Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 7 May 1927, p. 60

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i > pa i) Cady. shad adel id EY BESO RR May 7, 1927 WINNETKA TALK SY "H FOR RENT--HOUSES 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES 53 FOR SALE--VACANT FOR RENT -- 7 ROOM HOUSE, SLEEP- ing and living porches. Centraily lo- cated in Glencoe, Reasonable rent. Phone Glencoe 629 or Harrison 0282. 44LTN32-1te 6 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE. IM- mediate poss. $100 per month. Winn. 1613. 44L/TN32-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM HOUSE, NEAR school and golf ground. $100 per month. 1096 Oak St., Winnetka. 44LLTN32-1tc iH FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES JUNE TO SEPT. 8 ROOMS. LARGE sleep. porch. 2 screen porches. Corner lot. Large shade trees. $150 a month. 1124 Tower road, Hubbard Woods, Winn. 1730. 45LTN32-1fc TO RENT JUNE, JULY & AUGUST-- lovely furnished house. 7 rooms, 2 baths, sleep. porch, 2 car garage. Small family without children. $200 per mo. Winn. 2208. 45 TN32-1te FOR RENT--FOR SUMMER MONTHS, furnished home in Hubbard Woods. 5 rooms and bath. pretty yard, Attractive location, near transportation. Phone Winn. 2560. 45T9-tfe FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM house, furnished, sun porch, sleep. pch., gar. Winn. 1781. 45T9-tfe FOR SUMMER MONTHS -- NICELY furnished bunga. 3 bedrooms. $75 mo. Winn. 690. 45TN9-1te FOR RENT--7 ROOM FURNISHED house from June 15th to Sept. 1st. Winn. 1065. 45T9-1te 48 FOR RENT----STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn, 142. 4SLTN32-tfc FOR RENT -- LARGE WORK SHOP, 28x38. Tel. Wil. 969-W. 48L.T32-tfc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES $1,500 Cash re Buys Winnetka East VERY COMFORTABLE 6 ROOM STUC- co home. FIRST FLOOR has large living room with fireplace, bookcases, screened front porch, dining room, kitchen with ample pantry space and breakfast room. SECOND FLOOR has 3 nice bedrooms and glazed sleeping porch and bath. All oak floors and trim. Steam heat with Minn. heat Reg. Automatic hot water heater; 2 car sealed garage, equipped with gas auto- matic heater. Lot 650x150. Price $12,500. Terms like rent. Hill & Stone 542 Lincoln Ave. Winn, 1544 52T9-1te WINNETKA SPECIALS 7 ROOM STUCCO RES. 1 BATH, OIL heat, large porch, fine double garage, on beautiful wooded and landscaped lot, 87%x165, in choicest part of S. E. Section--near School, Lake and Trans- portation. Owner leaving Village of- fers place at dttractive price of $24,000. Also a 6 Room Bung. type Res., 2 baths, H. W. heat, on most attractive lot, 75x 160, in same locality as above. Fine neighborhood and desirable in many ways. Just listed and offered for first time. An unusual chance to get a home for this price in such a location. Price $18,500 . Terms to desirable party. P. W. Bradstreet & Co., Sole Agts. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. Phone 162 b52T9-1te WINNETKA HOME $19,500 4 BEDROOMS: AND 2 BATHS OWNER MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTI- ful home, 4 blks. to main elect. and steam depots, village and schools; large living room with wood burning fire- place; hot water heat; 2 car heated garage; high wooded lot 50x165. Small payment down. Balance like rent. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Haviland Realty Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 747 Elm St, Winnetka Ph. Winn. 577 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 52LTN32-1te GLENCOE, 316 WASHINGTON STREET. 4 room bungalow, bath. Near school, parks, excellent trans. Lawn, trees, shrubbery. Price $7,000. Open Sunday. 52LTN32-1tp Tr AI" a WINNETKA HOMES COZY 4 RM. BUNGALOW ON BEAU- tiful wooded lot $9,200. 8 rm. frame, south west Winn. $10,500. 6 rm. stucco, wooded lot, $12,500. 6 rm. stucco, garage, $14,000. 6 rm. shingle, new, $15,500. 6 rm. and sun porch, $17,500. and many beautiful homes at $18,000 and up. HENRY F. UHE & CO. 546 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 83 52L/TN32-1tc PRACTICAL SUBSTANTIAL ATTRACTIVE IS THIS BRICK COLONIAL HOME. Large wooded lot. 8 rooms, 3 bedrms., sleeping porch, 2 tiled baths, Brick gar- age. Price $24,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winn. 2199 527T9-1te BIG VALUE CHARMING 7-ROOM HOME, HANDY to everything. 