18 WINNETKA TALK December 31, 1927 Mr. and Mrs. George Karnes and family of 151 Fuller lane, Winnetka, were _entertained over Christmas by Mr. Karnes' sister, Mrs. K. D. McIn- tyre of Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Intyre entertained at a large party on Rtristas day at the Oak Park Arms otel. GIVES LUNCHEON TODAY Mrs. Louis Bruch of Evanston is entertaining at luncheon and bridge today at her home in Evanston for her daughters, the Misses Helen and Marcia Bruch. Miss Marcia Bruch is at home from Wellesley college for the holidays. Hot ee Optometrist gu ne . id alesy ly 4 4 1177 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE Ph. 2766 Aprointments dvisable Make Good Progress in Surfacing of Highways Eighteen per cent of the existing highway mileage in the United States on January 1, 1927, was surfaced, ac- cording to the highway department of the Chicago Motor club. There were 3,019,100. miles of rural roads of all types in this country on that date. This mileage was made up of 287,928 miles on the state systems, and 2,731,- 172 miles on the county and local sys- tems. According to the bulletin, the states had surfaced approximately 396,401 miles. In using the word "ap- proximately," it was estimated that lo- cal surfacing in 1926 amounted to 200,000 miles--the facts for that year not having been fully compiled. The surfaced mileage included roads with all types of surfacing, such as sand, clay and top soil, gravel, water- bound macadam, bituminous macadam, sheet asphalt, bituminous concrete, Portland cement, concrete, and block pavements of brick, asphalt, wood or stone. Miss Margery Windes came home last week in time to spend Christmas | with her father and mother, Mr. and | Mrs. Frank A. Windes of 873 Spruce street. Miss Windes had been in | Europe for the past half year, 0% SHOE SALE AT THE NORTH SHORE BOOTERY In the North Shore Hotel DAVIS ST. at CHICAGO AVE. A Price Reducing event that occurs several weeks ahead of its customary schedule--due to unseasonable weather -- ALL N. S. B. shoes for men and women reduced. 20% CUT STEEL and RHINESTONE BUCKLES INCLUDED IN THIS SALE 20% CHIFFON or SERVICE HOSIERY 109), OFF S ZO=HACTOMNR Upon request all purchases made between now and Jan. 1st., will be made payable Feb. 1, 1928 SHOE SALE < ZO=HACOM Women Voters Bring Commander Byrd to Chicago for Talk Commander Richard E. Byrd, one of the most talked of men in this country today, will be in Chicago on the night of January 25 to tell the Greater Chi- cago public about his recent trans-At- lantic flight, and to give them an out- line of his next great undertaking--his aerial expedition to the South Pole. The Illinois League of Women Vot- ers of which the Winnetka league is a unit, under whose auspices the lec- ture is to be held, was successful in securing Commander Byrd for this one Chicago public appearance, only after carrying on considerable telegraphic communication with his manager. Late reports show that those who assisted with the preparations for the Commander's North Pole "journey by air" and the Atlantic Flight confess themselves amazed at the dimensional breadth of his impending expedition to the "bottom of the world." Com- mander Byrd is to build a tiny city on the rim of the bleak Antarctic Con- tinent as a base for his flight to the South Pole, This base will comprise portable houses, machine shops, radio station, airdome and food and fuel depots. Byrd will tell his own story at Or- chestra hall. In addition he will show motion pictures including many ex- clusive "shots" taken of the trans-At- | lantic flight, pictures of interest taken | when he and his party landed on the bleak coast of France at Ver-sur-Mer. This man who has said little about his achievements holds many distinc- tions. How many of us remember his having charge of the navigating arrangements for flights of the N-C planes across the Atlantic in 1919: and, again, his being in charge of the navy planes in the Macmillan expedi- tion which finally resulted in Byrd's unique contribution to history; name- ly, his own flight with Floyd Bennett to the North Pole? Commander Byrd is a native of Vir- ginia, of which state his brother is now governor. His coming to Chicago at this time is apropos, since concerted action is already much in evidence to make Chicago a great airport city of the world. Announce Engagement at Luncheon at Sovereign Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clarke Arms of Evanston have announced the en- gagement of their = daughter, Eloise Elizabeth, to Norman S. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Clark of Chi- cago. Miss Arms is a graduate of Na- tional Park seminary, Washington, D. C., and Mr. Clark of the University of Wisconsin, where he joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The announcement was made at a luncheon given Thursday of last week at the Sovereign hotel. The Arms family lived in Wilmette for many years. RESUME LECTURES IN JAN. The lectures by Mrs. Anthony French Merrill will be resumed again on Wednesday, January 11, at 10 o'clock, in the Glencoe Union church, and will continue for six weeks. In- formation regarding the lectures. which are on current events, may be secured from Mrs. James D. Light- body, Glencoe 519. The series is sponsored by the literature and drama Seperiment of the Woman's Library club. The Albert Pick family of 445 Sheri- dan road, is leaving this week for Miami Beach, Fla, to spend the rest of the season in the Pick winter home. --Qr-- J. Ward Butler and family, who have lived at 315 Poplar street for several years have sold their residence and are moving to New York City. ~ a