16 WINNETKA i TALK October 8, 1927 - | . | v Kurtis Brownell | time, he won, over a large number of | work. His own talent, developed Wi N | contestants, the fellowship awarded to|through intensive study and the un- ms ew Laurels | the most promising tenor from the Chi- | Fawn EE enement of id parents, ; ; WwW | cago district. This fellowship afforded | as carried Mr. Brownell this last big 7 Musical ork him the enviable privilege of studying | Jp toward the Ngo Surely pre- Kurtis Brownell, formerly of 852 Oak | for one year at the Juilliard Musical | dicted for him by unquestionable au- street, Winnetka, now of Santa Moni- | Foundation, under the tutelage of some | thorities. ca, Cal, spent last week visiting friends | of the best teachers in the country. | During his residence in Winnetka, and relatives on the north shore and| During the year, besides making an| Mr. Brownell was well known as a| in Chicago. excellent record in his studying, Mr. |young singer of unusual ability. Hg| Mr. Brownell was enraute to New |Brownell appeared upon two concert|appeared in various musical produc- | York City, after a four months vaca- | programs sponsored by the Foundation, | tions on the north shore, as well as| tion with his parents and sister in|as well as broadcasting several times |acting as soloist in Christ Church choir, | Santa Monica, to which city they |from New York radio stations. | in Winnetka, for some years. moved last spring. In New York, he At the conclusion of the term of | 2 : 3: ¢ : | vy » . . Ee : 'q vs 3 | will continue his study of music at the | study, rigid examinations were given all| The first meeting of the Willow Juilliard Musical Foundation through | students last May, before a committee | Road circle will be held next Tuesday the 1927-28 term which opened on Oc-| of judges composed of impartial and | at the home: of Mrs. Harrv 8 tober 3. experienced critics and artists. Mr. | 548 Willow ros Trichenn It will be remembered that a year| Brownell passed these examinations | : flow voad, Orwig. Luncheon will be ago last June, Mr. Brownell entered |very favorably, thus winning for him-| Served at 12:30. Mrs. George W. | the contest held in Chicago by the | self a second fellowship, entitling him | Atkins and Mrs. Joseph P. Gallagher Juilliard Musical Foundation. At that'to a second year of advanced study and | will assist Mrs. Orwig. i. Tig All Nash cars now have Special Springs iy of secret process alloy steel The asiest Riding you have ever enjoyed This new riding EASE--a notable motor has EXTRA POWER for feature of the Advanced Six 4-Door every emergency. Sedan--is exclusive o Nash by Low to the road, with small wheels, reason of springs built of special j¢ js 5 picture of motor car smart- secret process alloy-steel. ness and grace. These springs are engineered ex- Silver-finished fittings, vanity case, actly to the weight and size of each smoking set, tufted genuine mohair Nash model. And shock-absorbers upholstery, walnut steering wheel, are provided, too. walnut-finished door panelingsand : . window moldings; all evidence So the road comfort of this car is greater quality despite the LOWER absolutely amazing. DRIVE it and price. experience it yourself. SPECIAL TERMS are now avail- This is the SPEEDIEST car in the able on the car you own. Drive whole Nash line and the FASTEST down today and examine this Ad- car of its field in getaway. And its vanced Six 4-Door Sedan--the great, newly-perfected 7-bearing leader of the whole Nash line. [THE NEW NASH IS A GREAT AUTOMOBILE} SUBURBAN NASH SALES Phone Winnetka 2707 728 Elm Street WINNETKA { | | | On Honeymoon PHOTO BY REICK Dr. and Mrs. Carroll William John- son, whose marriage took place Wed- nesday evening, September 28, are on a three weeks' wedding trip to Tennes- see. Upon their return they will make their home in Evanston. The bride was Miss Virginia Suydam of Chicago, and until his marriage, Dr. Johnson made his home in Glencoe. The wedding was solemnized in Wil- mette, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonard Roche. Construction of Sewer Causes Service Break A break in the water main on Indian Hill road, south of Hill road, occurred Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, caused by adjacent construction work by the Sanitary district of Chicago. Workmen are constructing a large intercepting sewer by tunneling through the Indian Hill district. By closng valves and shutting off the water service in this immediate district, Harold Bohnen, superintendent of the Winnetka electric and water distribu- tion and his men were able to make the repairs by 9 o'clock that night, when service, generally was restored. Full service was resumed by 8 o'clock the following morning. CHANGE PLACE OF DANCE Members of Alpha Phi sorority at the University of Illinois announced this week that the dance which they are sponsoring on the evening after the Northwestern-Illinois game on Oc- tober 22, is to be held at the Evanston Country club instead of at the Orring- ton as previously announced. Miss Dorothy Steele of Glencoe is in charge of arrangements for the evening, which include music by Bill Donahue and his Champaign College Hall or- chestra. FRATERNITY PLEDGES Following on the news of new pledges to sororities given out last week is that of fraternity pledging at Northwestern this week. The list fol- lows: Preston Farley, Beta Theta Pi; Tunior Bull, David Fitzeerald, and William Baer, Delta Tau Delta: Rob- ert McNeille, Phi Kappa Sigma; Maurice Osborn, Phi Pi Phi; Tom Coveland and James Strong, Sigma Chi; Frederick Lundberg and Agate Martin, Sigma Nu; and Henry Cor- bett, Wranglers. The Misses Jeanne and Katherine Street, daughters of the Harry Streets of 592 Sheridan road, have left for Mount Vernon seminary, at Washing- ton.