WINNETKA TALK WINNETKA TALK April 9, 1927 April 9, 1927 5 Evans ton Mo thers SALE T h e M e n' S S h 0 p are realizing more each = = -just inside our Orrington Svih Loader q 1 CHARGE CUSTOMERS £ A E SL ay that Lord's is a goo E | MAY DEFER DAVIES is venue Entrance - is a place to buy boys' clothes E favorite with Evanston Quality is always our first consideration. = FOR APRIL APPAREL E business men But for equal quality we venture to say that = . 2] our prices are as low, or lower than any in = = Keen tie patterns--shirts that fit--good stocks of Evanston! PURCHASES UNTIL J UNE = the right kinds of underwear--gloves of standard = Home owaers. and other responsible. pet- IE makes-- such things as this have made our men's Be sons who desire to avail Sheri elves of i E shop famous! . 2 this and the other advant havi : Properly Tailored = a charge secount at Lord's ar invited to FE = H T L apply for this privilege at the Credit Office, DD 1 3 : .50 = Second Floor, East Room. ] and-made 1€S as OW Junior Shirts, $1°Y-9%195 £ = Well-cut shirts in sizes 6 to 12 made like men's, = = as $1.50 featuring the new pointed collars. To be worn = E with belts. al BE Youngsters Now 2 Stunning designs--mogadores, failles, Cheney silks Broadcloths, madras, percales of unusual durability = & c WwW O | t N = and Mallinson's Crepe and Pussy Willow. $1.50 in plain colors or patterns. 2 \X / ear Ra on! = to $4. B Sleek Satin Firm Twills x y : E $4 buys good-looking ties, hand-knit of pure silk. : 50 5 = And Joriess i) us they love the fl Eo Bow Ties--dots, spots, jacquards--butterflies and = : of this silky underwear, w e 2 ; Pp ajamettes, 31. - 31.7 = Wool Faille Tn, Bendis ho staes for =] bats, $1 One-Piece sleeping garments for boys from 4 to = with workey.s mole, broadtail,: squirrel, ering gi a d flesh . Ri f Gl $ 50 $5 ne-r'iece ep1 n I ES : : ordon all-white and fles = = = 10. Kaynee and Glover Brands, which assures = f= lion and beaver Yayon i EE 1p proo OVES, 3 quality. Blazer-striped cotton crepe, novelty Ee $ 69 50 30 5 00 95¢c and $1. £2 Washable outseartios : : BE x : : ge -sewn gloves of goatskins, pig- percale and madras. = to ir oan = skins, calfskin, in the new spring tans. . . a Sar 3 Re Sig E Washable Imported Chamoisette Gloves, look and : en RENE, £1001 185 TSS ih aes = wear like leather, Gray and Sand. Boys' Blouses, 89¢ = $1.87 to $275 in sz z y 3 PD Lord' s--Second Floor = Well-made blouses of standard quality. Fast- ES pe The New Sox Are colored madras, percale and broadcloth. Plain Eo] EF h N = colors and novelty patterns. e TOM t C urs Cry = P d = : atterned Ee. Net Ear Con- Fiber Silk Sox Soft Sole one- - Ee £ ford tt es. strap. 'wash kid on Blue, tan and gray overplaids, checks and stripes. Button-On Blouses = CRI GR TR TR a . E pink blue and ion soles, $1.00. a Lisle, lisle and silk and all-silk. with Eton Collars = bya Tra $13 Re 2 goegsons tor of pestis 2 Slorings is Sle E ' . . x ' = rom. [6] t Kaynee and other standard makes. Broadcloth, = Diagy Hose Suppostas in plain white, pink 54 2 choosing. PAN he en op percale, madras, in sizes 3 to 8. $1.25 and $1.50. = HE ity a CoE pe a Sd, E Lord's--First Floor Re walking dresses with real embroidered imported = = lace, drawn threads and swiss walking dresses, = = touches of hand-embroid- white or with fast color = : e - ery. $2.75 to $3.75. dots* $3.50 ¥ $4.95. = { £398 = 5 $595 Baby Room--Second Floor = Cea ie Fountain Square -- Evanston ]