Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 30 Jul 1927, p. 39

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E 4 5 B £ WINNETKA TALK July 30, 1927 3» i _--- A -- ------------ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will residents of the district General Notice -- || be charged only from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line Rates- 30 cents a CHARGE 50 cents. used. 109 discount on all cash with line in one paper. Average of five words to the line. 26 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face type order advertisements when brought to in all our office at 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Classified advertisements will cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for be ac- o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS, Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR IFN ERAL ~ time. Get estimate. I save you money. housework. Wages $18. Winn. { Brandt. Winnetka 185. 21TN21-tfc : 32TN21-1te {Sm---- ----- S-- 22 PETS WANTED COMPETENT WHITE GIRL References re- rE FINEST DOG FOR A CHILD'S pet is a Cocker Spaniel. Beautiful black and white, also brown and white pups. Dam, Peggy's Lady Patsic. Sire, Champion Mission Elkhart. 892 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. 22LTN44-tfc PEKINGESE PUPPIES PEDIGREED. "Tiny Reds Home Raised. Reas. 2224 N. = - La Crosse Ave., Chicago. Belmont 5383. 22LTN44-1tp pra MALE PUPPY FOR SALE. 7 'months old. Pedigreed. Winn. 3024. 22TN21-1tp FOR SALE TWO FULL BLOOD AIR- (gle pups. 9 weeks old. Glencoe 526. 22TN21-1tc FOR SALE VERY FINE PEDIGREED "police puppies, males $30, female $15. - Wil. 2172. 22LTN44-1te for general housework. quired. Winn. 1903. EXPERIENCED WHITE GENERAL maid. Small family. Good wages. Winn. 2564. 32TN21-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Refers. Good wages. Geod home. Small family. Winn. 2391. 32T21-1te 33 HELP WANTED--MALE SALESMEN WANTED 2 MEN WHO ARE WELL ACQUAINT- ed with the North Shore and who are desirous of entering the real estate business. BILLS REALTY CO. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wil. 3740 Between Wilmette & Kenilworth 33LTN43-2tc 32T21-1te EVANSTON HUMANE SOCIETY HAS several good dogs to give away. Call Univ. 1052. 22ILTN44-1tc 25 SERVICE BUREAU ELITE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE for reliable household help. Special dept. for nurses and governesses. Ill. W. A. Club Bldg. Suite 619, 111 E. Pearson St. Superior 7482. 25LTN42-4tp 30 PERSONAL GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Phone Glencoe 106. 30TN21-2tp 31 LOST AND FOUND TIGER CAT LOST. WHITE FEET AND shirt-front. Wears collar and bell. Re- ward. Winn. 645-R. 31T21-1tp LOST ON MONDAY BLACK AND grayish striped cat, with white under- neath and around neck, weari bell. Phone Winn. 277. 31T21-1te LOST TAN AND WHITE BULL DOG. Answers to the name of "Larry." Left WANTED TWO LIVE MEN TO SELL Chevrolet cars. This is a steady money making proposition. Salary and commission to right man. Automobile exp. unnecessary. Wm. Ruehl & Co, 120 N. First St, Highland Park, TIL 33LTN44-1tc 34 HELP WANTED--MALE & FEMALE THREE MEN OR WOMEN HOUSE TO house canvassing for Shrubbery. Com- mission. 1 in Kenilworth, Wilmette and Winnetka. Address Wilmette Life B- 389. 34LTN44-1tc WANTED COUPLE, WHITE EXP. Man house and garden, wife cook and maid. Ref. required. State salary. Winnetka 1309. 34L TN 44-1tc 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE ELDERLY WOMAN WANTS POSITION as housekeeper, cook, or care of in- valid lady or child. Best of ref. Ad- dress Mrs. Anna Hirtzel, 2054 Mont- rose Ave. Chicago. Tel. Ravenswood 8256. 36LT44-1tp 3 OUT-OF-TOWN WOMEN, WITH Austin and Winnetka references, as housekeeper, cook, 2nd maid, nurse, or home Sunday, July 24. Please call accommodator. Austin 0578. Glencoe 27. Reward. 