Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 7 May 1927, p. 59

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Dag ALR WINNETKA TALK May 7, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only : Classified advertisements will General Notice to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are lar subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or regu GLENCOE NEWS. . 16 cents a line in one paper. Rates 30 cents papers. CHARGE 50 cents. used. a line Average of five words to the line. 109% discount on all eash with order advertisements when brought to 26 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face type our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday § o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022, 10T9-tfe PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1686. 10T9-tfe PLAIN SEWING AND MENDING. 'Winn. 2017. 10TN9-1tp 13 INSTRUCTION REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER Now is the time to go over the year's work and to strengthen weak places. Elementary and high school pupils. Phone Kenilworth 248 13LTN32-2tp -- 17 MASSAGE SWEDISH MASSAGE REDUCING--UPBUILDING, PHONE Winn. 2795 for appointment. Carrie Nichols Clark. 17LTN32-1tp I -------------------- 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN9-ttc 21B GARDENING JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY HAS SOME REAL BARGAINS ON A variety of A-1 shrubs and perennials. West Park Ave., Highland Park. Tel. 2098-Y-1. 21BLTN31-4tc MATT CARETTA BLACK DIRT, MANURE, LAND- scape Gardening. Private Driveways and Hauling Service. 411 Randolph. Tel. Glen. 491. 21BTN9-1tp SIT. WTD. -- GARDNER, GREEN- house man; 25 years old, single, sober, reliable. Best of references. Alf Nil- sen, Box 289, Morton Grove, IIL 21BLTN32-1tp WANTED -- GARDENER TO WORK one or two days each week for balance of season. 261 Hawthorne. Glencoe 1157. 21BTN9-1te GARDENING ODD JOBS BY HOUR OR contract. Winn. 2482. 21BLTN32-1tc ------------ 22A PROFESSIONAL STENOGRAPHY MARION L. CAMPBELL Public Stenographer 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 1750 22ALTN32-1tc 27 GENERAL REPAIR HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARP- 'ened. Will grind any size mower. Called for and delivered. G. A. Soderblom. Phone Glencoe 1025. 27TLTN32-1te 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MED- ium sized tan Collie, with white nose, neck and legs; male. Answers to name "Bushy." $10 reward for return or information leadine to return. 211 17th St.,, Wilmette 1370. 31LTN32-1te 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE OFFICE HELP WANTED -- CAPABLE stenographer and typist in attorney's office, must be skilful at telephone and able to meet the public. Carlton Prouty, Franklin Bldg., Winnetka. 32LTN32-tfc GEN. MAID. WHITE. COOKING, SERV- ing and 1st floor work. No laundry or heavy cleaning. 4 children in family. Nurse employed. Refs. req. Glencoe 674. 32LTN32-1te WANTED--MAID, WHITE, BETWEEN 25 and 35, general housework; 2 adults, 2 small children; private room and bath; near transportation. 379 Ridge Ave. Winn, 1379. 32T9-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; family of 3; small house; good wages. Tel. Winn. 2673. 32TN9-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL, white, care of 2 infants. Good refer- ences. 47 Indian Hill road, Winnetka. Tel. Wilmette 3083. 32LTN32-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small family; good home and wages for right girl. Univ. 9109. 32LTN32-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE MAID for general housework. Own room and bath. 869 Pine street. Tel. Winn. 2084. 32LTN32-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework or mother's helper. Good wages. Tel. Winn. 1682. 1412 Scott Ave. 32LTN32-1tc WANTED--MAID, WHITE OR COL- ored, for general housework, go home nights. Phone Winn. 2516. 32TN9-1te WANTED--RELIABLE WHITE MAID, general housework ; small house ; small family. Winn. 904. 