on en a 12 WINNETKA TALK March 19, 1927 PLAY AT NEW TRIER The Wilmette Public school orches- Benefit Soloist tra will present a Beethoven program during the assembly period at the New Boy Scouts Trier High school on Monday, March 21. The orchestra is under the direc- tion of Miss Catherine Grandquist of Wilmette. | The R. P. Dennis family of 407 | Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe, are under | quarantine for scarlet fever. HERE'S A HOME'S FIRST-) CLASS- ATTRACTIO N=) Buy Shrubbery from an Expert Shrubs set off a lawn beauti- fully. It's "nature's fence" so to speak . . . and kept in perfect - alignment through Miss Lazora Laxman, Evanston so- prano, is to present feature numbers in a concert to be given by the New Trier High school band Friday, March 25, as a benefit for the new children's constant pruning, it's always attractive to passersby. : : ; HETHER a man has just Sensibly Priced for Quality arisen from a good night's ward of the St. Francis hospital. The sleep or has just come from a hard concert is to be given in St. Ignatius day's work, a_first class bathroom auditorium, 1300 Loyola avenue, Rog- : hi ers Park. Tickets may be obtained at LAKE SHORE PIRSERLS. more attraction fo. im all north shore drug stores, it is ex- than any other room in the house. plained. GARDEN and HOMES All of our plumbing fixtures are built to look well and wear well. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman M. Goble of SERVICE 511 Ash street left Sunday for a three Phone 874 ~ 464 weeks' trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. N. Andeison Prop S.J. STEFFENS F. C. Brackett of Sheridan, Mich., and $d ' . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goble of Chicago Phone 456 713 OAK ST. WINNETKA, ILL. are occupying the Goble residence dur- ing their absence. -- ~-------------- For | SPRING IS: "HERE! { BOOKKEEPING | Now is the time to plant your garden . . . and for { Income Tax 1 | this, you need an experienced gardener. I can furnish | . ) | you experienced men and all the necessary plants. ¢ Cost Accounting ) } ¢ . * 1 We a EE . : : Ht Investigation erennials, Vegetable and Animal Plants { Corporation ) sold at reasonable prices. . ) | Accounting | All Orders Promptly Attended to. 4 ) | call i 1 JOSEPH ZRAZIK Paul F. Jones | Landscape Gardener 1k at Winn. 2103 ) 942 Glencoe Road GLENCOE Tel. Glencoe 301-M £075 Oak St. Winnetka} | 4 All of the Scouts of the Highland Park section will attend the April Court of Award with their troops, in a body, which will be held on Monday | night, April 4, at the City Hall Coun- cil chamber. Not only will all of the Scouts be there, but they will bring their parents and friends. | This will be the occasion for the awarding of Green Service stars to all Scouts who have completed a year's service in Scouting. Many advance- ments and Merit badge awards will also be made. Dr. George B. Lake is chairman of the Court. April 4 will be a big event [in the Scouting year. | | Scout Executive Walter McPeek, | appeared on the program on the Op- timist club of Wilmette last Tuesday noon, speaking on "Scouting as a Force in Community Life." Scouts are not only looking ahead to spending a period at Camp Checau- gau this summer, but applications have actually begun to come in. Most of the north shore troops plan to attend during the "North Shore" period from June 27 to July 9. This is the period of the big celebration. The March dinner and get-together, for all Scout leaders, was held last Monday night, March 14, at the High- land Park Presbyterian church. Wilmette Scout troops are hard at work on one of their big united proj- ects of the year--the "More Attrac- tive Wilmette" campaign. Scouts are co-operating with the schools in en- couraging children and adults in using walks instead of paths, protecting shrubs, and keeping paper off the streets. Many of the troops of the area are preparing for the Scoutcraft rally which will be held at the Deerfield- Shields gymnasium on Friday evening March 25. This is a rally, open to any troops who care to enter, includ- ing contests in drill, signalling, knot- tying, first aid, fire by friction, and an equipment race. Robert Anspach, Scoutmaster of Troop 31, is the host chairman. At the recent meeting of the Execu- tive board it was decided to hold the semi-annual Spring meeting of the council some time early in May. This will be the time of the report on the work of the preceding six months, and will have as a special feature an award of Court of Honor advancements. Chicago families use 88 per cent more electrical appliances than does the average family in the United States. lw EAU TY [iim Phone Winn. 933 THE COMFORT SHOP Before the grass comes up, let me and ruined. Complete Beauty Parlor Service Permanent Waving bery clipped and evened up. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting FRANZ Ntone ana Miss Jennie Anderson, Prop. Ta rNta ; Landscape Gardener Lawns-- 797 Elm St. Ph. Winn. 933 Drives Made 1036 ey St. Shrubs "and ished. "I Sell Vigoro, the Lawn Have Your Trees Removed Now! If you wait, it will mean that your green lawn will be tramped on Trim Your Shrubs Before They Sprout Before the Green Buds show their faces is the time to have your shrub- Phone Winnetka 2435 remove the unsightly or dead trees. KRENN Grading of Sale, and Plant Fertilizer Food"