March 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 13 Music Pupils Will Present Program at Winnetka on April 1 Pupils of the Winnetka branch of the Columbia School of Music will present the following program Friday April 1, at the 7:30 o'clock. evening, Woman's club, at Nocturne Soldiers Fidelia Richards Gladys at Play .........coc000en Mokrejs Carolyn Barrett (Violin) Berceuse .......oeceeueens Black John McConnell Melody ..cviesversnnansnsnanen Beethoven Esther Hearne ; Butterfly .....civeseecsevssncannes Wright Tag .. Lemont Helen Gambrill Ghosts in the Chimney .......... Kullak Marjorie Wintherbotham COW "vevrssensnresinasisnans vassveve Kern Frieda Salmen Sonatine ....iee ririsiniicines Beethoven Leslie Wilson Witches : ...cveeitintrirencarisnie Rogers Eleanor Potter : (Violin) Minuet ....... occu. Bocherrini William Van Horne Peter Pan ...... este vesacansnses Bentley Doris Elmer Curious Story .....cesssevecvecsas Heller Janet Mathiesen EIVeS ivi nrsverersssacrvssenesvess Rogers Mary Jane Stevenson Melody ....c.cvavvrinsesnviness Schumann Skylark ....ccocvsvsrverencnss Tschaikowski Marjorie Truesdale Valse Lente Friml ~ Marion EF Betty Maddox Gavotte At Evening Virginia Nichols Punchinetto Marion Carpenter Valse MIBNON iv. .ivvisiinsn .....Chaminade Alice Leland Winter... ... cet cn Cc Wright Janet Sanford Pan's Flute ..... 0 lider iianees Godard Caroline Veeder BIeBie "7000, co nies vs vue vive pwn ov « MASSEY Sue Potter Butterfly: cousin vsrevuidnn sniinent sss Jrieg Elizabeth Potter | Andante vi. VO Tere iS sven eae Mozart Antoinette Brown Bagatelle +. .c. vcr avers vvy Beethoven Eleanor Cheney Rustle of Spring'... vo divin Sinding Eugenia Heath Of .Bre'r ivi MacDowell Barbara Burlingham Mary Esther Winslow at second piano Rondo Medah Waltz C minor In a Boat Lee Beck Chr se Chopin AT RGRRR Zeckwer Betty Craig SONALA...v. vivian Terran Err 8 Mozart Andante Miss Elizabeth Lamson of 940 Sher- idan road, Hubbard Woods, who is completing her second year of junior college work at Bradford academy, has sailed for Bermuda with ten of her classmates to spend the Easter vacation. Mrs. W. A. Lamson, with Virginia and Jean, will leave today for the Edgewater Gulf hotel in Biloxi to spend the vacation period. DE jo Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. 431 Essex road, Kenilworth spent the week-end in Milwaukee Winnetka | | | | SELL LOTS ON MARCY Hokanson & Jenks, Inc., report the sale of vacant property directly north of 2410 Marcy avenue, Evanston, 60x145. Thomas S. Hodgson repre- sented both the sellers, Frank M. and May Smith, and the buyers, Hubert L. and Elizabeth Hardy. No price was given. GIVES SERMON SUBJECT | "What Makes Life Worth While?" | is the subject of the evening sermon to be preached by the Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin tomorrow in the Winnetka Congregational church. RENT this ELECTRIC Win it you can easily and quick- ly beautify ALL your floors-- wood, linoleum, tile or composition. It matters not how they are finished -- whether with varnish, shellac, wax or paint. It takes only a few minutes-- there is no stooping--no messy rags and pails. It doesn't even soil your hands! JOHNSON'S WAX Electric floor Polisher This marvelous new labor-saver bur- nishes wax on floors to a brilliant lustre that is hard to mar and easy to clean. Ten times faster and better than hand methods. Runs itself--you just guide it. Phone and reserve a Johnson Electric Floor Polisher for any day you wish. RENT IT A HALF DAY IF YOU LIKE $1.00 Johnson's Liquid and Powdered Wax E. B. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. Tel. Winn. 998-99 Monogrammed Key Chains (Silver or Gold) IRTHDAYS come every month and holidays and anniversaries are frequent. For gift seekers who know how much they wish to spend but have no idea what they can find--there are gift specialties of innumerable and alluring values that will be acceptable to the most fastidious-- Aladdin's Lamp 570 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka Phone 2558 ddan © TA Nice, luscious Frankfurters, the kind that melt in n your mouth, ready for the boiling pot or the siz- N zling frying pan. 'Franks' are highly nourishing, n and the kind we sell are of the highest quality and 5 reasonably priced. n " i" i " [1] 1 1] 1" 1] LL] Peters Market Meats of Quality Only " mn Phone 920-21-22 Winn. 734 Elm St. Winnetka AUTO LIMERICKS By BOB JOHNSON A handsome young driver named Gus Was known on occasions to cuss But when he came here . We filled him with cheer By putting new life in his bus. NEW LIFE FOR YOUR TIRES We'll vulcanize new life and mileage back into your worn and blown- out tires. It's one real way of saving money and the modern car owner is acting thrifty these days. Johnson Motor Service Tires Vulcanized and Repaired Firestone Ties and Tubes 806 Oak St. Ph. Winn. 2048