Mmmm v-- | Lf EE ti od x August 27, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 29 SC RNS Ei ---------- wo I EE ------------ .f. Eat a-- NJ) Qe PEERLESS Three New Sixes GAIN---Peerless leads the way to anticipate every demand you in real car value. The new make of a car. 1928 models are ready today--even : finer, even better, even more com- Bodies are long--low--smart-- plete than this year's models that rich in color--luxurious in deep swept Peerless into unprecedented pillowy comfort. And prices are so popularity =. that made Peerless low as to appeal to the shrewdest double the greatest production rec- buying sense. ords it had established in a quarter century of outstanding RL --and the New 1928 90° V-type Eight-69 Each is an engineering triumph, new in power, performance, pick-up-- The most famous car Peerless has new in comfort--new in handling ever built--even finer--even more ease--new in value, even for Peer- truly the leader among cars of high- less. est quality. With that famous mo- tor around which so much of Peer- There are innumerable advantages less reputation has been built. ' PEERLESS MOTOR CAR CORPORATION - Cleveland, Ohio Manufacturers of the famous 90° V-type Eight-69, the Six-80, the Six-9o and the Six-6o0 T he Six-60 The Six-80 The Six-90 The Eight-69 Wheelbase 116". Bore 3%", Wheelbase 116". Bore 314", Wheelbase 120". Bore 314", Wheelbase 133". The finest stroke 4"'. SAE Rating 25.35. stroke 454". From 5 to 25 stroke 5". Thrilling, satisfy- of fine cars. Unparalleled The greatest car value Peer- miles in 7 seconds. Upwards ing power that makes driv- smoothness, coupled with less has ever produced. of 70 miles per hour in high. ing a joy. power that's inexhaustible. $1295 to $1345 $1395 to $1595 $1695 to $1995 $2795 to $3795 (f. o. b. ractory) (f. o. b. factory) (f. o. b. factory) (f. o. b. factory) N h Sh Aut bile C ort ore UTOMmMmoODiie O. 1735 BENSON AVENUE EVANSTON PHONE UNIVERSITY 1047 PEERLESS - HAS - ALWAYS - BEEN.-. A - GOOD - CAR --. a ----