5 March 5, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 5 Indian Hill Tuning Up Fiddle for Next I.H.I. A. Meeting will be a little business to transact at the next meeting of the Indian Hill Improvement association, but the greater part of the time, on Monday evening, March 7, when the association next convenes, will be de- voted to just "having a good time." And, "Oh, what a meeting we are going to have," precedes an exclamation point in Secretary William S. Nord- burg's announcement that the Indian Hill Improvement association is back on schedule and announcing the next meeting for March 7. He further states: "Russell Pratt, the "Topsy Turvy Time' man of station WMAQ, and Ransom Sherman will be with us in person, to entertain us with many mel- odies for which they are famous," and "we are indebted to Walter Strong, publisher of the Chicago Daily* News for this treat." The entertainment will be followed by a good old fashioned dance--a grand march, Virginia reel, grand- right-and-left, waltz, two-step, and anything else in- the terpsichorean category that one's heart may desire, secretary Nordburg, says. "Really, what we want," he tinues, "is a genuine There con- get-to-gether meeting. We want everyone to meet everyone else. We are especially anxious to have our new residents come. Guests, too, will be welcome, in fact are urged to attend. Our young men and young women will find more fun here than they have had for a long time." The business part of the session will include a short talk by Merritt Lum, on the coming Village caucus. Refreshments, that always help to put real flavor in any party, wil! be given special attention. SLIGHT INCREASE There are 46 cases of whooping cough in the village, a very slight in- crease over the number reported last week, according to Dr. H. A. Orvis, health officer. There are five cases of measles and three of scarlet fever. }T'S MUCH CHEAPER TO PAY THE PLUMBERS FEE THAN IT IS TQ HERE'S one mighty good way you can get out of the doctor habit and that is to make your home so san- itary that your health will get a chance to sleep nights and enjoy itself during the day time. Our sanitary plumb- ing will put your residence in proper shape. Phone 874 ~ 464.« S.J. STEFFENS 703 OAK ST. WINNETKA,ILL. a -- Attic Puppets to Present New Play Saturday "The Three Princesses of the Blue Mountains," a puppet play, will be presented by the Attic Puppets in the Neighborhood room of the Community House on Saturday, March 12. Two performances of the new play will be given, one at 10:30 Saturday morning and the other at 4 o'clock in the after- noon. Tickets are now on sale for the production and may be procured at the Hubbard Woods Pharmacy and the Adams Drug store. As the seating capacity is limited, patrons are urged to get their tickets as early as possible. The Attic Puppets is an organization of young Winnetka women who have organized for the purpose of present- ing puppet plays. The members re- sponsible for the present production are Mesdames Emmons Blaine, Jr., Perry Dunlap Smith, Samuel A. Greeley, Richard Sutton Bull, Nathan- iel H. Blachford, Jr., Frederick O. Mason, .Henry Tenney, Dudley Cotes, George Eugelhard, Norman Harris, J. F. Dammann, Jr., and Goddard Cheney. Stage lighting is managed by Mr. Perry Dunlap Smith, headmaster of the North Shore Country Day school, and Dean Elmer Farnsworth, produc- tion manager of the Children's theatre of Northwestern Univiersity. Cree whether you buy or not Try the famous Atwater Kent One Dial Receiver. See for your- self that it's just as good as you've heard it is. Touch your fingers to that magical ONE Dial and see how the stations come marching in and how amazingly easy it is to select the one you want. Note the natural- ness of Atwater Kent tone. And see what it means to have a trim little cabinet which fills your home with music without filling your home. We demonstrate at your convenience. Model 35, six-tube ONE Dial Receiver NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP 554 Center St. Tel. Winn. 44 Solid Strength Paramount in Banking "J HE COMPLETENESS and helpful- ness of the financial service rendered by a bank are of small importance if they are not built on a sound foundation of 3 solid strength. This is a strong Bank because the policies laid down by the Directors and scrupul- ously followed by the Officers are based on proven banking principles. Safety is of paramount importance. The whole history of this institution is one of safe, sound management. 3 'We invite your business. Banking Hours: 8 to 3; Saturdays 8.to 12:30 Monday Evenings 7 to 8 WINNETKA - TRUST and SAVINGS - BANK ED) ARG LENNY iL OH $ NEA LY 0; ny S EL A A AA AL »