~ October 8, 1927 ic WINNETKA TALK Cl ifi d 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 73 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 73 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS assie FOR SALE--HOT AIR FURNACE. |nAN'S FROCK SUIT. BLACK WiIN- | FOR SALE--A SHED IN THE BACK Everything complete, cold air duct, ter overcoat. Good cond. Winn, 2202.| vara. 503 Willow Rd Kellar, Winn . basement piping and grills. Very cheap T3LTN2-1te 1581 73T31-1tp vertisements for quick sale. Make offer. 898 Linden | | wid or Winnetka 265 T3LTN2-1te | | SEO 3 ied f age 7 -- [2 CENTER ELECTRIC LIGHT FIX- | FOR SALE -- BOY'S BICYCLE, EX- kContnined from Dore D FOR SALE--2 ORCHID BEADED EVE- | tures, almost new. Sell re mable. cellent condition. Phone Winn, 1346 ning dresses, sizes 36 and 40. Very| (niv. 2681. LT2-2te | 73T31-1tc 72A BUILDING MATERIALS reasonable. Call Wil. 105. ps : WRECKING Onwentsia Country Club LAKE FOREST 1 Mile S. W. of Lake A ry Forest on Green Bay Road FOR SALE CHEAP. Fancy int. trim. French doors and windows, cabinets, cases, mirrors, buffets, mantles, wrought iron elec. fix, mirror doors, elec. fans, ice boxes, marble onyx furn., stm, ht. plants, tanks, heaters, laundry equip., steel lockers, plumb., doors, windows, all sizes, 1 in. and 2 in. lum. THIS MATERIAL IS FINEST OFFERED FOR SALE AND MUST SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. Salesmen on premises daily and Sunday. ABBOTT WRECKING CO. Chicago. Berkshire 1321 72A LTN-1tc EVER BE 78 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- "Cc" phone in perfect condition, bench with maple top, $5.00. New and used radio parts, enough for 2 radio sets, $10 for lot. 2 Salisbury extinguish- & ETS, $5.00 each. 2 Drill presses, $5.00. 1 stationary gas engine, $10. 1 lawn roller, $15. Woman's gray fur trimmed coat and dresses. Glencoe 1066. 73LTN2-1te MELODY SAXA- $75. Work ENGLISH BABY BUGGY, BABY scales, electric heater, child's bed, ba- bies' folding bath tub, boy's wagon, leaving city. Can be seen until Sun- day 1 P. M. 530 Skokie Rd. Tel. Glencoe 765. 73T31-1tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 464,293 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made as follows: that Portland ce- ment concrete walk approaches be con- structed at Oak Street and Glendale Ave- nue ; Oak Street and Berkeley Avenue ; Oak Street and Hibbard Road; Cherry Street and Glendale Avenue; Cherry Street and Berkeley Avenue; Cherry Street and Hib- bard Road; Ash Street and Glendale Avenue ; Ash Street and Berkeley Avenue ; Ash Street and Hibbard Road; Willow Road and Glendale Avenue; and Willow Road and Berkeley Avenue; by excavat- ing, filling, preparing the subgrade, plac- ing a foundation of boiler cinders six (6) inches thick after being thoroughly com- pacted in place upon said subgrade, con- structing a Portland cement concrete walk, five feet four inches (5'-4") in width and four and one-half (4%) inches thick upon said foundation of cinders, includ- ing protecting and cleaning said walks, and removing all surplus materials, cost of engineering services, all labor and ma- terials, and all other expenses necessary to construct said local improvement. Said proposed sidewalk approaches shall be so constructed that one edge will be parallel with the line of the street or said line extended, and two (2) feet distant there- from, in a direction toward the center line of the street, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said village, and the said Vil- lage having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improve- ment according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Gen- eral Number 464,293, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twenty- fourth day of October, A. D. 1927, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons de- siring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of sald assessment in one payment, with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated. Winnetka, Illinois, October 7. 1927, HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and con- firmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T31-2tc T3LTN2-1te | ONE PINE'S AUTOMATIC WINTER- | front to fit type 61 Cadillac, $12. Winn. | Siz win || DANCING AND DINING FOR SALE--SEVERAL DESKS AND 1209 other office furniture. Must be sold at 1309. once. Call Wil. 1650 evenings. T3LTN2-1tc| FOR SALE 7 to 9 P. M. -- MANDOLIN. PHONE | Winn. 918. T3LT2-1tp | 1 FOR SALE -- MAN'S CLOTHING, SIZE | Ye Olde Hay ofte 38-40. Suits, including Tuxedo; over-| CHEAP. MEDIUM - SIZED WOOL | : coats. Shoes, etc. Phone Winn. 198. dresses, evening gowns, suit. Winn. | $1.00 Dinner - No Cover Charge T3LTN2-1te | 1880. 73TN31-1tp | '875 F. O. B. Detroit--Full Factory Equipment 4-Door Sedan (Not a Coach) The lowest price at which a sedan was EVER sold Inm---- by AT-------- Dodge Brothers Tune in on Dodge Brothers Dependable Hour of Music every Monday Night at 8 COLUMBIA CHAIN A car with speed, pick-up, comfort and style -- plus materials and construction of genuine quality. An investment in deluxe, trouble-free transportation. A fast, flexible Four with big- car comfort and fine-car beauty. The fastest Four in America --with mile-a-minute per- formance and more power than you'll ever need. No car under a thousand dollars can match its beauty and quality--nor its riding luxury at sustained high speed. WERSTED MOTOR COMPANY 562 Linco'n Ave. Phone Winn. 165 Dooce BROTHERS, INC.