SE} March 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 15 SYMPHONY PRESENTS WHAT AUDIENCE WANTS Therefore, Monday's Concert, With Miss Freund as Soloist, Is a Delight By Rutheda L. Pretzel Homer Horton, president of the New Trier Township Orchestral association, in a short talk to subscribers during intermission, at the Little Symphony orchestra concert last Monday evening at New Trier High school, said the as- sociation will try to follow the wishes of the majority so far as it can inter- pret them. He said particular atten- tion will be paid to soloists next sea- son, which will be the sixth, and that soloists of the highest calibre will be featured. He also mentioned that the association recognized that most of the subscribers cared little for the pro- found in music literature, or the very modern compositions, and that the or- chestra will therefor give more atten- tion to presenting the more pleasing and familiar numbers. Monday evening's concert was of the "pleasing and familiar" type, yet it was good literature too. There was nothing uncertain about the applause after the brisk cleanness of Saint- Saens' "Marche Militaire Francaise" from the "Algerienne" suite; nor was there anything unconvinced in the applause at the end of Beethoven's C Minor Symphony, which was played in commemoration of the 100th anniver- sary of his death. The first movement was especially elastic and closely woven, and the second was smooth, mellow, and had all the niceties of SUMMER TOUR OF EUROPE Fascinating itinerary, moderate price, limited party, under leadership of a suc- cessful conductor who knows Europe and understands human nature. AROUND THE WORLD TOUR, mainly by land. Not a cruise. Starting October. Led by same Write for literature. NEVILLE S. BULLITT 1308 Mallers Bldg. Chicago, Ill conductor, Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ury Jossks talwayscleanand healthy, ES 1a ckithis alluring lustre. DS of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eve Beauty" are FREE on request. The Murine Company Nept. 33, Chicago URINE, TE OR Your & EES] shading one could desire." The last two movements were inclined to be a little loose, but they had spirit, and ended in several chords that were clipped out with neat precision. Miss Freund Scores Miss Helen Freund, soprano of the Chicago Civic Opera company, ap- peared with the orchestra in Meyer- beer's famous "Shadow Song" from "Dinorah." She followed this with an encore, "Michaela's Aria" from "Car- men." Miss Freund sings with an ease and apparent lack of effort that is de- lightful. She sings with warmth, as if the song is of her own making, and her voice has a lovely texture and freshness about it. Beside a thorough- ly charming voice, Miss Freund's per- sonality, and her beautiful stage ap- pearance (in spite of the unflattering, ghastly overhead lights) decidedly "got across." The overture to "Mignon," by Thomas, played after the intermission, and Hosmer's "A Southern Rhapsody," were both treated in a sympathetic and expert way, that showed why they are so highly favored. Miss Freund again appeared, sing- ing the aria, "Caro Nome," from Ver- di"s "Rigoletto," which she gave in a tender manner. Her encore, the waltz from "Romeo and Juliet," showed more smoothness and exactness, and she lent it-a gay sense of abandon. In response to continued applause, Miss Freund sang a wistful, lovely thing, "When I 'was Seventeen." It would appear, from the enthusiasm of the audience, and the comments heard, that the orchestra is giving them what they want. It not only deserves support, but has it. Mrs. Francis Butler of Private road returned last week from Southern Park, N. C., where she has been for the past three weeks. EINAR OLM - HANSE Bullding and Remodeling Contractor Porches, Sun Parlors, Garages, Roofs, Storm Sashes, Screen, Porch Enclosures 910 13th St, Wilmette Ph. Wil 1913 CARRIE S. ROBERTS Pianist-T eacher Private Lessons--Ensemble Recitals -- Coaching <lenn Dillard Gunn School of Musle Chicago Tel. Winn. 1226 environment. at any time. Tibrary HE home-like furnishings, quiet and exceptional comfort of this hotel appeal to people who want better than the ordinary accommodations in the best Inspect our beautifully furnished one or two room kitchenettes Orrington Avenue, just south of Church Street Plaza Read This Notice Because we don't think you are past saving, and you owe yourself time to come to the BIGGEST MERCHANDISE FEAT ever staged in Winnetka, Illinois. R.H.Schell & Co. A $50,000 stock of standard brand merchan- dise selling mighty cheap. CLOSING ouT 800-802 ELM ST. DRESSES DRY GOODS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR NOTIONS SHOES HARDWARE PAINTS TOYS GARDEN TOOLS We could go on and give you a lot of prices. But they would mean noth- ing until you see the ar- ticles. So be here for these further reductions this week. Sale continu- ing all next week. Don't wish you had, but be here. R.H.Schell&Co. 800-802 Elm Street Winnetka, Ill