31TN21-1t¢ 36LTN44-1tc 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE YOUNG GIRL FROM THE COUNTRY WANTED -- YOUNG WOMAN TO ACT as Secretary of Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. Experienced in this work preferable. Must be able to handle credit ratings and general detail work. Apply by letter only to E. B. Knudtson, First National Bank of Wilmette J 32LTN44-1tc who is fond of children would con- sider place as nurse girl for one child; willing to do upstairs work. Tel. Winn. 215. 36T21-1tc SIT. WTD. -- COMPETENT WHITE K woman with 10 yr. daughter, to do gen- cooking. Glencoe 661. eral housework, 36T21-1tp 36 SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS SIT. WTD. -- VERY COMPETENT maid, general housework. Go home nights. Tel. Green. 1521. 36LTN44-1tc LAUNDRY WORK, ALL DAY OR half day. Good references. Call Wil 771. 36LTN44-1tp SENERAL HOUSEMAID, SERVING, etc. Winn. 2256, 36LTN44-1tp 87 SITUATION WTD.--MALE EXP. GARDENER. OVERHAUL FLOW- er beds, shrubs and perennials. Cement driveways or sidewalks. Louis Pantle, 1169 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Ph. Winn. 1813. 37T21-1te YOUNG COLORED MAN, EXPERI- enced in club and hotel work, desires position in club, hotel, or private home. North Shore refs. Call Glencoe 251. 3TLTN44-1tc VERY DESIRABLE 2 ROOM KITCHEN- ette apt. South exposure, all modern conv. 1 block to trans. Occupancy Au- gust 1. Tel. Wilmette 2174 or Winnetka 1848, 42LTN{4-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN44-tfc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- unfurnished, all sizes, 2399. 42LTN44-tfc nished and Heated. Phone Wil. 13 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS SMALL KITCHENETTE APT. FOR Aug. Near station. Reasonable. Winn. 2089 43T21-1tp " FOR RENT--HOUSES FILIPINO BOY WANTS TO DRIVE party going to New York. Experienced chauffeur. North Shore refers. Phone Winn. 3TLTN44-1tp WHITE «+ YOUNG HOUSEMAN WHO can run car. 3% days work. Room and board. 3% days free for outside work. 228 Sheridan Rd., Winn. 37TTN31-1te SIT. AS GARDENER, YARD MAN, OR chauffeur. Ph. Kenwood 4674. 3TLTN44-1tp CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSITION, will do other work. refs. Box 204. Kenilworth. 3TLTN44-1tp POSITION. CHAUFFEUR WANTS Good Refs. A. Grady. Gen. Del. Win- 37TLTN 44-1tp GARDENER AND 37LT44-1tp netka. EXP. WHITE MAN, housework. Wil. 3233. 38 SIT. WID.---MALE & FEMALE RELIABLE COUPLE -- CHAUFFEUR and cooking. Man will take pos. alone, References furnished. Colored. Ken- wood 3239. 38LTN44-1tp 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED BED- room, kitchen and private bath. $35.00 per month. Also, garage space near Walnut and 17th St. Ph. Wil. 824-W, 41LTN44-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT44-tfc LIGHT AIRY ROOM AND BOARD IN Hubbard Woods to two persons em- ployed. Address Wilmette Life B-390. 41TN21-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN21-tfe FOR RENT NICE ROOM, NEAR trans. and restaurants. Hubbard Woods. $4.50 for one $6.00 for 2. Address Win- netka Talk B-387. 41TN21-1tp LARGE LIGHT WELL FURNISHED room, near lake, transportation. Winn. 1543. 41LTN44-1tc FOR RENT LARGE ROOM WITH closet; twin beds. Winnetka 1920. 41LTN44-1tc NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 people, garage space if desired. Phone Wil. 776M 41LTN44-tfe FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, near transportation. 633 Park Ave. Wil. 3566. 41LTN44-1te FURN. ROOM FOR RENT. CONV. TO all trans. Phone Wilmette 2764. 41T21-1tp GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN PRESS- ing fancy dresses. Call 899 Linden Ave. Tel. Winnetka 307. A. W. Zengler. 32LTN44-1tc NURSE GIRL WISHES POSITION TO take care of 2 children and upstairs work. Exper. White. Winn. 502-J. 36TN21-1tc WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO CARE for two children and do light house- work. Address Wilmette Life B-396. 32LTN44-1tp WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, for 3 weeks. Perman. position after' Sept. 15 if competent. Winn, 2254. 32LT44-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Small family. Winn. 89. 32LT21-1tp EXP. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Must be good cook. Best wages. Winnetka 1133. 