April 16, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 55 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES _ 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR RENT -- PART OF STORE, 584 Lincoln Avenue. Now used by Beach & _ Gieils, for candies. Hill & Stome Winn. 1544 48TN6-1tc 543 Lincoln Ave. FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or general office space. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Rapp Bros. 522 Center St... Winnetka. 48LTN29-tfe RENT--OFFICE SPACE. TEL. 3494. 48L.TN29-1tc 50 FOR SALE--APARTMENT BLDGS. FOR Wil. a. " « Exceptional Value MODERN 2 APT. HSE. IN WINNETKA. Near school and trans. cor. lot 50x187. 6 & 6 light rms., porches, fireplace and bookcases. H. W. Ht. Hardwood floors, 3 car gar. garden. Rent $2,400. One Apt. available now. Price $22,000. Will accept lot as part payment. Phone owner Winn. 1921. 50LTN29-tfc 32 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED. (ieorgian Colonial brick veneer house in Kenilworth Beach. 120 Robsart rd., nr. lake; large liv. rm. with octagonal solarium at end overlooking beautiful garden ; marble fireplace ; many arches ; vaulted ceiling in brkfst. rm. ; 3 baths & extra lavatory; tile shower stall; 2-car attached, heated garage ; driveway walk and landscaping included; all modern conveniences; sleeping porch; Frigid- aire, elect. ventil. fan in kitchen; auto- matic gas water heater, etc. Price $48,600. A large, fine house for the money. See it and judge for yourself, Glencoe 877. Open for inspection. 52TN6-1te Winnetka Home CENTER STREET $13,500.00 SPLENDID INVESTMENT OPPOR- tunity by reason of location; 6 rooms; porches; furnace heat; garage; lot 50x155 feet. Rented at $80 per month or possession can be had; terms. McGuire & Orr 541 Lincoln St. Winnetka 52L/.TN28-3tc COMFORTABLE HOMIE, $12,750.00 in excellent Winnetka location, on 100 foot lot, finely wooded ; frame, 6 rooms, sun room, sleeping porch, 2 baths, oil burner, new furnace and garage. E. P. MAYNARD & CO. 1048 Gage Street Phone Winn. 236 52LTN29-1tc FOR SALE--FOR HOME OR INVEST- ment, 7 room good house; lot 50x140; 4 bedrooms, room for 2 more. Nicely wooded lot; near schools and trans- portation. For quick sale, $10,500.00. Small cash payment, very easy terms. NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE CO. 418 Linden Ave, Phone Wil. 2778 52LTN29-1te $2,000 CASH WILL HANDLE 6 ROOM COLONIAL; 3 bedrooms, sun porch; hot water heat; full attic with space for additional rms. ; attached garage. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. Price $16,500. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 52LTN29-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--6 RM. FRAME and stucco Colonial. 2 baths. Lav. 1st floors. Heated gar. attached, lot 50x18T. Beau. trees. $23,000--if cash equity, considerable reduction. Rental $185 per "mo., 2 yr. lease. If longer, reduced ac- cordingly. Tel. Winn. 1476. 52T6-1tp FOR SALE--7 RM. BRK. COL., EASILY enlarged; 3 yrs. old, built by arch.; ht. w. ht.; 2 lav. gar, lot 94x350; rear 149 ft. wide ; prettiest St. S. W. Glencoe ; 4 blks. R. R. and school. 126 Euclid Ave. Ph. Glencoe 1375. 52LT29-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, shower, oil heat, garage to "match building. All improvements in and paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 re- duced from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence Ave. Chicago. 52LTN29-tfp 6 ROOM HOUSE. OWNER LEAVING town. To be seen at 335 Lincoln Ave. Glencoe. 52TN6-1t. HIGHLAND PARK THREE tile houses. 3 chambers, heat, tile roof ; lot 50x150. terms. 22 Oak Lane, 4 bl of Briargate electric sta. J. H. McCORTNEY 77 W. Washington St. D NEW SPANISH STUCCO ON hot water Price $14,500, ks. So. west & CO. earborn 3138 52LTN29-1tc FOR SALE -- VERY stucco home, 7 rooms, 2 lavatory. portation; on east side; lovely garden and shrul purchased with very ment. 241 Harbor St. Kleen Heat; exc small Glencoe SUBSTANTIAL baths, extra ellent trans- lot 100x200; )s. Can be cash pay- 746. 52LTN29-1tc FOR SALE--6 ROOM, home, MO garage. H. W. Heat. 4 Well landscaped. 3 blks. dian Hill depot. East D. STUCCO sun-room, breakfast nook, and vears old. N. of In- side. Price $14,500. 565 Elder Lane, Winn 52LTN29-tfc WINNETKA -- A GOOD VALUE IN well-built Spanish house. 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Attached 2-car garage. Brick const. Tiled roof. Very desirable neighbor. Conven. to schools and Commun. golf course. Winn. 1194. 52TN6-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT -- WINN. A beautiful home. 3 baths. Marble shower. ing rooms. 