| RY ae oo fen December 31, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Scouts Rally at Christmas Party One hundred and ten Boy Scouts from eight Wilmette troops gathered at the Byron Stolp school recently for their monthly rally and Christmas party. The attendance by troops was as follows: Troop 1, American Legion, Byron Stolp school, 4; troop 2, Congregational church, 25; troop 3, Methodist church, 7; troop 4, Episcopal church, 23; troop 5, Presbyterian church, 11; troop 6, Lutheran church, 12; troop 8, Baptist church, 8; troop 9, St. Joseph's Catholic church, 16. Karl D. King, president of the Northshore Area council, (at extreme left) awarded the Eagle Scout Badge to Robert Crawford of troop 2. 1 Miss Elizabeth Joy, daughter of Mr. Bibulous Yule Celebrant and Mrs. S. Scott Joy of 370 Sheridan Lows They Ain't No Santy road, spent a few days this week with , ol oy en, residing on Glen- | Miss Muriel McCloud of Milwaukee. 1 frre C 3 Ls, 4 Glas on, Glens She returned with Miss McCloud, who View ayenu, 1g RAG AEar es Was ine was her guest in Winnetka last week- $25 and costs, in police court, Tues- end. The girls were schoolmates a few day, on a charge of driving while in- | years ago at Sweet Briar. toxicated. He was arrested Christmas een day by Patrolmen Chris Johannesen Mrs. Reuben Bush, who has been and Ralph Rayburn and later released visiting her son-in-law and daughter, on $400 bond pending his hearing, | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lobdell of 1183 which was set for Tuesday afternoon | Scott avenue, Winnetka, has returned | at 4 o'clock. to New Orleans. Errno | OF DISTINCTION- OF BEAUTY-OF INDIVIDUALITY Oo F Sales. Jumptuously trimmed in all fashionable furs= /meticulously tailored - high examples of Haute Couture. KARON SCHUR 8 owns and Sportswear NORTH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CHICAGO AVE. The Weather Man Says: "Colder Tomorrow" Blizzards arrive unexpectedly or upon short notice. Even the Weather Bureau can forecast but twenty- | four hours in advance. But we are quite sure of one thing and that is that we are going to have colder | weather. Your best protection against sudden changes in temperature is a well-filled coal bin. Don't let your fuel supply run low. Phone us your order today. Every ton of COAL or COKE we sell is covered by our own guarantee of quality, full weight and satisfaction--*'it must satisfy or we remov it and refund your money." : BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL! PHONE UNIVERSITY 4500 @nsumers (Gmpany | COAL -- Phones Wilmette--Wil. 1300 Winnetka--Wil. 354 DELIVERY YARDS COKE ~~ THROUGHOUT THE NORTH ICE Glencoe--Glencoe 75 § og Highland Park-- Highland Park 2800 SHORE DISTRICT