32LTN 44-1tc ANTED WHITE WOMAN TO CARE for baby and do housework for month ©f August, Phone Winn. 1314, 32TN21-1tp WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN EVE- nings or afternoons. Phone Winn. 2231. 36T21-1tp DAY WORK CARING FOR CHILDREN, cleaning, or serving, Winnetka 2134. 36T21-1tp FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK DONE at my home. Ph. Winn. 1924. 886 Wil- low Rd. 36TN21-2tc DRESSMAKING, CHILDREN'S clothes a specialty. Winnetka 2470. ~ 36T21-1tc WANTED WASHING A IRONING to do at home. Call AD Phone Wil. 3687. 36T21-1tc WANTED WASHING AND IRONING to take home. Tel. Wil. 1642. 36LT44- ot "or Sundays. FOR RENT FRONT BEDROOM FOR gentleman only. ha Elm St. Tel. Win- netka 2399. 41T21-1te FOR RENT ROOM, TWO GENTLE- men preferred. Ph. Winn. 1468. 41T21-1tc FOR RENT --PLEASANT FURNISHED room for one or two refined gentlemen. Ph. Glencoe 976. 41TN21-1te ROOM FOR RENT, . MAN PRE- ferred. Tel. Winn. 112. 41T21-1te ROOM FOR RENT AT 893 DAK WINN. 205 41T21-1te FOR RENT TTRISRED ROOM. TEL. Winnetka 1754. 41T21-1te 42 'FOR R --APARTMENTS FOR RENT 4 ROOM FLAT ON BLUM Street, Highland Park. Price $30.00 per month. Call Glencoe 386, after 6 p. m. 42 TN 44-1te PES ne TL a FOR RENT -- MOD. 7 ROOM COUN- try home. Gas, electric and bath; 1 acre of ground. 10 minutes drive from Wil. and Winnetka. Wil. 2706 and 2675. 44LTN44-1tc FROM OWNER, CHEERY 8 ROOM house, Will put in good condition for right party, on long lease. Phone Wil- mette 4014. 44L.TN44-1tc 8 ROOM HOUSE THOROUGHLY cleaned and improved. In 1st class loca. Call Winn. 573-R after 6 P. M. 44T21-tfc ENT OR SALE SMALL COUN- large beautiful wooded lot, Ph. Glencoe 497. 44T21-1te 6 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE AT 418 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe. For in- forma. call Glencoe 220. 44L TN 44-1tc FOR R try home, near lake and trans. 45 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES AUG. .SEPT., NEW BR, '7T RM. 3 baths, slp. and sun porches, gar. Reas. to small family. Winn. 449, 45L.TN44-1tp 47 FOR RENT--GARAGES GARAGE FOR RENT--511 BIRCH ST. Winnetka. Call evenings Winnetka 2876. 47T21-1tc GARAGE FOR RENT AT 1150 TOWER Rd. Tel. inn. 278 or 1167. 47T21-1tc 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFIUCED FOR RENT---VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 48L.TN44-tfc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES i Georgian Colonial Brick Veneer N. E. GLENCOE; ON LARGE LOT; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath off master bedroom, black and white tile hall bathroom, marbelized sun porch and breakfast room, antiqued green. Large living room, dining room and hall, antiqued parchment color. Kitchen has Frigidaire and elec. fan, heated by hot water, automatic water heater, 2 car garage, landscaped. Wonderful value at $35,000 Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 52LTN 44-1tc FOR SALE -- 9 RM. MODERN HOUSE, light and airy rms., large sun and sleeping hes, exceptional pantry space, 2 and extra lav, H. W. Ht. Lot 85x132, well wooded, in 8S. W. Section. This place will sell within next few days at $30,000. P. W. Bradstreet & Co. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788-- Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 52T1'21-1te FOR SALE -- THE LEHIGH PRIZE Home recently completed by owner, 516 Meadow Rd., blk. to Ind. Hill Golf Course, 2 blks. to stations, is finest performance to last detail of Tefine- ment and durability so far done in Se. Winnetka. Indestructible, highly in- sulated, 6 lovely rms., screened logia pch., both hse. and 2-car gar., copper- clad roofed. If permanent absence of depreciation, with, ter count, you will lose no time. RE IS A HOME !--JOHANSEN & CO. WINNETKA Ave., just W. of Ind. Hill Station. TN21-1te FOR SALE -- 8 ROOM FRAME, 4 BED- rooms, hot water heat. Bargain for cash. 'Inspection aturday and Su: P. M. 1719 Elmwood a nd Sunday v3 2399. 52LTN44-tfc

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