«14 WINNETKA TALK October 22, 1927 @OOR0VL0UNVVLLVDVRRYY a nada bill diab ded Grace Herbst Gifts--Intetior Decorations 563 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka New and Fascinating XMAS GREETING CARDS 109% Discount On All Orders Received Before November Ist BHO BHOBOHHOLHBHBH8HHH0/HH/H0H888 »GOGL6066060006606666666060606006 od 2 Senior Girls Hear of Customs in Bulgaria The Senior girls at New Trier High school are to have an assembly every other Friday morning during advisor period. As there are several members in the Senior class from Australia, Constantinople, and Germany as well as from several different places in the United States, these assemblies prom- ise to be very interesting as well as entertaining. Last Friday morning Viette Count. a senior from Bulgaria and now a resident of Wilmette, spoke to the girls on her life there. Her talk was illustrated with Bulgarian costumes and fancy work which consisted of hand-made shawls, lace work, and vases. Viette told of their mode of living and of their celebration of fes tivals, After her talk the girls had the privilege of asking questions re- lated to the subject. Miss Eleanor Dorothy Mayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayer of 721 Lincoln avenue, will en- tertain several of her friends at a supper party on October 22, at her home, in celebration of her thirteenth birthday Announcement taking Parlors at 554 Center Street, Winnetka. Thus we will be able to more efficiently render service in Winnetka. feel that we have built up an organization that of our profession along the North Shore. Superior Ambulance Service 554 Center St. We wish to announce that we are opening new Under- With our Funeral Chapel in Evansion, our Funeral Home in Wilmette and our new Funeral Parlors in Winnetka we a cl) YI UNDERTAKER The House of Personal Service thoughtful is the peak Winnetka a Maas". Boy Scout News A year ago, representatives of many of the North Shore towns organized an inter-town Boy Scout council for the purpose of enriching and extending the use of the Boy Scout program in the area. These men organized themselves into committees, each taking specialized responsibilities for court of honor, ed- ucational publicity, community service, finance, effectiveness of troop organiza- tion, camping and outdoor activities, training of leaders, and various other phases of Scout work. They decided to establish a "Service Station" at Highland Park, located centrally half wav between Wilmette and Lake Bluff, where records, supplies etc. are kept, They employed one man at first to sreve as executive to aid them in their work. Later they decided to employ two men to work out of the office and a clerk to render service to those scouts, leaders and parents who call or phone the office. The National council authorized this oroup of men to administer Scouting in the territory bounded by Wilmette, Take Bluff, Libertyville and Glenview, a territory of 130 square miles and fourteen population centers. What Is a Council ? A council, in this case the North Shore Area council, is merely a group of men, wholeheartedly in earnest. banded together bv a common interest and desire. earnestly trvine to draw out the hest from the hov life of the community. The Execntive board of the council. made up of several renresentatives from each town. meets at regular in- tervals and decides on matters of pol- icv, referring them to the various town committees. Fach town is oreanized in the wav of its most practical effectiveness, usually with a chairman (the leader of the lay- men), a commisioner (who supervises Scout activities and Scontmasters) and usually a man on the committee re- snonsible for each of these troop service departments : Advancement and court of honor, ef- fective troon oreanization, camping and outdoor activities, ecood reading program, educational nublicityv. finance and budeet set un, civic relationships and service, older boy activities, sea scouting, leadership personnel and training. Often several of these departments may be combined under one, an "edu- cational" department for instance, when there are few troops in the town. What Council Does The council does not administer Scouting to boys. It does, however, provide, enrich, and co-operate in the proper utilization of the Scouting pro- gram by the various churches, schools' and service groups which are making Scouting a part of their work. The Council helps institutions train their leaders; provides their leaders with materials, printed matter, for the enrichment of the troop program; serves as a clearing house for methods that other institutions are finding help- ful; helps the committéemen to really "commit." The purpose of the Scout council is to give service to Scout leaders. This is done directly, in many ways, but indirectly in many more ways. SOPHOMORES ELECT In elections held at New Trier High school recently, the finals of which were conducted Wednesday of last week, the following officers were elected by the sophomore class of the school: Richard Mann, president; Willa Snyder, vice-president; ~ Char- lotte Hamilton, secretarv; and Robert Haskins, treasurer. ih