-- WINNETKA TALK Uctober 22, 1927 : 847 Center Street William L. Wente Sheet Metal Works 2 | Roofing 4 Tile Slate Asbestos -- NC oe \ Slate Flagging i Walks Floors Terraces *, °o* Telephone Winnetka 225 GIVES LECTURE ON | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE! Editor's Note: Following is an extract from a lecture on Christian Science de- 'ivered by the Hon. William E. Brown, C.S.B.,, of Los Angeles, Cal, Sunday af- 'ernoon, October 16, in the Winnetka Masonic temple. The lecture subject was, "Christian Science, The Way to Lite, Peace, and Joy." If it were possible to make a com- posite word picture of those qualiti es most desired by mankind, this picture would contain the majestic words, life, peace, and joy. Inasmuch as we are to spend an hour together in the endeavor to learn how to obtain this life, peace, and joy, and | the liberty which these qualities con- fer upon us, it is essential that we should start out together with some measure of agreement as to the source of these necessary and desirable quali- ties. Is not this source God? In Mrs. Eddy's definition of God, she gives us two synonyms which are very helpful in acquiring a right conception of Deity. The first of these is infinite Mind. A right conception of this com- prehensive term immediately accom- plishes two very important things : it dispels the incorrect concept of a per- SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS on IMPROVED PROPERTY AT ATTRACTIVE RATES Wilshore Bond and Mortgage Co. Village Theatre Bui'ding 1150 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2181 daily articles on Are YOU Reading the Daily Articles on WHAT MASONS and KINDRED GROUPS ARE DOING TODAY in The Christian Science Monitor | | 9 i It is not too late to start. of this series will be sent. Rn Gf hee ey The Christian Science Monitor Back Bay Station, Boston, Mass. Ples<e send to the address below the issues of The Christian 17 - Nov. 28 during which period "What Masons and Kindred Groups Are Doing T inclose $1.00. Science Monitor from Oct. Today' will appear. Back numbers , please print) (Street address) ( City and state) | Fa nn sonal and limited God and simul- taneously gives us an understandable idea of an omnipresent God. When one perceives that God is infinite Mind the omn presence of God is naturally and logically established. The S¢cond is the term which, until understood, thought by some to seem cold or > tant, that is, divine Principle. The moment it is understood that this term is employed to signify or emphasize the unchanging character of God, it immediately loses its seeming coldness or abstractness, and the joy of under- standing that God's life, love, and mercy are changeless. forever the same, illumines consciousness. Christian Science gives mortals a clear, understandable, and demon- strable knowledge of God. It is the voice of Paul on Mar's Hill again de- claring, "Whom therefore ye ignorant- ly worship, him declare I unto you." Applied Christianity With this brief exposition of the Christian Science concept of God as 'nfinite, changeless good, the divine Principle of life and existence, we may now go forward to consider the prob- lem of existing in harmony with God, so that we may express the divine Life and character in daily living. Life The great Master of men declared that he came that mankind might not only have life but that thev micht have it more abundantly. Christian Science teaches with faultless logic that since we are ever conscious o° 'ife and existence, it is imnossible te escape living, and since this is so, it hehooves us to learn as auickly as pos- sible how to live harmoniously. Peace What I have said about Life and liv- (OFFICIAL PUBLTCATION) Report of the condition of Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 10th day of October, 1927, as made to the Audi- tor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. = RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate (la). $101,847.50 Loans on Collateral Security (Ib) .... To. SF. cans ae 166.474.38 Other Loans: {lc} &.. = - Overdrafts. (2) ome civ U. S. Government Invest- mets AI) oe Avian 45,700.00 Other Bonds and Securities Kd) ine ALTERS AN 861,862.56 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) ......... Due from Banks, Cash and other Cash Resources (7, 7,755.32 8) trent AEE 285,916.80 Total Resources _ ,...... $1,615,692.05 LIABILITIES Canital Stack (1) $ van nan SUEDE (2) te sve ins 45,000.00 IIndivided Profits (Net) (3) 17,927.36 Time Deposits (4a) ......... 710 R04 51 Demand Deposits (4b) ..... 778.581.30 Nividends Unpaid (5) ...... 7000 Reserve Accounts (6) ...... 4,306.88 Total Liabilities ..... . ..$1,615692.05 I, Alfred D. Herrmann, Cashier of the Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the hest of mv knowledre and belief. and that the items and amounts shown ahove cor- -esnond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Anditor of Public Accounts, State of Mlinois, pursuant to law. ALFRED D. HERRMANN, Cashier. State of Tlinois ) County of Canl- (58 Subscribed and sworn to hefore me this eighteenth day of October, 1927. B. T. BRADSTREET, (Seal) Notary Public. ing will doubtless be concurred in by all, but it will also be very apparent that merely to live, or exist, would not be entirely satisfactory. To enjoy liv- ing it must necessarily be peaceful liv- ing, a peace so well outlined by the Psalmist, who declared, "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Herein is also indicated the source of all genuine and permanent peace, namely, obedience to God. It is an easy matter to point out this sovere.gn panacea; it has been pointed out for centuries; but the necessary quesion follows, What is it to know God? Once again Christian Science comes to our aid, and with simple, direct, and compre- hensive language which even children readily understand, shows every sincere thinker how to begin immediately to obey God, and to enjoy immediately a measure of peace, a measure limited only by the degree of one's obedience. Material Existence In surveying the inconsistent and transitory medley known as material existence one is impressed with the universal conviction that no one is completely satisfied or happy, and that in the last analysis all mortal effort is directed toward the coal of achiev- ing satisfaction and happiness. The plans advocated and championed are legion. Some have been in vogue since time began to be measured, and new methods are always in the mak.ng. After uncounted centuries of appli- cation these mortal plans have failed to give the effect intended; so in help- lessness and despair, mortals are cry- ing in the wilderness, "Is there no balm in Gilead?" To this cry for help Christian Science. with the calm- ness and assurance born of spiritual revelation, answers, Yes! On page 227 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Kev to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddv savs. "Citizens of the world, accept the 'glorious lib- erty of the children of God. and be free! This is your divine right." In my own early experience a great spiritual truth was impressed upon me which has never lost its brightness and olory. In substance it was this: If there is any hope for the creature, it must consist in the creature living in harmony with his creator. 'Now all thinking people will agree that this is a perfectly logical proposition, and if it is truly logical it is susceptible of proof. Having conceded this, then one na- turally inquires, How is one to go about the business of living in har- mony with God? The answer to this auestion, all religions claim to possess, but the fact that the fruits--life, peace, and joy--are lacking, clearly indicates that the way, the way of the Master, who declared that his religion would bring to men "rest unto (their) souls," has not yet been generally understood nor accepted. Here Christian Science steps into the breach and teaches mortals the true nature of God and Hic laws; it also shows explicitly how these laws are to be obeyed and the promises ful- filled. The Practicahilitv of the Bible We owe everlasting gratitude to Christian Science for manv things. and among them is the fact that Mrs. Eddy has given us a method whereby one of us can prove that the teachinos of the Bible are in every wav oracticable and nsable in all the affairs of everyday life. Frequently we hear the remark that one is not afraid to die, and this re- alls the conversation between a Chris- tian Science practitioner and a patient who made this declaration. Said the practioner, "I am not particvlarly in- terested in what vou say ahont not fearing to die, but I can say this to you, that it is vonr business to live. and to live a happy, harmonious life, hecomine active in vonr endeavor to help others live similar lives. It is no more creditable to say you are not