i | 2 WINNETKA TALK December, 17, 1927 | SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAL TRAVELER PORTABLE RADIO | Complete, Regularly $84.25 $59.50 Latest Model No Outside Aerial No Ground Limited Supply H Every one guaranteed. All batteries and speak- | er in case; weight 24 pounds. Tone and Volume Equal to Any 3 Extremely Selective Five Tubes One Dial Control A | . Radio Service Shop (Open Evenings 7 to 9 P. M.) ) 18 PROUTY ANNEX os WINNETKA 1840 Poultry Order your Christmas poultry now. Orders placed now, will be filled in the order they are received. In or- der to receive the best of our large variety of poultry, place your order now, and make your selection later. We Deliver Free OPEN SUNDAYS 9-12; 4-6 Smith's Delicatessen 819 OAK STREET PHONE 112 ET Find Cyclist Unconscious . at Asbury Ave. Road Side W. M. and E. H. Allen, of 1405 Edge- wood lane, Winnetka, found Oreste Amici of 570 Glencoe road, lying in a semi-conscious condition at the road side, Monday morning about 8 o'clock and his bicycle, nearby, completely wrecked. Amici was removed to the Winnetka police station where he received med- ical attention. Presumably he was hit by an automobile, but he has no recol- lection of the accident. It occurred on Asbury avenue, just east of Vernon. AT CLUB INAUGURAL Brig. Gen. Abel Davis of Glencoe, vice president of the Chicago Title and Trust company, and George B. Everitt, president of Montgomery Ward and company, were north shore men who attended the banquet at the Palmer House last Saturday evening at the inaugural meeting of the new Economic club of Chicago. The club, it is stated, is formed for the purpose of applying in business, principles which have been found to be sound. Pres. Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern university and Elmer T. Stevens, chair- man of the executive committee of the mayor's citizens committee, were the speakers, Howard Fenton, Fugene Buffington, Gaar Williams, and William Sutherland were among the Winnetka and Glen- coe men who attended the Indiana society banquet and get-together at the Palmer House last Saturday eve- ning. Col. George T. Buckingham was chairman of the evening. ng Miss Violet Coen of New York City, assistant principal of the Manhattan Trade school, is coming to Winnetka to spend Christmas week at.the home of her sister, Mrs. Roland D. Whitman of 640 Hill road. Hammond Is Named Illinois G.C. Head for Another Year A. C. Hammond, who was elected president of the Illinois Golf club when this fine north shore golf organi zation was formed in 1923 and who has served in that capacity ever since, was re-elected at the annual meeting held Tuesday night. There was no opposi- tion to the ticket submitted by the nominating committee. Other officers elected were: Vice-president--C. E. Jordan; treas- urer--Harry Mosier; secretary--Dr. Charles M. Case; directors--C. M. Nichols, Glenn E. Holmes, William A. Schurmann and Glenn Griswold. The re-election of Art Hammond is evidence of the harmony that exists among the members of the club and also is a tribute to the splendid pro- gress the club has made under the ad- ministration of Mr. Hammond and the other officers and directors who con- tinue in office. The only new directors are Glenn E. Holmes and Glenn Gris- wold. Mr. Griswold is publisher of the Chicago Journal of Commerce. Robery McKay, Harry Curry and Percy Tallman were re-appointed at the last meeting to serve another year. Mrs. Alexander Gray of New York City, and her daughter, Jean, are ex- pected to arrive in Winnetka Wednes- day to spend the holiday season with the former's sister, Mrs. Thomas M. Brooks, 439 Walnut avenue. Mr. Gray is playing the leading role in "The Desert Song." ---- Miss Margot Atkin of 12 Indian Hill road is one of a group of debutantes who will sell programs at a benefit performance of "Criss Cross," on De- cember 28. The proceeds of the ma- tinee go to the House of Happiness. LS tongregational Church TRTAATEATAATAATAATAATAATAATAATEATAATH TRATION sn - Morning-- 9:30 Men's Class. 10:00 11:00 Vespers-- this service. Evening-- Church School. evening.) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th 9:30 All departments of the Church School. 9:45 Women's Class. Young Men's Class. Morning worship, Sermon, Rev. J. A. Richards. "Big Walls and Little Builders." 5:00 Sermon by Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin. "If Every Day Were Christmas." A special program of Christmas music is planned for 6:30 The Christmas Pageant Service for the (The Young People's Club and the Winnetka Sunday Evening Club will not meet this Sunday