April 16, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 11 | Municipal Water St. John's Lutheran 3 | 'ilmette and yi 3 Company Losesin | "iim ie Se % pastor Second Petition |" "Gren toephone AT : Ries opie el a, The Illinois Commerce commission, GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES in refusing the Municipal Water com- 7:13 P.M Preparatory service for "; co cants pany a re-hearing recently, has| 7:45 P. M. Service and Holy Com- definitely given its final approval to| munion . "The Power of the Cross" the Greater Chicago Lake Water com- | : : CASTE SERVICES pany to go ahead with its plans to sup- | 4.,0 A FASTER FRYI ES Bible ply the suburbs within a radius of 38| classes Ten 2 i i i -| 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon miles of Chicago, with Lake water, Gita 3 a toa Tn he Loi Tau be deity cording to officials of the Greater Chi- "The Resurrection of Jesus 'Christ the cago company. The latter company,| Crucified" which showed the Commerce body how | -- ™ . rehansive ita 8 R The Order of the Easter Service v- comprehensive its $35,000,000 plan was, | Prelude, Baster March ....... Guilmant received the permit to undertake the Miss Electa Austin work on January 19. The Municipal Hymn, 218, "Awake, My Heart with r lit Gladness" X W ater company, which had appeared The as lon of Sins before the Illinois Commerce Commis- | rntroit sion as well, with a plan to take in a Gloria Patri | much smaller area, was given thirty Kyrie 4 ot | days to petition for a re-hearing. Prael, nh. excelsis The Municipal Water company did The Samide: Josson, I Cor. 5, 6-8 1S. 1t 1 i r p The alleluja this, it is explained, and now the State | Tor Teuton. Maik 16, 1-8 regulating body has announced that it | Anthem, "In the nd of the Sabbath" has refused the re-hearing request,| ................... akin Lansing which gives its final approval to the St. John's Mixed Choir % : _ | The Nicene Creed Greater Chicago Lake Water company. foun 221... "Crist, the Lord. Is. Risen This company, of which R. J. Nash| Today" Y R | E t t -- is president, A. J. Forschner, vice-|The Sermon: "Risen with Christ" O u r Cc a S a ec president, and Thomas J. Dolan of | Qffertory 1.3 The Lord's Prayer Chicago and Berwyn, secretary-treas-| anthem, "By Barly Morning Light" * urer," will 'build a giant water tunnel] ......... conic rnas Traditional 1675 security for a loan > three miles into the lake. This tunnel St. John's Girls' Chorus A State Bara rs : . . Organ Offertory, "Reverie" ...... Nicode will run direct to a main pumping sta- | oye" Ofrerings (for the Building Fund of tion at Cicero, and the water will then St. John's) be piped under high pressure to towns | Hymn 229, "I Know That My Redeemer as far west as Aurora and Elgin, south |, Ves" _. » ' The Jenediction to Chicago Heights and north to Lake | Hymn 225, "Christ the Lord is Risen" Forest, northwest to Barrington and| .........c.c.cconuns 12th century hymn southwest to Joliet, including more | Postlude, "Festival March" ...... Silas 8 a real estate loan would make it pos- than 100 towns and cities in the area. | . . The job is an enormous one, which the | Mrs. Preston Boyden, 806 Rosewood sible for you to proceed with your company expects to complete two years | avenue, and her sisters, Miss Eliza- plans for the purchase of property, the after construction work starts, as its|beth and Miss Janet Chase, daughters . fab busi buildi plans of operation call for night and|of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Chase of erection of a home or business building, day work and will employ about 2,000 Lake Forest, returned this week-end or for remodeling or expansion, we in- men. after several months of travel abroad. . A Ca " vite you to consult with one of our Of- ficers. Well located real estate in Winnetka or in nearby territory is accepted as se- curity for your loan at the current in- terest rate of six per cent. We will gladly explain any details you may wish, and the details of your transaction will be given our thorough inspection. Delicious Hams and Bacon Not only for Easter do we offer delicious hams and bacon, Banking Hours: 8 to 3; Saturdays 8 to 12:30 but throughout the season, absolutely fresh, sweet and ten- Monday Evenings 7 to 8 der hams that just seem to melt in your mouth, That's what you are assured of when ordering from Peters'. Genuine Spring Lamb : The hind or fore quarter, when served with mint adds much a1 = goodness to the meal. KA ....and when you order from Peters' you can always de- pend on service as well as quality. RI IS and SA\ / TIN S Peters' Marke BAN K Meats of Quality > 734 Elm St. Phones 920-21-22