32TN9-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework; small family. Winn. 1752. 32LTN32-1tc WHITE, FOR GEN. HOUSE. FOR MAY 15. Small house, small family. Winn. 1296. 32LTN32-1te WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework. Winn. 1205. 32LTN32-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework or to assist. Wil. 1472, 32LTN32-1tc WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hsewk.; no washing, own room and bath. Wil. 3287. 32LTN32-1te EXP. WHITE MAID. GEN. HOUSE- work. Must be good cook. Refs, Winn. 1254. 32T9-1te A ---- 33 HELP WANTED--MALE GARDENER-CHAUFFEUR. MARRIED. To live on the place. Apply 960 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. Winn. 184. 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG MAN OR YOUNG woman to work in A, & ©P. store. Must furnish good references. 402 Railroad Ave. Kenilworth, 34T9-1te 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE 38 SIT. WTD, --MALE & FEMALE DRESSMAKER -- AMERICAN WANTS work one day each week in six Win- netka families, where she can do re- pairing or sewing of any kind, Best references. Address Talk B-312. 36T9-1tp KINDERGARTNER, EUROPEAN HOS- pital to children over two, about June 1st. Wages $30. Excellent references. Address Wilmette Life B-306. 36LTN32-1tc SIT. WTD. -- WOMAN WANTS WORK by day; washing, ironing, cleaning; also, cook and serve, take care of chil- dren evenings. Call Wil. 3428, 36LTN32-1tp WANTED--DAY WORK FOR COMPE- tent colored laundress, or cleaning. 50c per hour. For reference and en- gagement phone Winn. 1548. 36T9-1tp WANTED--POSITION WITH SAME family, by two sisters. White. Exper. as cook and nurse maid or 2nd maid work. Phone Wian. 1421. 36T9-1tp WOULD LIKE TO GO OUT OF TOWN after June 17. Cooking, general work, or caring for children. Colored. Refs. Winn. 220. 36LTN32-1tc EXPER. TYPIST WISHES HOME work. Accurate neat work. Called for and delivered. Talk B-310. 36LTN32-1tp WTD. TO WASH -- BLANKETS, CUR- tains, and other laundry. 886 Willow road, Winn. 1924. 36LTN29-4tc EXP. COOK. VERY BEST OF REF. 31% years in previous place. Phone Winn. 1369. 36T9-1tp REFINED COLORED GIRL WOULD like half days work. Morning pre- ferred. Glencoe 1081. 36TN9-1tp EXP. AND CAPABLE AT SHORT- hand, type., and gen. ofc. work. Morn- ings. Address Talk B-307. 36TN9-1tp HOUSECLEANING AND LAUNDRY by the day. S. Sawyer, Lincoln 7378. 36TN-1tp WANTED--WASHING TO "DO - AT home; curtains, blankets. Call and deliver. Wil. 3687. 36T9-1tc GIRL WANTS WORK IN DRY GOODS store. Apply Winnetka Talk B-301. 36T9-1tp WANTED--CLEANING OR LAUNDRY work by the day. Tel. Winn. 2627. 36T9-1te rrr Tr rrr 37 SITUATION 'WTD.--MALE EVANSTON INTERIOR HOUSE CLEANERS Expert paint and window washing. 1906 W. Railroad Ave. Evanston, IIL Phone University 5535. 3TLTN32-4tp WANTED -- PERMANENT POSITION as gardener by experienced man. Sin- gle. Also willing to work about the house. Seven years at last place. Best reference. Address Winn. Talk B-308. 37T9-1tp WANTS CE- and walks, grade and EXPERIENCED MAN ment work; driveways basement floors, garage; seed lawns. Louis Pantle, landscape gardener. Tel. Winn. 1813. 37T9-1te MEN, WINDOW WASHERS, CARPET cleaners, house cleaners, cooks, butlers, drivers, gardeners. Joe Watley. Wil- mette 1058. 37TTN9-1tp WANTED -- LAWN OR GARDEN work, by day or hour. Call Glencoe 930 or Northbrook 148-J. 37TN9-1tp CHAUFFEUR, 15 YEARS' EXP. 'White. Married. Age 33. Glencoe 1264. 3TTN9-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur with best references. Univ. 2529. 3TLT32-1tp WANTED -- YARD WORK AND GEN- eral house cleaning. Tel. Greenleaf 3418. Ganaway. 3TLTN29-4tp WANTED--GARDEN, FURNACE AND housework. E. J. Beck, Phone Wil. 3479. 3TLT29-4tp 35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LOST--GIRL'S NEW PATHFINDER bicycle last Thursday, April 28th. Lib- eral reward. Phone Winn. 1437. 31T9-1te LOST--BOY'S RED EXCELSIOR BI- cycle. Call. Winn. 918, 31T9-1tc -- 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL GIRI. -- MOTHER'S helper. White. Wil. 3957. 