April 30, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 5 WINNETKA C. OF C. SETS STAGE FOR BIG EVENT Will Bring Various Civic and Offi- cial Heads Together at Cham- ber's Annual Dinner The stage is being set by the Win- netka Chamber of Commerce for what promises to be the biggest night in its history, when, on Monday eve- ning, May 9, the recently elected of- ficers of the Chamber will be installed. The ceremonies of installation will be the briefest part of the evening's program, but opportunity is to be af- forded on this occasion to bring to- gether the officers of the Chambers of Commerce of all the North Shore vil- lages, Winnetka village officials and others, for an evening's entertainment and a general discussion of many questions of common interest to the various communities. C. of C. Interest Grows The business organizations of the North Shore villages are enjoying a membership and interest far exceeding any former periods in the history of these organizations, and their co- operation with other civic and official bodies is being sought and appre- ciated. There has been invited t o this meeting, officials of the Chambers of Commerce at Wilmette, Glencoe and Highland Park; the presidents of the Indian Hill and Hubbard Woods Im- provement associations; the members of the village council of Winnetka: the chief of police and the chief of the fire department of Winnetka: the president of the Winnetka board of education; the superintendent of Win- netka public schools and the principal of New Trier High school. All members of the Winnetka Cham- ber of Commerce and their wives; their employes, and also all business and professional men of the village and their wives, whether they arc members of the Chamber of Commerce or not, will be welcome. A Get-together Meeting It is to be a great, big, get-together meeting, one which it is anticipated will tax the capacity of Matz hall at Community House where the meeting and dinner will be held. The dinner will be served promptly at 7 o'clock. Tickets have already been mailed to members of the Cham- ber. Others may procure tickets from the members or at the Chamber of Commerce office, 556 Center street. The program will include short talks by a representative from the United States Chamber of Commerce, of Chi- cago; Henry F. Tenney, village presi- dent; presidents of the visiting Cham- bers, and others, including Thomas J. Lynch, newly elected president of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce. President Lynch, with his associate of- ficers and members has a well defined program for sound constructive busi- ness activities by the Chamber and the community. The committee in charge of arrange- ments for the meeting has planned for special entertainment by the Bensons, of Chicago. R. F. Doepel is chairman of the en- tertainment committee, his associates being William Wente, Harry Roberts, Harvey Bowen and Lee Adams. OPENS MASSAGE PARLOR Mrs. Carrie Nichols Clark, who has recently moved to Winnetka, opens a Swedish Massage parlor at 545 Provi- dent avenue next week. She is a graduate of the Burnham school of beauty culture, and specializes in courses of treatment for reducing and upbuilding. New Life! Give your shoes a new lease of life. .and save money at the same time. We use only A-1 ma- terials--do first class work and guarantee to please. Give us a trial. mn women and children. What's New in Footwear We are showing the latest modes of footwear for men, Featuring MARY ADAMS' for women NUNN BUSH for men. 804 Elm Street WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. Luensman SHOE REPAIRING OF MERIT Phone Winn. 694 A State Bana Let Your Money Work for You N© MAN can work as hard for money as that money can work for him. Money at interest earns for its owner . every hour of every day of the year. Make your money work for you by depositing it regularly in a savings account at The Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank. As this money works and increases it will buy you the things you want. Start now putting your dollars to work for you. Banking Hours: 8 to 3; Saturdays 8 to 12:30 Monday Evenings 7 to 8 WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK