April 9, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 17 BUYS WYOMING RANCH Harry B. Boardman of Glencoe Pur: chases Famous IXL Ranch, Scene of Many Historic Indian Battles Harry B. Boardman, 385 Washing- ton avenue, Glencoe, has recently pur- chased the famous IXI, ranch in Wy- oming, near Dayton. The ranch has been in operation since 1892, and is one of the best known ranches in the west. It was formerly owned by J. B. Milward of England. The name "IXL" is used because the land where the buildings stand was originally owned by a captain in the Ninth (IX) Lancers (IL), an English regiment. The ranch is situated on the bank of the Tongue river, facing the Big Horn mountains and the entrance to the majestic Tongue River Canyon. Half way up the mountains, at the edge of it, is the boundary of the Big Horn National Forest, which consists of 1,136,000 acres of unfenced moun- tainous country, and to the east are the many-colored plains with the Wolf |: mountains in the distance. The country around the ranch was the scene of some of the worst Indian battles in history. About 40 miles north, in the Crow Indian Reserva- tion, Montana, is where Gen. George A. Custer and his command were killed by the Indians on June 25, 1876. There are places on the IXI, where Indian graves, arrow heads, U. S. Ar- my equipment, and relics of all kinds are still to be found. Other points of historic interest within convenient reach of the ranch are Yellowstone Park, Devil's Tower, Medicine Wheel, Fetterman Massacre and Wagon Box Fight. The IXIL, is what cowboys term a "Dude" ranch, because it takes a limited number of paying guests throughout the year, offering them a Spring and... ts bound to make any woman happy. This is the washer that is leading the country in sales. Why shouldn't it? There has yet to be a demonstration made that didn't prove itself a sale. Phone for a free demonstration NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP 554 Center St. Tel. 44 place where they can do the things they've always dreamed of doing, find- ing romance and adventure in the varied ranch life. Wild rides after cattle, exploring of canyon trails and mysterious caves, camping and fishing trips, nights around lonely campfires, and horseback riding, await the guests, and those who wish for "local color" may help punch and brand cattle, wrangle horses, stack hay, etc. Mrs. Laird Bell, 1352 Tower road, Mrs. Edwin Clark, 909 Mount Pleasant court, and Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Dam- mann, Jr., 853 Prospect avenue, all of Winnetka, return this week from a mo- tor trip to Asheville, N. C. Cyne Henry Stein of 812 Lloyd place will return Sunday to Dartmouth college after having spent a ten-day vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- RATN! led,' THE "SQUARE The rainy season is here. Protect your- self against colds and coughs caused by damp feet. Have your shoes Rebuilt Not repaired. 'All work guaranteed Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 : rence M. Stein. RESOURCES Bonds and Securities ..... Bank Premises Cash and due from [.oans and Discounts ..... and Fixtures. ........cv. Other Banks -.-. 255.9 7.5 STATEMENT OF CONDITION of the WINNETKA STATE BANK at the close of Business March 23rd, 1927 $ 497,455.73 705,342.13 35,098.00 LIABILITIES vapital i. . . . S805. Toe $ 75,000.00 SUPINE Boca; 0k 40,000.00 ~ Undivided Profits ......... 20,461.10 DepoSHS -- ...<iiiivesstsns 1,373,283.51 15,795.39 Reserves .... 2... ia $1,524,540.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS VICTOR ELTING HENRY R. HALE GEORGE W. McKINNEY LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER SANBORN HALE ! NOBLE HALE Do Your Banking in Winnetka WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. BANKING HOURS ¥ ud | Solurdays 8am.lo 12-30pm. ond 7 lo 8rm