2 baths, sun room, fire- place, garage. Extra large lot. Only $20,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winn. 2199 52T9-1te EAST WINNETKA VACANT, 64 FT. FRONTAGE NEAR transportation and schools. $125 per ft. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Wnnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 53LTN32-1tc FOR SALE -- SEVERAL LOTS IN Woodland Park at Deerfield, Illinois. Terms. Fred J. Schmidt, 2124 Pioneer Road, Evanston, Illinois. 53LTN32-1tc FOR SALE -- N. E. CORNER RIDGE Ave. and Hill Rd. overlooking beauti- ful Indian Hill. 110x132 ft. Wm. Top- ple. Tel. Winnetka 280. 53T9-tfe FOR SALE--HIGHLAND PARK LOT, 50¥150, two blocks to transportation, $40 00 per foot. Wilmette Life B-305. 53LTN32-4tp BIG OAK LARGE CORNER LOT. trees. Improvements in. Talk B-297. 53LTN32-1tp BSA SUMMER RESORTS 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS Sacrifice Beautiful Furniture LATEST STYLE, 3-PC. GENUINE MO- hair living room suite, 7-pc. massive walnut dining room suite, two 9x12 Wilton rugs, 4-pc. walnut bedroom suite, lamps, 5-pc. dinette breakfast set, silverware, mirror. Will take $475 for all or sell separate. Will pay for hauling. Carson, 338 So. Ashland Boul, Cor. Van Buren. Chicago, Phone Seeley 8216. 71T9-1tp FULLER BRUSHES WILL MAKE your cleaning easy. Phone or write for Semonstration. ton Cy Stone, 132¢ dison st. vanston. Iniv. . AgiSon 34 71TNS-2tp SEWING MACHINE--SINGER PORT- able electric. Attachments. Used very little. Cost $80, will sell for $35. Call Winn. 1784 mornings. 71T9-1te ORIENTAL RUGS, MAHOG. BEDROOM suite, complete. Italian Renaissance desk. Walnut shade mohair davenport. Chairs. Winn. 2872. T1TN9-1tp SUMMER HOME SITES. ALSO FUR- nished cottages at Woodruff, Wiscon- sin. J. M. Reed, Box 26, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. 55ALTN32-1tc SMALL MAHOG. TABLE, 1 MAHOG. rocker, 1 painisd i Shide, i drop jear s lanp and s e. nn. » Isble. 4 Jong TILTN32-1tp -- WTD. TO RENT -- OPTION TO BUY, small summer place. Night's ride Chi- cago. Near meals and golf. Wil. 1615. 1317 Greenwood Ave. 55ALTN31-1tp WHITE ENAMELED ICE-BOX. GOOD cond. Bargain. Gren <nam. al lay-yard, $2. en ' bel Be PAT 7TILTN32-1tc 56 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, shower, oil heat, garage to match building. All improvements in and paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 re- duced from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. 52LTN32-tfp BRAND NEW HOUSE 3 BLOCKS TO TRANSPORTATION. Attractive 6 rooms, tile bath. Hot Water heat, Brick & Stucco. Attached garage. $17,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St. Winnetka Winn. 2199 52T9-1te GLENCOE THREE BLOCKS FROM TRANSPOR- tation and school, a white frame home, very attractively landscaped, 100 by 200 ft. lot. This house contains 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch, 1 car garage. Offered for immediate sale at $25,000. Terms. VACANT in North East Glencoe, we are offering a very choice 104x190 ft. lot at $135 per ft. Also, 118x221, at $125 per ft. Walter P. Smith & Co. Park Ave. Glencoe 702 56LTN32-1te 332 MOVING TO LARGER HOUSE. WILL sell my 6 room bungalow in most ex- clusive section of Highland Park on beautiful ravine lot for practically ground value. Make offer. Highland Park 1397. 52LTN32-1tp RAVINTA. SPAN. TILED ROOF BUNGA. 7 rms. sleep. porch and tiled bath. Heated gar. attached. Hot Water ht. Lot 50x135. Price $17,500. Arrange terms. Call High. Park 2644 for further information. 52TN9-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT -- OPEN TO- day. 861 Prospect Ave., Winnetka. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, oil ht. Large grds., gar. 2 blks. lake, depot. Reduced price. Winn. 545 or 1729. 52LLTN32-1te FOR SALE -- 1719 ELMWOOD AVE. Wilmette, 8 room frame ; hot water ht. ; terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 52LTN22-tfe NORTH EVANSTON, 6 ROOM STUCCO house ; hot water heat; oil burner. Ex. transp. Large lot. Bargain, owner. Greenleaf 2174. S2LTN30-4te 58 FOR SALE--VACANT RAVINIA VACANT BEAU. HEAVILY WOODED LOT NEAR depot, $60 ft. Beau. corner lot, off Sheridan Rd., near lake, $80 ft. Attractive 100 ft. lot in Deer Park, sur- iouhded by beautiful homes, $100 per foot. 110 feet of lake frontage, full riparian rights, $250 per ft. Irregular shape, heavily wooded 580 ft. lot, lake frontage, full riparian rights, will not divide. $150 per ft. Henry F. Uhe & Co. 546 Lincoln Phone Winn. 83 53LTN32-1te INDIAN HILL NEIGHBORHOOD TWO BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES. Located on Birch St.