4 or 5 master rooms. Extra dress- Living and sleep. porches. Hots water system, oil heat. Garage-- 125x250. Call Univ. 8700, apt. 336. 52L.TN28-2te FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE, Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht. ; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 52LTN29-tfc a3 FOR SALE--VACANT ig FOR SALE -- N. E. CORNER RIDGE Ave. ful Indian Hill ple. Tel. Winnetka 280. and Hill Rd., overlooking beauti- 110x132 ft. Wm. Top- 53T6-tfe 3» FOR SALE--CEMETERY LOTS BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED grave lots, Memorial Park. onable. Address Wilmette 4 AND 8 Very reas- Life B-279. 55LTN29-1te FOR SALE -- 4-GRAVE orial Park. Reasonable. brook 79-W. LOT-IN MEM- Phone North- TN6-1tp SHA SUMMER RESORTS TO RENT -- 5 cottage on Lake tuck. E. H. Chicago, or Tel. Michigan, Winn. 583. ROOM FF URNISHED near Sauga- Tharp, 5302 Woodlawn Ave., 55AT6-1te 56 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet Headquarters Winnetka Real & Co. Eslate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 H616-1te 57 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- BY BUSINESS WOMAN, room or small apartment with sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished. Ard- more 2560. 5TLTN29-1tp WANTED -- ROOMS FO housekeeping, from June 1s of July. Winn. 2144. R LIGHT t to the last S5TLTN29-1tc 61 WTD TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED house May 15th to June 15th, near New Trier. Phone Kenil. 2322 61LT29-1te 635A WTD. TO RENT--BOAT HOUSES WANTED--BOAT-HOUSE OR LOCKER space for sailing canoe, on lake shore, Wilniette, Ravenswood 2484, Chicago. 63 Glencoe or Winnetka. Ph. A LTN29-1tp 68 FOR SALE-- USED CARS SED CARS ON EASY TERMS We recommend and guarantee these cars to be in good condition. is a safe investment. '26 Overland 6 Sedan '26 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan '24 Dodge Four '2% Dodge "Sedan, New Paint '22 Dodge Sedan, New Pain '22 Ford Coupe, New Paint WERSTED MOTOR 562 Lincoln Ave. Every one t 150 CO. Tel. Winn, 165 6SLTN29-1te 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS A GOOD OLD BUS FOR NEXT TO NOTHING. Hudson super six 7-passenger sedan that still has plenty of sound value left for anyone who will tinker, tune and paint it up a bit. NAME YOUR OWN PRICE. Winnetka 244. Call Saturday afternoon or Sunday. 68T6-1te FOR SALE -- NASH COACH 1926, roomy 5 passenger; bright blue. All accessories, including winter front and shock absorbers. In perfect condition, looks like new. Unable to drive it on' account of illness. Will sell cheap. Phone Wil. 2778. 68LTN29-1tc 70 ANTIQUES 7 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS NEW BROWN AND WHITE STRIPE 7-ft. awning. Rotary ash sifter. 2 sets book shelves suitable for child's room. Winn. 462. TILTN29-1te ROOM SET, FOR SALE--OAK DINING table, 6 chairs, serving table. Also tea cart. Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 623. 71T6-1tp BEAU. CARVED MARBLE-TOP TABLE, med. sized. Red lacquer end-table. Attrac. hand-wrought-iron read. lamp. Winn. 2564. TILTN29-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE, ALSO GAS and electric range. Reasonable. Phone Wil. 2565. 7T1ILTN29-1te range 1526 Highland Ave. MRS. DICKE OFFERS SIX CURLY MAPLE FIDDLE-BACK chairs, also slat-backs in sets. Tables, sideboards, chests, beds in pairs, cor- ner cupboard, secretary and Z2-drawer curly maple sewing table. Everything in the line of Antiques. Many new pieces expected 'on Friday. THE WHAT-NOT 808 Washington Street So. Main St. 1 Bl. E. Ridge Ave. Evanston TOLTN29-1te THE LITTLE HOUSE OF INTEREST, filled with antiques, Plymouth pine cabi- net, hickory wagon seat, old chairs, desks, tables, stools, and screens of un- usual interest. Pictures on glass, prints, maps, bell pulls, sconces, old toilles, glass, china, silver, and pewter. Many delightful objects for bridge prizes. 312 South Ave., Glen. Glencoe 732 T0TNé-1te 1 BL 71 FOR SALE--HSHLD GOODS FOR SALE--VERY CHEAP, TWO-TONE walnut twin beds and dresser ; 5 tube radio complete; breakfast set; séwing machine ; ice box; 3 piece settee ; 4 chairs; victrola; day bed; 6x9 rug; dinner set, 100 pieces; curtains; lawn mower ; hose; 6 foot step ladder. Call Wilmette 3529 between 12-4 p. m. 1410 Hill St. TILTN29-1tp BARGAINS--BED-ROOM SETS, RAUIO, fireplace equip., hooked rugs, antiques. H. Rubel, 1155 Scott, J{ubbard Woods, Winn. 2138. TILTN29-1tc FOR SALE -- CHILD'S BED, HIGH chair, round mahog. din. table. Other articles. Glen. 463. T1ILTN29-1tp WICKER FURNITURE, EXCELLENT condition. Very reasonable. 