September 10, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 47 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE |! 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES Al Salesman or Saleswoman WANTED, A RESIDENT OF WIN- netka, Hubbard Woods or Glencoe to sell homes and vacant. Splendid op- portunity for right person who will take a genuine interest. Must have "" KROLL & SMITH 419 Fourth St. Tel. Wilmette 500 38TN27-1te JAPANESE COUPLE, LONG EXP, desires pos. with family as gen. help. Best refs. Tel. Winn. 2231. 38LTN50-1tp 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED SINGLE room and one large room with private bath, all conv. Reasonably priced. Handy to trans. 602 Maple Ave. Tel. Wilmette 3587. 41L'TN50-1te FOR RENT -- 3 FURNISHED RMS. with kitchenette; priv. bath; 2 people ; also garage. Tel. Winnetka 729. 41T27-1tc 2 LARGE PLEASANT ROOMS, ONE with private bath. Kitchen privileges and garage if desired. Phone Glencoe 795. 41LTN50-1tp 2 PLEASANT ROOMS OR SINGLE with bath. Outlook on park; near Indian Hill station. Phone Winn. 769. 41LTN27-1te LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH TWO closets, near trans., suitable for couple, reasonable. Ph. Wil. 3014 41LTN50-1te FOR RENT--NEAR SCHOOL, LARGE furnished sunny room with running water. Suitable for two teachers. Tel. Wilmette 2166. 41LT50-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE 'rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT50-tfe 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT, LARGE ROOM IN PRI- vate home; near transp. Tel. Win- netka 2468. 41T27-1te ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. 858 ELM St. Winn. 2864. 41T27-1te ROOM FOR RENT, 882 PINE ST. TEL. Winn, 1549. 41T27-tfe FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FRONT room. Wil. 3206. 41LT50-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM. 565 PROVIDENT Ave,, Winn. 1219. 41T27-1te FOR RENT--SINGLE ROOM FIRST class. Phone Winn. 2022. 41T27-1tp ROOM FOR RENT. Third floor. 722 ELM STREET. 41TN27-1tp 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, ro near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 42LTN50-tfc FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, FUR- nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Heated. Phone Wil. 2399. 42LTN50-tfc . FOR RENT--5 ROOM FLAT; NEAR transportation. Phone Wil. 1130. 42L TN50-1te 13 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED SECOND apt.,, 5 rms. and sleeping porch, furnace heat. Enclosed porch in rear. Hub- bard Woods. Winn. 2488. 43T27-1te FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT. $65 a month. Call Winn. 112. 43T27-1te 4" FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- 2 OR 3 YEAR LEASE. Modern, compact house; condition like new. 5 bedrms.; 2 baths; h. w. heat; convenient to schools and transporta- tion. $140 a month. P. W. BRADSTREET & SON Call either office, 162 or home, 837. 44T27-1tc FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE OF- fice space, about 10x10 ft. Excellent ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142. 48L/TN50-tfc 52 FOR SALE--HOUSES : T Exclusive N. East Glencoe NEW. GEORGIAN COLONIAL BRICK Veneer on large lot. 4 bedrms. and slpg. pch. with tiled bath off master rm. and marbelized bath off hall; liv. rm., din- ing rm. and hall antiqued neutral parchment; sun rm. and brkfst. rm. antiqued greenish tint; Frigidaire, elec. fans, service stairs, h. w. heat. 2 car gar., landscaped. All's here that scientific construction knows. $35,000. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Ph. Winn. 2032 Winnetka 52TN27-1te ENGLISH HOME NEAR THE LAKE, AMID HUGE trees, 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Breakfast room overlooks garden In- viting living room, fireplace. Screened porch. Oil heat. 2-car garage. Spacious grounds, adjoining high grade homes. Price $27,500. Make offer. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St. Winn. 2199 ws 52T27-1tc SOUTHEAST WINNETKA SHADED BY HUGE OAKS. 7-ROOM Cream Stucco residence. 2 colored tile baths. Sleeping and screened porches. Frigidaire, H. W. oil heat. Limestone fireplace. Wrought iron electric fix- tures. Pale green Craftex walls. Many unusual features. Spacious garden; 2-car garage. Exceptional value for quick sale. $21,500. