taxes are also due and pavable. Mrs. R. E. Snider, 836 Foxdale ave- nue, returned to her home Saturday, February 26, after undergoing treat- ment at the Presbyterian hospital.