a WINNETKA TALK September 10, 1927 Piper Pipes New Pipes and Passes Pipes to Kiddies Hundreds of children from through- out the Hubbard Woods vicinity en- joved the visit of the Pied Piper whom they met at the store of the G. L. Zick company, in the Aitken building on Linden avenue, Thursday after- noon. A. G. Schuelke, as the modern Pied Piper, with his bright robes and an entrancing story of the comfort and service of the Pied Piper health shoes for children, sold by the Zick company, captivated his audience quite as com- pletely as did the mythical character from Hamelin town in Brunswick, past which the River Weser flows, with his bewitiching strains of music. The store was completely packed . » . = | with the audience of little folks, who listened attentively to the interesting story of the merits of the Pied Piper shoes, as related by Schuelke. Then with the assistance of Walter Zick, the store's little guests were each presented with brightly colored Pied Piper hats and "horns," and with the Pied Piper as their leader, they marched through the streets of village, as did the children in story town of Hamelin. Unlike the story march, however, there were lacking sweet strains of music from the Pied Piper's pipe, in the place of which was to be heard a veritable din from the scores of horns. the And the Shuelke march, instead of terminating in a mysterious cavern, ended at the Zick store, where the happy boys and girls were each pre- sented a pretty little book containing stories of the Pied Piper of Hamelin-- the | past which town the river Weser flows --and the Pied Piper shoes for children, made at Wausau, Wis., on the banks of the Wisconsin river. Mrs. Walter H. Andersen of 127 Robsart road, Kenilworth, returned re- cently from a two-weeks' visit to Mil- ton, Wis., with her aunt, Mrs. Loth, and her two sons. Before that Mr. and Mrs. Andersen went to Alaska with members of the Lake Shore Athletic club, and also spent some time at Lake Louise and Banff, pass- ing through Yellowstone National park on their way home. SO Miss Harriet Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Webster of 314 Oxford road, Kenilworth, will re- turn in time for school from a ten days' visit with Miss Marjorie Smythe, also of Kenilworth, at Portage Point, Mich. NASH Leads the World in Motor Car Value Over 18,000 cars in August... Greatest Month in all Nash history Daily gaining tremendous mo- mentum, the sales of the new Nash models at new LOWER prices are eclipsing all past rec- ords in Nash history. August sales drove far above the biggest previous single month of business the Company has ever known. September is racing to- ward another new high record. It is a success that is a national sensation. These new Nash models New Series New Lower Prices eT have phenomenal SPEED and POWER. They have the super- smoothness of the 7-bearing type of motor. They are the EASIEST riding cars you ever rode in because of their new springs built by a secret new alloy steel process. Just DRIVE one! There are 21 new Nash models. They are priced from $865 upwards, f. o. b. factory. And they are all SIXES--with 7-bear=- ing motors. SUBURBAN NASH SALES Phone Winnetka 2707 728 Elm Street WINNETKA Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 47) 70 ANTIQUES THROUGH SEPTEMBER AN- tiques, including lovely pewter, lighting fixtures, furniture, at 15% discount. Exclusive Christmas cards specially designed in Paris have just arrived. Little House of Interest. 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Glen. 732. 70TN27-2tc ALL china, glass, screens, and ANTIQUES -- lamps, garet QUILTS, FURNITURE, glass, at 693 Walden Rd. Mar- W. Farny. T0TN27-1te 71 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS FOR SALE -- MAHOG. CHINA CAB- inet, mahog. din. table, glass front oak bookcase, 150 1b. Bond refrig., oak liv. rm. table, wicker swing, small glass amber lamp, brass bird cage. Phone Winn. 117. 71TN27-1tp BOOK- FOR SALE -- SIMMONS BED, case, chiffonier, table, chairs, kitchen cabinet, davenport, old organ. Call 310 Walnut St., Winnetka. Winn. 2770. 71TN27-1te MOVING BEST Alaska refrigerator, laundry gas stove. OFFER TAKES used 2 mos., and Tel. Glencoe 960. 71ILTN50-1te FOR SALE--HIGH GRADE BEDROOM, dining room, and living room furniture. 1018 Ash St., Winn. Phone Winn. 2091. TILTNb50-1tc MOVING OUT OF TOWN. ALL KINDS of household goods. Upright piano in good condition. $50.00. Tel. Wilmette 2725. TILTN50-1te FOR SALE -- CHILD'S BED, STAND- ing bird cage, paintings, dining room fixture, lamp shades. 695 Lincoln Ave. Call rear door. T1T27-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano, $45. Mahogany cane davenport, slip covers, $45. Phone Winn. 983. 71T27-1te FOR SALE -- PIANO, CONOVER. WAL- nut case. 4 feet high. In good condition. Price $35. Call Winn. 1230. 71TN-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DINING room set. Very reasonable. Tel. Win- netka 554. T1TN27-1te FOR SALE -- MAHQGANY AND CANE davenport and chair. Tel. Wilmette 2230. T1TN27-1te JACOBEAN OAK DINING TABLE AND chairs. Vernis Martin bed, mattress, and springs. Winn. 1042. T71LT50-1te FOR SALE -- 2 OAK SECTIONAL bookcases. Winn. 1313. 71LTN50-1te FOR SALE--PIANO; MUSIC CABI- net; Simplex Mangle. Phone Glen- coe 348. 71LT50-1tp FOR SALE--ELECTRIC STOVE; AL- Tel. Winnetka 1011. TILTN50-1te most new. 72 WTD., TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. T2LTN50-tfc WANTED--LARGE ROOM-SIZED ORI- ental. Tel. Wilmette 417. T2LT50-1te 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- VIOLIN, GOOD MAKE, good condition, $50. Also cello, three- quarter size, $85. Call Katherine Ham- ton, Winn. 264. 73TN27-1te FOR SALE--BANJO, GOOD TONE AND in perfect condition. 384 Elder lane, | Winnetka. 73LTN50-1te 74 WTD, TO BUY--MISCELLEANOUS WANTED TO BUY -- BOY'S DUMP truck or auto for 7 yr. old boy. Tel Glencoe 809. T4TN27-1te The W. H. Smythes of 43 Kenil- worth avenue will return to their home September 15. Mrs. Smythe has just returned to her summer home at Port- age Point, Mich., from Saginaw, Mich., where she attended the funeral of her father, David Swinton.