July 23, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 37 - BAHAI LECTURES | Meetings for the exposition of the Northmore Land Company Operates Course | Bahai Revelation are held in the studio Ph | of Louis Bourgeois, Rrciitect; 536 one | | Sheridan road, Wilmette, Sundays at | Wi (Continued from Page 17) Saturday. Every Saturday afternoon |3 p.m. Wednesdays at 8 p. m. a study ilmette 2418 the women indulge in bridge. At | class meets in the home of C. P. Chris- home club and only recently was 2 present they are engaged in a tourna- | tensen, 1138 Oakwood avenue. EDWARD prize winner in a big invitation event [ment which is to extend over a period held at the Beverly club. They'll tell {of ten weeks. : 3 | F. K. Copeland of 665 Prospect ave- ; vou at the club that Mrs. Arends is[ Mrs. John H. Brodt is chairman of [nue is leaving this Sunday to spend E going high in golf. the women's golf committee. Others [ten or twelve days at Claremont, N. H. ! T jo eve f the season at Wil- who take an active part are Mrs. Mr. Copeland's nephew, Mr. Allen, { = pny "sn ie ig Susan of the BO On |Charles A. Ziebarth, Mrs. Harry W. |arrived in Winnetka Thursday to be | For Painting : o : E : Brown, and Mrs. Thomas McLaren. |a.guest in the Copeland home. . this day, which happens to be Au- : t gust 17 this year, the program includes (Next week--Briargate) { Qe and Decorating at Sensible Prices 1405 Central Ave. Wilmette Dave Patullo is the professional. It Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Orwig of 548 | returned Wednesday irom Springfield, is his third year and they say he's a|Willow road left July 15 on a motor | where he had spent several weeks. fine instructor. And there's an assist- | tri to Quebec, expecting to be gone | =O: ant pro, who is some driver. His name : Ane [for two weeks. They i .m | Miss Barbar ot. of 330 Cherry is Tony Rengel. He won the driving for two weeks. They had with them 55 arbara Barret of 530 Cherry championship staged by the Chicago their son, Harold, and Mrs. Douglas |Street is visiting Miss Roberta McDon- Tribune at Lincoln Park last year, his |Orwig of Evanston. ald in Eminence, Ky., for a week. winning drive zooming 452 yards. . Club Leases From Syndicate Wilmette G. C. is young in golf. The club "arrived" because it had to. It was back in 1922 that a syndicate of three men, Robert Cunningham, Joseph Roseman and George O'Neill, looking to the future, purchased the land--235 acres on the north side of Lake avenue immediately west of the - present Skokie Valley branch of the * North Shore line. Perhaps they "saw" the time when a railroad would run | l en through that section. That hope has % $ been realized and with it came a me- teoric jump in land values. The Syndi ) iminal "pl t Ab Wil d Wi k build a = sone gis Lr ce out 1 mette an innet a Soon the Playmore Golf club appear- ed. But the demands for golf and T invitation events. i | R. M. Snyder of 1311 Asbury avenue | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Dore S01 ers so Helstens tins Play. R. WM. AITKEN was the builder of hundreds of the homes ed at the fee course developed into a now occupied by residents of Wilmette and Winnetka. coterie of regulars. And these regu- lars wanted something different. They { 1 1 { Rr With the growth of these suburbs and the inevitable crowding of a club of their own. That was why them, Mr. Aitken sought for another location on the North, equal- | Playmore "departed" after a short . 4 . ~sistence and in its place came the ly delightful, where he could build a community of character. | Wilmette Golf club. : . . When the time came to affect the Such is Bannockburn. Mr. Aitken lives there--and the country- that i the owners $ . : 1 | jr RT Ta oa side is dotted with houses he has helped to plan, finance and build. a> The syndicate called itself the Golif- . . fore Lang Sompzny, 'which fretdle still Bannockburn 18 only 54 minutes to the Loop. sticks. he new club agreed to lease : 0 3 ! the course from this atin os It 1S casy to get t about a mile north of pany and the terms of the a t called for the members to rip Deerfield. : greens fees and house accounts direct A private coach takes you to and trom the 1 the Ls%d company. It was a novel station plan and has proved successful. Th . membership filled so rapidly that it . . finally was decided to restrict it to See Bannockburn--and ask Mr. Aitken for such suggestions as he 360 members. There has been a wait- ¥ : : ing list for two years. may have to offer out of his long experience in the matter of choos- The present lease of the clubh 1 1 1ldi and course by Wilmette G. Sree ng. homesite and building 2 home. in 1931. The writer is informed, how- ever, that there will be a five year renewal. Here is something interest- ing. The Land company operates everything and that includes the club- Division of Community Development 646 North Michigan Avenue house. I am told that the company i . . bi 1 h finished last season with a consider- Telcphetie Superior 1653 able deficit on the dining room. But RD there wasn't any wail from lessor. ww The officials of the club have nothing A but praise for their landlord, which oddly enough establishes one landlord BX a "a 3 S Si p: in a favorable light. x J) LY ; x 2 4 9 > 3 . CO pa" ers A y K d PR R 8 Syndicate "Sitting Pretty SA Ad § % bi [ eB But the Land company "should ne North of Desrield on Telegraph Road. they'll sell the land and that sale will Only 54 Minutes from the Loop. mean a fortune. They can afford to wait. The members of Wilmette have golf at a nominal cost and enjoy all the advantages of more expensive clubs. They enjoy the dinner dances every