y 14 WINNETKA TALK December 17, 1927 ' Bait ns Bs . . eT WEILER DRESSES | Unitarian Church Sa) £ (Church of All Souls, Evanston) Shoppers Survey New Schell Store ; oF Raymond B. Bragg, minister. CHILDREN | Sunday, December Jee Shiurch school at 9:45; Service at 11 o'clock. Sermon: CHIC and "A Catholic President." CHARMING | Young People at 6 o'clock. See Them at Your | Convenience ne oF =x ve SN 4 a] Our representative lhe Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity of 2 Ba pel fl | Northwestern university entertained as f sonal visits. their guests the members of the Alpha [11] Phone for Epsilon Phi sorority at a dinner dance = -- Appointment. | given at the Georgian hotel on Wed- \[ || WEILER 8 CO. || nesday, December 7. The party was YA 19 S. Wells St.,, Chicago | | given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C © Dearborn 3357 | | Reinoch who were recently married. S---- | The bride was Miss Elinor Ginsberg. -- -- at 574 Lincoln Ave. Shop and Save WINNETKA GROCERY Fruits and. Vegetables a Specialty the Ph. Winn. 876-77 If you will just stop to compare our prices and qual- ity with others, you will soon learn that it's real true economy to shop at this store. IDAHO POTATOES, the best baking and boiling pota- toes on the market, per peck So Sree es ree tre Eee 49c MONARCH COFFEE, per lb. ..53c per peck...» 29¢ PEAS, California's, full pods, per Ib. 20¢c EGG PLANT, large 5 size, each™s...... 1 C BRUSSELS SPROUTS, per box "iia 29¢ ARTICHOKES, fresh,"2 for. ... 25¢ LETTUCE, solid heads, each .... 15¢ TABLE CELERY, per bunch .... 15¢ CELERY CAB- BAGE, per Ib. . . 10¢c GREEN BEANS, 5 tr 15¢ XMAS TREES SE REE RE Sp SE a $1.49 VEGETABLES FRUITS SPINACH, fresh, ORANGES, good size, full HOLLY AND MISTLETOE We have the finest assortment you've ever seen and at prices that are exceptionally Low. Five FREE Deliveries Daily : Free Deliveries of juice, per doz. 35¢;:3 doz vv GRAPE FRUIT, Ige. size, 3 for .. COOKING APPLES, 3 Ibs. JONATHAN APPLES, 3 Ibs. 29¢ CALIFORNIA ORANGES, per dozen. sou 5 59¢ TANGERINES, very sweet, doz. 39¢ PINEAPPLES, Ige. and ripe, each .. 45¢ GR APES, Tokay and Malaga, 18¢ per 1b. MELONS, ripe . 25¢ HONEY DEW WREATHS $1 Attractive Arcade and Effective Window Display A two-fold pleasure awaits the holiday shopper at R. H. Schell and com- pany's new dry goods store, Winnetka, where they will find a new and greatly enlarged stock, displayed in the most scientific manner known to merchandis- ing, and every arrangement for their comfort and pleasure in shopping. This is all made possible by the new store which Mr. Schell recently com- Interior of Strictly Modern Appointment pleted, in connection with his $250,000 business and apartment block recently erected at 806-10 Elm stree. Twenty-two years ago next March Mr. Schell began business in Win- netka, since which time he has kept apace with the growth and development of the village, and all week long his steady customers, as well as the more recent comers to Winnetka, too, have been calling and personally congratu- lating him upon the splendid appointed and well-stocked store. The store comprises 8400 square feet of floor space. About the massive pillars extending in two columns the entire length of the store, are arranged with most pleasing effect the new unit system of fixtures, in oak, displaying the greatly augmented stock of goods the business is now equipped to handle. The new system permits the display under glass of much of the stock, while that which is carried on shelves and counters, is all arranged with a view to rendering the quickest possible service to customers. In addition to the large and varied lines which the R. H. Schell store has so long featured, there is to be found a complete line of women's and misses' ready-to-wear garments, as well as a department devoted exclusively to in- fants' apparel. All departments have been enlarged and stocks increased. Display of all lines is now permitted in large show windows surrounding the arcade entrance, approached from the street by three arches. A room at the rear, 25 by 70 feet, and now being used as Santa Claus' headquarters, is separated from the main store room by an arcade. Special attention has been given to the lighting system, the designing of the building permitting egress of a veritable flood of daylight from win- dows above the wall shelving, and par- ticularly from large areas of ceiling light from the center court. For artificial light, twenty-eight huge (Continued on Page 15)