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm Street Winn. 2199 52T27-1te 2 PLEASANT ROOMS, OR SINGLE, with bath. Outlook on park; near Indian Hill Station. Phone Winn. 768. 41LTN50-1te FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AND KIT- chenette; furnished or unfurnished ; private home; very convenient east lo- cation. Wilmette 676. 41LTN50-1tc FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM AND adjacent bath. Three blocks from transportation. Business person pre- ferred. Glencoe 1224. 41TN27-1te FOR RENT OR SALE 7 ROOMS, 3 BATHS, LARGE HEATED sun room, sleeping porch, attached heated garage. Oil burner. Corner lot, east side. Tel. owner, Winn. 1921. 44LLTN50-1te GLENCOE, 8 ROOM HOUSE; HOT waier heat; 2 bathrooms; newly decor- ated ; beautiful grounds; convenient to station and school. $155 per month. 690 Greenwood Ave. Glencoe 561. 44L.T50-1tp FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room for married couple. Kitchen privileges if desired. Glencoe 976. 41TN27-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN27-tfc DOUBLE ROOM WITH USE OF LIV- ing room. For 2 women. Call 899 Ash St., or Phone Winn. 1688. 41TN27-1te FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE ROOM, H. W. Ht.; conv. to transp. Gentleman . preferred. Tel Winnetka 502-M. 41T27-te ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 1. block to transpor. Winn. 2420. 41LTN50-1tc NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 people, garage space if desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 41LTN50-tfp TWO CHOICE FRONT ROOMS; SOUTH windows ; good location; East side. Tel. Wilmette 1940. 41LT50-1te LARGE SUNNY ROOM, CENTRALLY located. Phone Wilmette 965-M. 41LTN50-1te EXTRA LARGE ROOM FOR ONE; reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1920. 41TN27-1te NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM two blocks to transportation. Phone Winn. 1877. 41T27-1te ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR TRANS- portation. Tel. Winnetka 898. 41T27-1te FOR RENT--LOVELY FRONT BED- room, with extra large closet. 910 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2336. 41T27-1te ROOM FOR RENT GENTLEMAN preferred. Tel. Winnetka 2306. 41TN27-1te FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM. CALL Winnetka 1686 evenings. 41T26-tfe FOR RENT--DEC. 1, QUAINT 7-ROOM house, appearance that of New Eng- land cottage. 3 porches. Well planted yard. Garage. Phone Winn. 680. 44LTN50-1te ATTRACTIVE HOME IN EAST WIL- mette. 7 rms. and large sun room; at- tached garage. Call Wilmette 2725. ¥ 44LTN50-1te FOR RENT -- 6 RM. HOUSE AND garage. 418 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe. For further information call Glencoe 220. ; 44TN27-1te 6 RM. DUTCH COLONIAL WITH SUN porch; 2% blocks from station. $120.00 a month. 428 Chestnut St. Phone Winnetka 558. 44TN27-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, rent $85.00; can be seen anytime, or by appointment. Wil. 2869. 929 Main St. 44T27-1te FOR RENT -- 10 ROOM HOUSE, LOW rent. Ph. Winn. 1065 or 1240. 44T27-1te 6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, 2 PORCHES, garage; immediate possession; rent, $95. 1487 Asbury Ave. Hubbard Woods. Winn. 1756. 44LTN50-1te FOR RENT--4 RM. BUNGALOW, EX- tra bedroom on 2nd floor; garage. $85.00. 1506 Walnut Ave. Phone Wilmette 2455, 44T, TNARO-1te 45 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT--FOR SCHOOL TERM; tastefully furn. 6 rm. house; practical- ly new; overlooks Comm. Golf Course; main bdrm. 17x23; 2 fireplaces; 2 car garage. $150. Winn. 2490. 45LTN50-1tc 47 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE AT 511 PROVI- dent Ave. Winn. 593-R. 47T27-1tp EE -------------------------------------------- 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ON LIN- coln Ave. Phone Winn. 74. 48LTN50-1te Hubbard Woods Bargain $17,500 HOMES ARE SCARCE ON THE North Shore. This one has 3 bed- rooms; hot water heat; l-car garage; close to school and transportation. Only $2,000 cash required. Crosby & McKendry 556 Center St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 2032 52TN27-1te FOR SALE OR RENT NEWLY DECORATED 9% RM. STUCCO; 2 baths; htd. sun and sleeping porches ; h. w. ht.; 100 ft. lot; 2 car garage. See owner on premises at any time. 1031 Willow Rd. or Phone Winnetka 1681. 