56 WINNETKA TALK May 7, 1927 BAHAI FORUM The subject at the meeting in the studio of Louis Bourgeois, architect, 536 Sheridan road, Wilmette, Sun- day, May 3, at 3 P. M., will be "The Herald of the New Era." The public is invited. Edward D. Struen, the new caretaker, recently in charge of the Bahai Green Acre tract of two hundred acres in the town of Eliot, Maine, the Bahai temple grounds are rapidly being con- verted into an artistic landscape. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rape, mission- | Metho- | aries of the Wilmette Parish dist church, report they are safely lo- cated at Shanghai, China, where they are actively engaged in relief work among refugees. Under the supervision of | 'Davies to Deliver Sermon at Chicago Church Sunday Dr. J. W. F. Davies of the Win- | netka Congregational church, will de- | liver the address at a Memorial ser- vice next Sunday afternoon at 3 | o'clock at Bethlehem Congregational church, 1853 Loomis street, Chicago, { for the late Dr. E. A. Adams. Dr. | Adams was pastor of Bethlehem church for more than twenty years, and is held in loving memory for his { labors in that community. | Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 | Warwick road, returned to Kenilworth | Thursday, April 28, after a stay of | several months in Tucson, Ariz, and | California. The Frigidaire frost coil does the work of 100 pounds of ice and never melts! Even with your present ice-box you can be free from outside ice supply phxtan the ice-box you have is a good one. If it is, you can make a Frigidaire of it--easily and economically. A "frost coil"' to replace the ice--a few simple connections and you are completely and permanently independent of outside ice supply. Your foods will be kept in a uniform temperature 12° colder than you can expect with ice. You will have a dessert and ice-making compartment always below freezing. You will the kind that is serving have genuine Frigidaire-- more users than all other makes of electric refrigerators combined. Come in today. Let us show you how the General Motors plan of deferred payments makes it easy to own a Frigidaire. FRIG! DAIRE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS STOV 313 N. Michigan Ave. (Display Room) Telephone: Evanston--1631 Sherman Ave., Grrenleaf 4480. Hubbard Woods--956 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1512. Highland Park--ec/0 Huber Elec. Co., 882 Central Ave., Highland Park 150. South Side--6767 Stony Island Ave. Plaza 2701. South Side--1753 W. 95th St. Beverly 8422, ER CO. 445 E. Erle St. (General Offices) Superior 5528 Austin--5944 W. Madison St. Col- umbus 3122. Elmhurst--112 S. York St, Elm- hurst 1356. La Grange--4 S. Fifth Ave, La ..Grange 477. The Falr--6th Floor--State 3500. Milwaukee--516 Wisconsin Ave. Grand 2066. 469 Prospect Ave, Lakeside 5100, Gimbel Bros., Grand 7000. Makes Things Hum Traveling Bathroom Will Stop in Winnetka Tuesday Local home owners will be inter- Things are popping along Via del Lago way these days since Lawrence Meyers, managing director, opened the doors of Teatro de Lago a few weeks ago. Mr. Meyers has been associated | ested in seeing the unusual traveling materials which will visit Winnetka on Tuesday May 10, and Glencoe on | exhibit of plumbing Wednesday, May 11. In a big special body built on a motor truck a varied and interesting display of the latest designs in bath room, kitchen and laundry equipment will be shown. It is conducted by the Crane company. The display will be located all day Tuesday on Elm street, Winnetka, just east of the Chicago and North Western station. On Wed- nesday it will be taken to Glencoe where it will be located on Park ave- nue west of the station. Miss Edith Dillon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dillon of 814 Prospect avenue, is entertaining in- formally at tea Sunday evening for twelve Northwestern girls. with the motion picture industry for many years and is particularly adept in i connection with the exhibiting branch of the business. He has been asso- ciated with the Balaban and Katz or- ganization and is regarded as a fortu- nate choice as directing genius of Teatro del Lago in "No Man's Land." A Nd You'll & LiketoDrink! HERE is no drink more genuinely deli- cious than a glass of good, fresh milk. And there is no drink that can even compare with milk as a builder of sturdy, robust health. Bowman's Milk is RICH milk--rich in cream and rich in health-giving vitamins. It builds firm muscles and strong bones. Children, espe- cially, need the extra vides. Phone Glencoe 70 Start Milk with tion i FOR" 51 YEARS "THE DAIRY COMPANY vim and vigor it pro- drinking Bowman's today. You'll like it every meal. Telephone our nearest distributing sta- or order from any of our courteous milkmen. MilR / STANDARD OF QUALITY