32T9-1te SMALL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IF YOU CAN INVEST $100 PERSONS of high character guarantee $150 back to you by regular monthly payment checks through bank. A very safe clean unusual opportunity. Highest references. Only eight accepted. Ad- dress Wilmette Life B-311. 35LTN32-1te WANTED--LAWNS TO CUT. CALL Winn. 604-J. 37TTN9-1te HC -- --------------------S--------------S------S.--------------.---- 38 SIT. WI'D.--MALE & FEMALE "qs A « Elite Employment Service WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE right cook, butler and all other house- hold help. Special department for private secretaries, nurses and gov- ernesses. Suite 619, Ill. W. Athl. Club Bldg. 820 Tower Court. Superior 7481-2, 38T7-3tp LIKE TO PLACE MY GOOD for June, July, and Au- WOULD colored couple gust. Mrs. Shoemaker, Glencoe 1407. 38TN32-1te ------------------------------ - 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- SEVERAL ROOMS IN east side home; second floor; steam heat; hot water. Wil. 1940. 41LTN32-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 3% block to a'l transportation and stores. Phone Flencoe 770. 41TN9-tfc FOR RENT --- ROOMS CLOSE TO transportation. Furnished for men, unfurnished for young employed cou- ple. Phone Winn, 519-M. 41T9-1te FOR RENT -- 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms for couple employed. Garage space if desired. Wil. 776-M. 41LTN32-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT32-tfc FURNISHED ROOM, Glencoe 465. 41LTN32-1tc COMFORTABLE ROOM. TWIN BEDS. Reas. For 2 busi. men or women. Tel. Winn. 1086. 41TN9-1tc ROOM FOR RENT--SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen. Winn, 2306. 41T9-11c FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM, TWIN beds; h. w. ht. Winn, 1920. 41LTN32-1tc FURNISHED ROOM. 41LTN32-1tp LIGHT, WELL near transportation. FOR RENT -- Tel. Wil. 623. FRONT ROOM. GENTLEMAN PRE- ferred. Winn. 2669. 41LTN32-1te 12 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS PART OF A BEAU. home. Large grounds. Sleep. and liv. porches. 4-5 bedrooms. Furnished or unfurn. Baths and showers. Conven- ient loca. Oil combustion hot water heat. Call owner for further informa., Winn. 2664. 42TN9-tfe FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN32-tfc WINNETKA. FOR RENT -- 3 ROOM SUITE, PRIV- ate bath and storeroom ; gas stove and ice box furnished. Suitable for em- ployed couple. Wil. 3529. 42L.T32-1tc 3 ROOMS AND BATH. HEATED. GAR- age if desired. No children. 1027 Spruce St. Winn. 1560. 42LTN32-1tp FOR RENT--ONE LARGE ROOM WITH kitchenette. Apply 726 11th St. Call Wil. 992-M. 42LTN32-1tc 4 RO! S garage on Prospect avenue. No chil- dren. Winn. 68 42LTN32-1tc 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS TO SUBLET FOR SUMMER MONTHS-- Furnished apartment in Orrington Hotel, Evanston. Good summer expos- ure. Two large rooms with twin beds and in-a-door bed. Bath with shower. Grand piano. Kitchenette with electric range. Complete hotel service. Ample closets, Garage in building. P. B. Kohlsaat. Apply hotel rental office, University 8700. 43LTN32-tfp 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW in Coun- try on State Road, all modern conveni- ences. (Garage. $75.00 8 ROOM RESIDENCE, convenient trans- portation and schools. Immediate pos- session, $125.00 $65.00 Will Rent 5 Rooms for J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wil. 364 Wilmette, Illinois 44L.T32-1tc Winnetka Special 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZED porch; hot water heat; 300 ft. frontage facing park; near transportation and schools. Tel. Winn. 1905. 44LTN32-tfc 7 ROOM MODERN FRAME HOUSE. Sun porch. Bath on 2nd floor and ex- tra lav. on 1st, tiled floors. Large lawn. $125 per month. M. Thorsen, 903 Wil- low Rd. Winn. 833. 44L.TN32-1tp 2 BATHS. 44TN9-1tc 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE. Sleep. porch. Winn. 507. a aad i as tS 1h ya gt GT LL

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