October 22, 1927 WINNETKA TALK + 15 Girls' Club Will EI ti st Te ess sss esses ssT Tris tris isreiifll Give Bridge Party |||°] dg pr PPE TA to Raise Money | ol By C. B. One of the largest and most worthy clubs at New Trier and perhaps the least known among the general public, is the Girls' club. Every girl, as soon TEIE@) [HUB Henry C.Lytton & Sons as she enters New Trier, automatically y , becomes a member of the club and is State and Jackson--Chicago Orrington and Church--Evanston entitled to take part in its activities. 7 The club, during the school year, raises large sums of money, which are put to many worthy purposes. The means of raising these funds are varied, the most popular being by the sale of "hot dogs" and candy at football games, candy at dramatic pro ductions, and usually a big bazaar at Christmas time. However, instead of a bazaar this year the club plans to hold a large bridge party where there also will be several tables with articles on sale. If the first bridge party is a success, a second one will be 'held later in the year. .The purposes for which this money is raised are almost as varied as the means. Each vear the club offers sev- eral scholarships, usually one of $300 and two of $150 (the number depend- ing on the amount of money raised that year), to girls who are worthy of them and unable to finance their way through high school and college. At the end of her college career, when she is able, the girl returns this amount to the club and it is used again in the same manner. Fath year, also, the club buvs painting and gives it to the school' Four of these pictures now hang in the front corridor of the building and are very attractive. These paintings are: "The Sand Dunes," by Allen Philbrick: "Lure of the Woodland." by J. A. Spellman; "New Hampshire," bv Karl Buehr: and "On the Sea Shore," by Henry Allbright. Under the supervision of Miss Mur- phy and the club's president, Jane Burrill, the club already has begun its work, which it expects to improve as time goes on. w Ready in Nur Evanston Shop A Complete Selection of Overcoats for Boys and Youths Lytton Jr. $ ) 5 Lytton Hi T'S time for Overcoats and we're ready-- ready in our Evanston Shop with a complete selection in the smartest styles. The best models for boys and high school chaps will be the big, burly double- breasteds, though many "preps" will wear the new collegiate notch lapel single-breasteds. But all of them are certainly values these Lytton Jr. and Lytton Hi Overcoats. Others up to $50. Kenilworth Motor Cop Hurt in Crash With Car Motorcycle policeman Edgar Fellows of the Kenilworth police department suffered severe abrasions and cuts about the head and body in a collision with an automobile driven by W. W. Doer, Kenilworth pharmacist, at the intersection of Kenilworth avenue and Sheridan road last Friday. Fellows was persuing a speeding mo- torist on Sheridan road at the time of the accident and was traveling at about 60 miles an hour, it was said. Mr. Doer was making a left turn into Kenil- worth avenue from Sheridan road and neither driver observed the other un- til it was too late to avoid the crash. Fellows was rushed to the Evanston hospital where it was learned that no bones were broken. He is rapidly re- covering from his iniuries and expects to be riding the "bike" again within a few days. PLEDGED TO FRATERNITY Two Wilmette college men, Stanley Abramson and Walter Neubacher, freshmen at Beloit college, Beloit, Wis., have been pledged to Sigma Chi fra- ternity there. Juvenile Overcoats Horsehide Coats Of Genuine Germania With Heavy Blanket Chinchilla Lining 162 18 It's certainly a real opportunity when They've two big pockets and belted genuine Germania Chinchilla Over- back. Made of sturdy black horse- coats are priced so low. Camel's hair hide, 32 inches long. Heavy blanket lined and large collar. Sizes 3 to 10 flannel lining. Other boys' Leather years. Others, $12.50 to $40. Coats, $15 to $40. - - Ralph Edinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Edinger of 627 Garland avenue, Winnetka has just returned from the Fvanston. hospital - where he had his tonsils removed. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. Bénjamin Franklin Affleck of 695 Lincoln avenue, Win- netka, returned -Wednesday, October 1%, 80m a vacation in French Lick. nd. El: 0 0000000000000600060080 [Ez