1210 Sher- idan Rd., Wil. 1605. VERY niture, at bargain. HANDSOME SUN ROOM FUR- Phone Glencoe 656 TILTN29-1tc SMALL SIZE BED DAVENPORT; round fumed oak dining table. Very cheap. Winn. 1401 71T6-1te 2 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St.,, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN29-tte WANTED TO BUY -- BABY CARRIAGE and oblong dining set in good condi- tion. Address Talk B-284. 72T6-1te WANTED TO BUY -- 15 FOOT RUG. Call Winn. 2878. T2LTN29-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY VANITY dresser, mahogany wardrobe, full size and three-quarter size Vernis Martin beds ; mahogany chest and mirror ; mo- hair davenport ; oak dining room suite; 2 small tables; odd rockers; kitchen chairs; kitchen eabinet; day bed; porch furniture; Simplex ironer. Very reasonable. Phone Wil, 3417. T1ILTN29-1tc CLARK JEWEL GAS RANGE, GOOD cooking cond. Needs paint. 4 burners. Extra warming oven, $7. Single day bed, $10. Woven fluff rug, reversible 8x10, for porch or play-room, $6 Small "Universal" wash. machine, port- able, $10. Fold. table, 41-2x9, green cloth top, §3. Winn. 1419. T71LTN29-1tp i3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS CHEAP--2 SPRING COATS, LIKE new. Size 16-18. Winn. 852. T3LTN29-1tc STREET, AFTERNOON and EVENING dresses, some almost new. Winn. 2039. T3TN6-1te FOR SALE -- BARGAIN. GENTLE- man's $125 spring coat for $15, Size 42. Exc. cond. Winn. 1859. 73TNs-1te FOR SALE --GIRL'S INDIAN BICYCLE. Good cond. Univ. 9423. T3TNG-1te E------------------------ 74 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WILL SACRIFICE $175.00 WHITE POR- celain and nickel finish ice box, $85.00. Also, $200 Lyon & Healy mahogany vic- trola, with records, $35.00. New tap- estry day bed, cost $200, will sell for $100. Also, dining room chairs, odd tables and lamps. Glencoe 58. TILTN29-1te FURNITURE FOR SALE, KITCHEN cabinet; ice box; baby buggy; chil- dren's chairs; stove; porch furniture; breakfast set, table and 4 chairs; marble top table; tea cart; table lamp; stair carpets; washing machine: elec- trical appliances, and other household articles at low prices. Call Glencoe 1028. TILTN29-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL COLLEC- tion Hogarth steel and copper engrav- ings, artistically framed. Prints are from private collection. On sale this week only at Community Pharmacy, Winnetka. : TITNG6-1te FOR SALE--DINING TABLE AND 6 chairs; Morris chair and rockers; davenport, Mission style; one iron bed and mattress; ivory dresser; one piece linoleum. Tel. Winn. 1028. T1ILTN29-1tc FOR SALE -- MISSION LIBRARY Table and 2 chairs, $17. Table Lamp, $5. Two beds $12. Iron cot, $2. Cro- quet Set, $1.50. Cornet, $18. Tel. Wil, 1668. TILTN29-1tp LOVEKIN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER heater, size 60. Almost new and in perfect condition. Cost $308. Will sell cheap, account of replacing with larger heater. Call Kenil. 1771. 71LTN29-1tp FOR SALE -- 2 CANDLE WICK spreads for twin beds, natural color with green tufting. All hand made, $15.00. Three Simmons porch cots. Ph. Winn. 346. 71T6-1te HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF ALL kinds for sale, including Pictures and rugs. 898 Elm St. Winn. 1235. 71T6-1tp BOOKS, PAMPHLETS OR DOCU- ments. Anything pertaining to Chicago previous to 1872. California or railroads. Also first editions, sets of books, old scrap books and old letters. Address Life B-281. T4LTN29-1te S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. T4T6-tfe WTD. TO BUY -- SECOND HAND pony cart and a harness. Winn. 693-M. T4TN6-1te ANTIQUE FURNITURE, GLASS, PEW- ter, books, quilts, coverlets. Phone University 9890. T4LTN29-1te WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1222 Central Avenue. Wilmette, T4LTN29-tfp North Shore Teachers to Hold Meeting in Evanston A meeting of the Lake Shore di- vision of the Illinois State Teacher's association will be held at the Evans- ton Township High school on Mon- day, April 25. The program will start at 9:30 in the morning and will con- tinue throughout the day. Among the North Shore educators taking part in the program are in making arrangements for it are E. L. Nygaard, superintendent of the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth; Carleton Washburne, superintendent of the Winnetka schools, Marion Carswell, principal of the Hubbard Woods school, Winnetka; Wesley Brown, New Trier High school; Laura Ulrick New Trier High school; L. E. Hilde- brand, New Trier High school; and 'Marian A. Loag, Wilmette.