52TN27-1te FOR SALE -- REAUTIFUL HOME, 8 rms., 4 bedrms. Fine service features, shingle, hot water heat. garage. Well wooded lot 57x187. Well landscaped. Also considerable flowers and fruit. Owner leaving city. Bargain at $18,500, 1136 Oak St., Phone Winn. 561-J. 52TN27-1te FOR SALE -- ENGLISH BRICK AND stone residence, just completed at 745 Ash St, corner Ridge, Winnetka. Spa- cious rooms: two car attached garage. Frigi€aire plant. Five bedrooms and three baths on second floor. Near transportation and schools. See it. 52LTN50-1te SPANISH TYPE RINGALOWS ON 50 ft. lots: all modern conv.; good location; on terms. $13,500. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 809 Ridge Ave: Wil. 264 52LTN50-1te BARGAIN, 8 RM. FRAME, ARRANGED for either 1 or 2 families. Lot 65x125, fruit trees. Cor. Lake Ave., Wilmette. $10,000, terms. Phone owner, Winn. 397. 52TN27-1tp EE 53 FOR SALE--VACANT Winnetka Home Site MOST DESIRABLE BUILDING SITE in neighborhood of large estates, near lake. Owner will sell 65 ft., 75 ft. or 100 ft.; depth is 150 ft.; many trees and shrubs. Price low at $175 per ft. McGUIRE & ORR 541 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka ffice Open Today. 53TN27-1te FOR SALE -- NORTH SHORE LOT near lake, ready to build. Original subdivision price. Terms to responsible party. Call Winn, 2235. 53LTN50-tfc 54 FOR SALE--ACREAGE BARRINGTON ON COUNTY LINE ROAD IN HEART of the fine estate section. Owner will sell 70 or 110 acres, about 30 acres of woodland. Very attractive price. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Exclusive Agents 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 2199 54T27-1tc 5 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 56T27-1tc EE ---------------------- a7 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT -- USE OF FUR- nished room, suitable for piano studio, two days a week. Piano and use of telephone included. Must be within a three block radius of Elm St. Station. East side preferred. Tel. Highland Park 1138. 57T27-1te EE ---------------- 58 WTD. TO RENT--APARTMENTS WTD. TO RENT -- 4 ROOM APART- ment or small house. Address Win- netka Talk B-381. 58T27-tfp 61 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE IN Winnetka from Oct. 1st to Dec. 1st. State particulars and price. Address Mrs. W. F. Benoist, Douglas, Mich. . 61T27-1tp 66 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED TO BUY CLIENT WANTS 6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE in southeast Winnetka. $15,000 to TIGHE REALTY CO. 1420 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 2671 66T27-1te 68 FOR SALE--USED CARS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR 'QUICK turnover, Durant 4 cylinder touring car. Excellent condition. Just over- hauled. Phone Glencoe 812. 68T27-1te $2,500 DOWN WILL BUY A DANDY & room Bungalow with 2 porches; only 3 blocks to station in Wilmette: deen wooded lot; garage; paved alley; all improvements; will include some fur- nishings; must sell; $11,850. Terms. Wil. 460. 52LTN50-1te WILL SELL LARGE RESIDENCE ON Forest Avenue, Wilmette: very econ- venient N. FE. location; garage: deen wooded lot and paved alley. $15,250. Will consider reasonable offer. Wil 2760. FOR SALE--1926 FORD COUPE; JUST like new; fully equipped. dent Ave. Tel. Winnetka 1920. 68LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- WILLS ST. CLAIRE roadster, fully equipped. Fine me- chanical condition. Call Winn. 399. 6SLTN50-1te 437 Provi- CHRYSLER T70-ROADSTER 1925; SE- dan enclosure; fully equipped. Ex- cellent condition. Wilmette 3696. 52LTN50-1tc 68LTN50-1te FOR SALE--8 ROOM FRAME, 4 BED-| FOR SALE--1923 BUICK 4 PASS. rooms, hot water heat. Bareain for Coupe. 437 Provident Ave. Tel. Win- cash. Onen for inspection Saturday netka 1920. 68L.TN50-1te and Sunday P. M. 1719 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. Phone 2399. 52LTN50-tfe FOR SALE -- 5 ROOM KELLASTONE bungalow. Hardwood floors throuch- out. 2 porches. Lot 50x171. $11.000. Terms. Phone Winn. 1327; after 6:30, Winn. 621. 52T27-1te FOR SALE--JEWETT, WINTER EN- closure. Perfect condition. Winn. 2445. 6SLTNG50-1tp (MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48)