EE = 7 October 8, 1927 51 SUBDIVISION IN ALLES FAMILY SINCE FORTIES Forty Acre Tract on Willow Rd, Last of Large Estate Holdings to Go Onto the Market The Alles Sunset subdivision, a forty acre tract in the southwest part of Winnetka which is just now being put onto the market, is practically the last of the large holdings of Winnetka real estate of the Alles family, which was acquired from the government in 1840. The late Wendel Alles, grandfather of the Misses Anna M. and Magdalena Alles, of 763 Hill road, owners and themselves subdividers of the forty acre tract, at one time owned more than 500 acres in this section, besides large holdings in Evanston. Gradually it was disposed of as the village round about it grew. The late John Alles, father of the Misses Anna M. and Magdalena Alles, during his life-time shared in the care and direct- ing of this great estate, and since his death, the daughters, schooled in ex- perience of subdividing have followed in his footseps. Hereabouts some of the finest homes, not only in Winnetka but throughout the north shore have risen, some of the single building sites in their final transfer to the ultimate de- veloper having sold as high as $35,000. The new and last sub-division of this vast esetate which has been so appropriately named the Alles Sunset sub-division, is bounded on the noth by Willow road; on the south by Sun- set road; on the east by Locust road and on the west by Glendale avenue. There are 82 lots in the forty acres, about one-half of the tract being di- vided into tracts 60 by about 175 feet, while the south half of the forty acres is divided into estate sites, each com- prising from one to thee acres. It lies adjoining to and west and north of the beautiful Indian Hills Estate section, and is provided with winding streets in keeping with the developed area hereabout. The under- ground improvements are in and the property is highly restricted in regard to the type of buildings which may be erected. § Sales, it is said have already started and building activities will be under- way by spring. The Misses Alles reside at No. 763 Hill road, the old Alles homestead which has been in the family since 1840 and where it still remains, de- spite the oft repeated effort of cove- tous ones to acquire it. "It's the only home we have ever known," the Misses Alles explained, and here they say they propose to re- main and to direct the development of the last tract of the family's large holdings, which lie but a short distance down the road. The First Mortgage North Shore Realty Bonds of- fered by Smart ¥ Golee represent recommendations based on dependable knowledge of North Shore property, of finance and intrinsic values, aided by years of real estate buy- ing, selling, renting and management. T &~, F SMARGIE, 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 285 A Home and Profit are waiting for you at Alles' Sunset Subdivision! ®, 0, ®, Ld °o* °o* Man after man has complained that he was too late to share in the profitable real estate booms that have materialized in the past few years. But it isn't too late. Alles' Sunset Subdivision now presents the opportunity of being the first to get in..... wait a comparatively short while. ...and then realize a handsome profit. If you call, we shall be glad to furnish com- plete details. Why There Will Be a Boom! Alles' Sunset Subdivision is really the only vacant to be had in the rapid-growing Winnetka, and, too, it is right in the resi- dential section where natural beauty abounds. Improvements: Water, sewerage, gas, lights, and widened roads are in. And right in the path of our beau- tiful village's growth. oD This beautiful property is bounded on the north by Willow Road, on the south by Sunset Road, on the east by Locust Road, and on the west by Glendale Road. Alles' Sunset Subdivision is a residential sec- tion in the heart of Winnetka, and is now offered to desirable buyers who are anxious to build 2 home in a real home center. An Abundance of Natural Beauty! In Alles' Sunset Subdivision, within five minutes of Winnetka's shopping center, you will find the site for your home. On all sides and throughout the property, natural beauty abounds. Never . . . will there be Lower Prices! Everything here is according to your own ideals of what a homesite should be. Water, sewerage, gas, light, and winding roads are already in. Beautiful homes that have stood for years, border this prop- erty on all sides. Never again will such values, cen- trally located for restricted homesites, be offered in Winnetka. This is the section long awaited by pros- pective home owners. . . .and now it is here! Shown by Appointment Phone Winnetka 224 or Wilmette 743-J If you know real estate. . .if you plan to build, now or later. .. .investigate this property. Call on us or ask your broker for appointment. You will be shown the location of your dreams. . . the ideal spot for your home with a choice of large or small sites at a price far below the value, when compared with prices of outlying developments of a speculative na- ture. Office on Premises Cor. Locust and Willow Rds. ALLES' SUNSET SUBDIVISION Or See Your Broker