BT wm. EL ea 14 WINNETKA TALK July 9, 1927 CABIN A BUSY PLACE North Shore Boy Scouts Now Firmly Entrenched in Over-night Hiking Re- treat in Woods Standing as the culmination of six years of work to get a stopping place for over-night Boy Scout hikers, The Cabin-in-the-Woods, dedicated on Sun-| day, June 26, is now ready to reward Scouts of the North Shore Area Council for their efforts. It is described as "the over-night hike objective of the North Shore Area extending from Wil- mette to Lake Bluff." Three dates stand out in the most recent history of the cabin: February 8, when its establishment was assured by the Cook County Forest Preserve board; May 21, when twenty-seven troops took part in a fun rally at the | cabin; and June 26, the dedication, The If this were Baron Rothschild -- and he wanted the finest fan money could buy, he'd have to line up with the crowd and pay enly $16.50. This fan has everything -- three speeds, enclosed oscillating mechanism, non-tarnishing blades. in proportion to current consumed. Doesn't that move you to see it at your nearest dealer's? It moves more air et a Westinghouse Fan $1650 --this 10-inch Home Fan in ---- Black. In Old Ivory, $18.50. The Whirlwind at $7.50 is a Westing- house Fan well worth standing in front of when the mercury is in the nineties. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP O. L. Porter 554 Center St. Ph. Winn. 44 have officially extended their thanks to the Board of Farest Preserve Com- missioners of Cook County and to Mr. | Oscar W. Schmidt in particular, for his untiring energy in making possible that which is the heritage of north shore Scouts for many years to come, the Cabin-in-the-Woods. Credit is also given to Ransom Kennicott, Cook county forester, for the location of the | cabin, and to Peter M. Hoffman, former sheriff and now connected with the Forest Preserve board, for the building of it. In order that Scouts unaccompanied by Scoutmasters may be under super- vision over night, Assistant Scout | Executive Draper has arranged to be| present at the cabin every Wednesday | from noon through to Thursday morn- ing, he has announced. The dedication on June 26 was at- tended by Commissioner Schmidt, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Kennicott, and Commis- sioners Louise Nettlehorts and Francis Boutell. The speech of acceptance of the cabin was made by Albert P. Snite, president of the North Shore Area Council ; the camp flag was presented by L. J. Cahn, for the north shore | American Legion posts; and the flag was raised by Eagle Scout Fowler of | | Wilmette. RECOVER STOLEN CAR A stolen automobile belonging to Thompson Brothers of 7334 N. Clark street, Chicago, was recovered by the | Wilmette police Wednesday. The | {machine was found abandoned on | Lake avenue. | | | Scouts, their leaders, and their parents | Drowning Man | ANNUAL SWEDISH FETE WILL BE BROADCAST Upwards of 30,000 Expected to Attend Picnic at Old People's Home Snatched From Death in Canal Only timely assistance from Frank P. Blair of Wilmette and Captain | Brantigam of the Wilmette police de- | partment, saved Hans Nelson, 3203] Armitage avenue, Chicago, fr o m| drowning in the drainage canal be- tween Maple and Linden avenues Tues- day evening at about Oclock. . | at the annual picnic of the Swedish nein a ulacoverec oating In| ' duo . e water in an unconscious ri by | Old People's Home association at the Blair, who happened to pass the spot | home, Pioneer road and Grant street, in a boat. He was taken to shore and | Evanston, will be broadcast and will the Wilmette police summoned. Cap- |be made easily heard throughout the tain Brantigam responded and upon !grounds. The picnic will be held Sun- his arrival immediately applied arti- |day, July 17. ficial respiration, succeeding in re-| The gathering is expected to bring suscitating Nelson after a short time. | together between 20,000 and 30,000 peo- Chief Walter Zibble of the Fire de-|ple of Swedish birth or descent. Even partment had also been notified | better amplifying facilities than were and responded with the pulmotor but| effective at the time of the visit there Nelson had recovered sufficiently to| of the Crown Prince and Princess of make its use unnecessary. He was | Sweden last June, are promised for this taken to the Evanston hospital for | picnic day. medical attention. { By radio and by amplifiers speeches +] The speakers will include Mayor ey eo Charles H. Bartlett of Evanston, the SPEAKS AT BAPTIST CHURCH | Swedish consul, M. DeDardel of Chi- Dr. 1. M. P. Smith of the Divinity cago, and the Rev. Dr. Hofsten, pastor school of the University of Chicago | of Grace Lutheran church, Chicago. will preach at the Wilmette Baptist | Radio artists will entertain, and pro- church Sunday morning, July 10, at| vision will be made for special radio- the 11 o'clock services. Oscar Ben- phonograph music throughout the day nett of Lincoln, Neb., will be the solo- and evening. The program will be ist at the services. broadcast over station WCFL. Herman Olson of Evanston, secretary of the association, is a member of the committee in charge of picnic arrange- ments. Franklin C. E. Lundquist of Use of manufactured gas in industry in Chicago increased 19.7 per cent dur- ing 1926. "1245 | | Chassis f.0.b. Detroit 11-Ton GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS % 11% WERSTED MOTOR CO 562 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 165 Chicago is chairman of the outing '1445 committee and in charge of the pic- nic. Chassis f.o0.b. Detroi Ee = | Install "Stop-and-Go" y / 2-Ton Lights in Kenilworth . "Stop-and-go" signal lights are being | installed this week at the intersection { of Kenilworth avenue and Sheridan | road, Kenilworth. The new lights ate to be of the four-way, bracket type, and are to be fastened to the lamp- posts at diagonal corners of the inter- section, the southeast and northwest. They are of cast aluminum and are | finished to match the lamppost fixtures. The lights, which were selected by a | committee appointed by the Village | board with full power to act, were con- | structed by the Crouse-Hinds company of Chicago. The purchase price was | $494.08, delivered, and the installation | cost is to be borne by the Village. 2-Ton An Estimate Nothing Entrance Driveways:-- Whether your problem is building a new road or repairing an Will Cost You old one--you will want the best in workmanship and materials. The Following Surface Materials White Chips -- Red Granite Chips ...can be Bird's Eye Gravel (brown) ased wih Missouri River Gravel (yellow) Road Pitch "When You're in a Hurry" Winnetka Teaming & Supply Co. Lawrence J. Hayes Telephone Winnetka 32 El eT. -- i Ea. os BC SS... Dh -- Se a