, qr ---------- ol October 29, 1927 WINNETKA TALK will tell about next Thursday. LEGION TO PRESENT "LILAC TIME" DRAMA (Continued from page 3) had much success on the Evanston stage. We have seen Mr. Fabian sev- eral times, notably in "Fashion" and "Henry the Fourth." Two English Tommies will be played by George Barbery and Glen A. Lloyd of Evans- ton. Mrs. Milton Higgins will play a French milk-woman. Use New Auditorium The play will be produced three times, on November 14, 15 and 16, in the new theater at the North Shore Country Day school, which is an added point of interest in the production. It is confidentally expected that the vil- lagers will enthusiastically support, as they always have in the past, this ef- fort on the part of the American legion to provide high grade and un- usual entertainment and at the same time to give everyone an opportunity to assist in a small way in a very real cause. Prominent Scientist to Speak on "The Bushman" C. Earnest Cadle, prominent scien- tist and explorer, will "tell the story of The Bushman" at the New Trier High school next Thursday evening, it was announced this week. Mr. Cadle will appear under the auspices of the Tri-Ship boys' club of the High school and the proceeds from the entertainment will be donated to the Tri-Ship. club scholarship fund. Mr. Cadle's talk will be illustrated by 8 reels of motion pictures taken during a period in which he was mak- ing a scientific study of this savage African tribe under the auspices of the Denver African expedition. The speaker is said to be a brilliant and in- teresting lecturer and writer and to have, during the earlv years of his life lived in close proximity to the race which he has since studied, and Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or col- or of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Unless kept always clean and healthy, EYES lack this allur- ing lustre. Millions of women throughout 'he world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. The Murine Company Dept. 33, Chicago Our llustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty' are FREE on request. y/Li: URINE, OR VE EYE | | | | Mid-west Women to Hold First Annual Meeting in Evanston All the women of the Congregational church will be interested in the first annual meeting of the Women of the Mid-West Region, to be held next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, at the First Congregational church of Evanston. The first meeting of the series will begin at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, and will be presided over' by Mrs. Timothy Harrison. After an address of welcome, by Mrs. A. D. Sanders, Jr., of Evanston, and a response by Mrs. Lowell E. Jepson of Minneapolis, business will be disposed of. The rest of the morning will be spent in dis- cussion of various problems, ending with a devotional service, led by Mrs. E. J. Hughes of Milwaukee. Tuesday afternoon the officers will convene and will discuss their prob- lems. Following this, there will be conference for young people's and for children's workers, and a children's hour. Mrs. A. Starr Best is directing a J Piano Playing] Positively taught any person IN 20 LESSONS Write or phone for FREE BOOKLET CHRISTENSEN SCHOOLS OF POPULAR MUSIC | at 9:15, with Mrs. Lowell E. Jepson, vice-chairman of the Mid-West Re- gional committee, presiding. Glimpses play, "The Prodigal Son," to be pre- | sented that evening by the Pilgrim Players of the Evanston church. Wednesday Program The Wednesday program will begin of the church's work at home and abroad will be given in a number of talks and will be followed by a devo- tionfal service. At noon a thank offer- ing luncheon will be served. A num- ber of interesting talks on _educ ation | will be given in the afternoon by heads of colleges TOUPEES and WIGS as the Halr that was once your own. Phone Central 0804 FUNK & CO. 36 So. State St. Room 412 Piano, Saxophone, Banjo, all Instruments 20 E. JACKSON ST. HARRISON 5669 | CHICAGO, ILL. 566 Center St. Insulation! -- Keeps your home Warmer in Winter -- Cooler in Summer Saves Fuel -- Is Fireproof Is Verminproof -- Is Dry Is Easily and Quickly Applied Is Inexpensive, and can be put in old or new houses. Glad to give estimates. R. E. Crosby WINNETKA Ph. Winn. 2032 cago. town Chicago new season. Busi Men--Up "Fashion in UPTOWN CHICA ASHIONABLE Chicago greets Winter in the mode that weeks ago made its premier in the smart shops of Uptown Chi- It is ever the good fortune of the alert woman who lives in or near by Up- be among those who intro- duce, rather than those who follow, the fashion for each that she can When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office--buy your ticket, reserve your Pull- man and check your baggage at the Uptown Station. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People Chi- | cago wel new b ARGYLE here for substanti. and is doing more than any other Chicago community to assure the success of every en- terprise within the Uptown Chicago area. We urge you to investigate the ossib ilities MONTROSE - One of a Setles of advertise- ¥ I ments for Uptown Chi o m sponsored by the the Central Cr q iS town Chicago don > Op of for co-operativel Q a Suid 1 Sooper mA A in Japan