--between Alles Rd. and Sunset Rd.--beautifully wooded-- in the heart of the best residential de- velopment--seclusion without isolation or inconvenience. Each lot 105x187 feet--worth $175 per ft.--want immedi- ate offer. McGUIRE & ORR Winnetka 672 541 Lincoln St. 53LTN32-1te FINE WOODED LOTS 50x150 LOCATED on Harding Rd. 3% mile from Wau Bun station on Chi, N. 8S. and Mil. R.R. Easily accessible from Winnetka, Ken- ilworth, Wilmette, or Evanston. Cash or time payments. Call owner, Winn. 206. 53LTN32-1tp FOR SALE, WINNETKA. MODERN 6 room frm. and stucco house, 2 porches, gar., 67 ft. lot in desirable location, $14,500 New 6 room brick English Colonial, 2 baths, sun and sleeping porches, 2 car gar, 75 ft. lot, conveniently located, $30,000. Building lot 50x140, wooded, all improve- ments in and paid. Last lot in neigh- borhood at this price. $3,750. SMITH AND BROWN 736 Elm St.,, Winnetka Phone 142 --_-- 56T9-1te 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS USED CARS ON EASY TERMS We recommend and guarantee these cars to be in good condition. Every one is a safe investment. '25 Overland 6 Sedan $475 '26 Overland Light delivery 225 '24 Dodge Touring 350 '23 Dodge Sedan, New Paint 300 '22 Dodge Sedan, New Paint 150 WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 68L.TN32-tfc FOR SALE--HUPMOBILE SEDAN, 4 cylinder; A-1 condition. Driven only 23,000 miles. $350.00. 1040 Pine St. Winn. 752. 68LTN32-1tc 1923 STUDEBAKER LIGHT 6 SEDAN, fully equipped, mileage 15,000, excel- lent condition. $375.00. Phone Winn. 68TN9-1tc 70 ANTIQUES THE WHAT-NOT SPOOL BEDS, $35 TO $60 PAIR. 4- Drawer Walnut Chests, $20 to $35. Chairs in sets, $25 to $45. Tables, $4 to $75. Rugs--mirrors, ete. Mrs. Dicke wishes to inform her patrons that dur- ing this selling every article in her home has been drastically reduced. 808 WASHINGTON STREET Evanston 1 Bl. So. Main St. 1% Bl. E. Ridge Ave. T0LTN32-1tc ANTIQUE FURNI LIV. DIN. AND bedroom pieces of handsome type. Some plainer pieces and small antique acces- sories, such as glass, lamps, whatnots, ete. Very reasonably priced. Glen. 83. TOLTN32-1te 71 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS GIRLS' PATHFINDER BIKE DINING table, buffet, and chairs. Winn. 1613. TILTN32-1tc DRESSES FOR SALE CHEAP. BOTH small and large. Also coat. Baby carage--genuine Reed, blue, perfect cond. Winn. 1880. 71LTN32-1tp FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY BEDROOM set ; French Goors | SaTilaTy ai Tugs hi furniture. v , 80g thor ie TILTN32-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO, EX- cellent condition, $100. Porcelain top kitchen table, $3.50. Winn. 1967. TILTN32-1te FOR SALE -- BABY CRIB; FINE WAL- nut dresser; floor lamp; kitchen table and step ladder. Phone Wil. 3529. T1ILT32-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE AND ICE box. Almost new. Winn. 2295. 71T9-1te RELIABLE GAS RANGE, EXC. COND. Reasonable. 717 Rosewood. Winn. 2360. TITN9-1te FINE OAK BOOKCASE WITH LEAD- ed glass doors for quick sale, $10. Winn. 817. 71T9-1te FOR SALE--3 PIECE IVORY RATTAN porch furniture. Winn. BTR To 1 THOR WASHING MACHINE. GOOD cond., $25. Winn. 324. T1TN9-1tc R SALE -- ICE-BOX, $10.00. WIL. Fost. 7T1LTN32-1te 2 WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 HMeETSo Ste Ev- ton, Ill. Phone niv. h Bpston T2LTN32-tfe WTD. TO BUY -- USED MAHOGANY bed: also, 9x12 Oriental rug. Winn. 1470. T2LTN32-1tc 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Attractive Offerings INVESTIGATE AND INSPECT GLEN Acres Golf Course and club facilities at Glen View, Ill, before making your decision to buy a membership in any North Shore Club. The price of lease certificate is $150.00. Each application is thoroughly checked by the club di- rectors thus assuring the calibre of membership this club is desirous of having. J. J. Rink, Pres. 518 Davis St. Greenleaf 1678 T3LTN30-4tc GENTLEMAN'S SUITS AND .OVER- coat, large size. Tailored. $5. No dealers. 228 Sheridan road, Winn. T3TN9-1tp FOR SALE -- FRENCH DOORS, COM- pletely equipped. Wil. 1183. 73LT32-1tp 74 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE TaD FOR RAGS nes, ol othes, res, tubes. Tel Wilmette 3334. 74T9-tfe MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 60

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