WINNETKA TALK August 13, 1927 Painting and Decorating Now is the time to have this work done. LAKE FOREST VACANT Reasonable Rates All Work Guaranteed Call BRANDT Winnetka 185 adjoining Onwentsia Golf Club Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vissering, re- siding at 275 Kenilworth avenue, left Kenilworth last Saturday morning to spend two weeks in Florida. They are visiting their son Norman on his grove near Babson Park, which he recently received as a gift from his parents. ---- Miss Estelle Swigart, Miss Lillian Fitch, and Miss Katherine Granquist of Wilmette, Miss Katherine Hamilton of Winnetka, and Miss Pauline Manches- ter of Glencoe left Sunday on a camp- ing trip. They will spend two weeks near Squaw lake, Wis. 200 X 235 This piece of vacant has an abun- dance of beautiful large trees and is located in a very exclusive section on private road, having as neigh- bors, owners of nine and ten acre estates. There is a very fine =i37 tennis court so situated on the prop- erty that it will not interfere with the location of your home. This is one of the season's best buys at $85 per foot Crosby 8 McKendry 556 CENTER STREET WINNETKA 660 Center St. TELEPHONE WINNETKA 2032 -- Stepping Stones -- for Walls and Sidewalks -- Rubble Stones -- for protection of your lawn or the curve in your driveway -- Driveways -- We'll build a new one--or repair the old. B. W. Established 1905 BLOW Phone Winn. 201-202 North Shore Men Take High Places in Archery Event At the first tournament of the Mid- west Archery association, held August 6 and 7 at Lincoln park, Chicago, the North Shore Archers were represented by J. R. Goetz, Dr. G. F. Eisenbrand, and Ralph Johansen. Fifty men com- peted and seven states were repre- sented. Dr. Eisenbrand took the sixth prize and Mr. Goetz took twelfth. The North Shore Archers club, re- cently formed in Winnetka, has be- come affiliated with the National Archery association. The club is still anxious to get new members, and all those interested are invited to attend the shooting, held every Sunday after- noon at 2:30, at the Indian Hill station park. For particulars, those interested are asked to call Dr. Eisenbrand at Wilmette 3052, or Mr. Goetz at Win- netka 2777. Members from all 'the north shore towns are solicited. Mrs. d'Aix of Kenilworth enter- tained some friends at a luncheon and bridge at her home at 307 Melrose' avenue last Thursday. Mr. d'Aix re- turned to Kenilworth last Monday after spending several weeks in New Mexico. ---- Mrs. Robert O. Berger of 306 Kenil- worth avenue returned to her home last Tuesday after spending ten days visiting her daughter Eleanor at a camp on Sturgeon Bay. Eleanor re- cently paid a visit to Chambers island, where she camped last year. ---- Mrs. Frank Ely, 305 Kenilworth ave- nue, entertained seventeen friends at luncheon and bridge on Friday of last week in her home. Three Spanish Bungalows We have under construction, three most beautiful five room Spanish bungalows. Located in 'North Shore Crest," Lake Avenue, im- mediately west of Ridge Avenue, on lots 50 x 135. These homes, the first to be built in this new sub- division are to be ready for occupancy by October 1st. The Price--$13,500. $2,500 Cash Come and inspect our plans. We will build to suit on any lot in this Subdivision. J. H. Schaefer & Co. Realtors Wilmette Ph. Wilmette 364 809 Ridge Ave. Drive to "The Cottage" Barrington for delicious fried chicken and steak dinners, served every night from 6 to 8. Finance, build and sell for you. 556 CENTER ST. Service to the Home Seeker lot either for your occupancy or for the market. Furnish plans and specifications and deliver house complete. Show you how to sell your lot at a profit. The E. T. LEONARD CO. "Builders of Preferred Homes" --WINNETKA-- We Will;-- Show you how to finance a home. Build just the home you want. "Help you select your lot. Build to order on your a PH. WINN. 1 949