mere Ek. fa pm r---- April 30, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 500 Knights Templar to Attend Inspection of Commandery Unit Five hundred Knights Templar are expected to attend the annual inspec- tion of Evanston Commandery No. 58, which will be held at the new Masonic temple, Lake street and Maple avenue, Evanston, Saturday, April 30, under the direction of Sir Knight Aubrey Prosser, Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of II- linois. The program will begin at 2:30 with the Order of the Temple, followed by dinner at 5:45, and the annual inspec- tion ceremonies at 7:30. Andrew R. Park, commander of Evanston Com- mandery, No. 58, has extended an in- vitation to North Shore commanderies and all sojourning Knights Templar. Saturday's ceremonies will mark the initial opening of the recently com- pleted Masonic building, reputed to be the finest of its size in the United States. Beginning next week all Masonic bodies of Evanston will meet regularly in the new temple. The for- mal dedication will not be held until September. Mrs. W. O. Belt, 202 Abingdon road, and her daughter, Miss Virginia Belt, returned to Kenilworth April 14, after spending two and a half months in California and Honolulu. Plans Big Dance Miss Christiana Hoover as publicity director is a member of the arrange- ments committee for the Alpha Chi Omega subscription dance to be held at the Drake May 7--an informal party. She assists Miss Marjorie Roberts, social chairman, the Misses Isabelle McFarland, and Lillian An- drews. Benson will play. a ) AIAMMMNNANN Pi 7ririi] spring! spring. SER SSH Every step a dance! PRING, with its gayety, its charm, its youth -- and Arch Preserver Shoes! Every step is a dance! When you wear this beau- tiful shoe your feet are happy, carefree, vigorous. How truly the Arch Preserver Shoe belongs to The poise of Paris, the nonchalance of New York, the sheer loveliness of an apple blossom -- such is the style of the Arch Preserver Shoes for Won't you come and see what delightful sur- prises we have awaiting you? 630 Church St. Evanston PHLOX HARDY PERENNIALS EVERGREENS SHRUBS LANDSCAPE SERVICE Phone Deerfield 241 FRANKEN BROS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Un nn HART SCHAFFNER 8 MARX COATS typify smart- wear of today. Advanced styles of coats for all occasions now on sale at $32.50 to $67.50. A LARGE REORDER of winsome Frocks, one and two-piece--crepes, wash silks, radium, newest shades, plain, figured, polka dot, compose-- now on sale below usual values--$16.75 to $39.50 (also a special selection at $15.) Don't miss these unusual values. LEWIS INCORPORATED CS Breckenridge, Pres. 1606 Chicago Avenue--At Davis Street EVANSTON ni SC fe