ESE TE WINNETKA TALK April 30, 1927 Che Jrenale Warehouses Foremost Along the North Shore COMPLETE SERVICE STORAGE Unsurpassed facilities for safe storage of per- sonal effects and household goods is main- « tained in our recently-enlarged building at 1723 Benson Avenue--just north of Church Street. PACKING Confidence is inspired by the careful way in which we pack valuables and household goods. By the Iredale method possibility of damage is reduced to a minimum. MOVING Equipment of the newest and most up-to- date type enables Iredale to remove your goods from place to place in perfect safety. Rates, however, are not any higher than customary. Uniformed workmen, too. NEW! GARMENT STORAGE For the convenience of our patrons we have, at great expense, installed a system of garment and fur storage unequalled anywhere in the district. Absolute protection from moths, fire and theft at unbelievably low prices. For details call UNIVERSITY 9300 1723 Benson Avenue The Church St. Electric Station Is Opposite. In Winnetka at 560 Center St. In Highland Park at 374 Central Ave. Winnetkan Has Role in U. of Pennsylvania Play John L. Hamilton, of Winnetka was among the students who will take part in the sixth biennial historical pageant of the University of Pennsylvania School of Fine Arts, which was held on the Pennsylvania campus Friday evening, April 22. The pageant depicted the return of Richard, the Lion-Hearted, to England after the unsuccessful Third Crusade, Hamilton appearing in the role of a miltary standard bearer. Hamilton is a senior in the archi- tectural course of the university, and is a member of ILamda Chi Alpha fra- ternity. North Shore Boy Wins Letter in Basketball At the annual Missouri Military academy basketball banquet which was held last week, Cadet Elmer Joseph Lundin, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lundin of 500-5th street, Wilmette, was awarded the Company Second Junior team Basketball "D." The winning of this letter is con- sidered a great honor because it rep- resents the fact that the receiver played in more than fifty per cent of the twenty-five matched games played by this team during the basketball season. Pied Piper The Most Scientific Shoes for Tiny Tots and | Older Children Sizes 275 to 6 ...$3.00 Sizes 574 to 8 ...$3.50 Sizes 8% to 11 . . $4.00 Patented health features safe- guard young feet against foot troubles. In these shoes you have-- --no ridges --no wrinkled linings --no loose insoles --no pinching --no binding --no staples --no stiffness They Come in-- Tan or Smoked Elk Patent Leather White Kid--Combinations .. Exclusive in Evanston . With Lord's Boot Shop--First Floor Fountain Square -- Evanston DEDICATE SOLDIERS' COTTAGE AT ELGIN American Legion, Department of Illinois, to Conduct Cere- mony Next Sunday At three o'clock, standard time, Sunday, May 1, the new soldiers' cot- tage, housing approximately 250 men, will be dedicated at Elgin, Ill. This dedication ceremony is being conduct- ed by the American Legion, Depart- ment of Illinois, at the request of the managing director of the Elgin State hospital, Dr. Ralph T. Hinton. This event is another step toward the ultimate completion of hospital facilities for mental cases among the ex-service men in this area. Invite Public The general public are cordially in- vited to attend this ceremony, as the Legion is quite proud of the type of hospitals now being constructed for the care of the ex-service men suffer- ing with mental disabilities. These buildings, together with the new buildings at Jacksonville, were built by the State of Illinois to take care of the urgent need and were planned when there was no assurance that the federal government would provide for the proper hospitalization of these men. An excellent program has been ar- ranged, including a pageant by the ex-service men who are patients at the hospital in memory of our country's heroes. Dickinson on Program The program will include Ferre C. Watkins, state commander, American Legion, who is representing Governor Small; Jacob M. Dickinson of Win- netka, national rehabilitation commit- tee, American Legion; Dr. Ralph T. Hinton, managing officer of the Elgin State hospital; Rev. N. B. Clinch, state chaplain, American Legion; James Sykora, past commander, 11th district, American Legion; Herbert IL. Moul- ton, chairman, state rehabilitation committee, American Legion; Father Walter I. Fasnacht, Chaplain of Glen Ellyn Post, American Legion; and James E. White, past commander, Theodore Roosevelt Post, American Legion. Mrs. A. D. Hannah, 417 Abbottsford road, returned to Kenilworth last Fri- day from California, where she spent the winter. Irritated Bladder The bladder is the reservoir for the urine. When poisons and acids ave left In the urine by the kidneys, they Jotten irritate the bladder, causing Iin- flammation and severe pain. Relief depends upon the neutraliza- tion of the acids and the restoration of proper kidney action. Put your hope In Mountain Valley Min- eral Water from lot Springs, Arkansas. It's alkaline minerals tend to neutralize the acids, and it also alds In re- storing normal fune- tioning of the kidneys. Physicians everywhere preseribe it as an aid in the treatment of all kidney disorders. Phone us for a case today. --We Deliver-- Mountain Valley Water Co. 2609 Broadway Greenleaf 4777 Evanston, Ill. Woodland Grocer, Hubbard Woods.