--- July 2, 1927 WINNETKA TALK War on Mosquitoes! FRE. ooiive 45c to $1.19 Venon, Flyosan ....69c Vico Powder at. . ... 10¢ Smart is the Luggage from Rosenberg's-- ROM Hartmann comes this sturdy, perfectly- fitted wardrobe trunk, with raised cushion top, $49.50. ND a black enamel hat box, 18-inch size, with blue-gold cretonne, only $6.50. N overnight bag of cowhide, with leather lining, priced from $8.95 to $10.95. Value! Luggage--First Floor eo or ef rd -- tt --< OSENBERG Davis Street ~ Downtown Evanston Now for Days of Real Sport FTER 365 weary days of waiting, this playtime of the year is here! Take advantage of these summer specials for the 4th! ii with a Yori Swimming Suit WY ouan will delight in these new models, for Jantzen has done its best in making these the finest suits ever! And the prices: 1-pc., $6; 2-pc., $7. M= have their choice of the regular or "speed'"' models, and the colors and fabric are just "rarin' "' to show their "stuff." 1-pc., $6; 2-pc., $7. OUTHS, too, will want the best, and the only "'best" is the Jantzen, priced at $5. For children, Jantzens are just $4. Infants' suits, $1.95. Bathing Suits and Accessories--First Floor Plunge Into the Heart of Summer tml re AR +e 1 ek rt or War on Mosquitoes! Black Flag. ..15¢ to 79¢ Feno with spray . ...93¢ Especo Lotion at. ...25¢C Summer Com- fort Dreams Come True-- AL porch shades bring real out-of- doors comfort. Price range, by size, from $2.90 to $9. RTIFICIAL breezes are better than natural ones with one of these 8-in. to 10-in. fans, $5.75 to $10.95. OOLNESS is the keynote of a set of white dot- ted grenadine curtains. Five pieces, $2.95. Third Floor * Tr lbleEG tt