0 January 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 61 "LIFE SIZE GARDENS" FEATURE 1928 EXHIBIT North Shore Garden Clubs Again to Have Share in Big Chicago Exposition in March The suburban garden clubs which last year played a prominent part in the success of the famous Chicago Garden and Flower Show are taking an even more active interest in the 1928 show, according to an announce- ment from the Flower Show commit- tee, issued this week. Where last year the competition was confined to shadow boxes and table arrangements, this year each club will enter a prize contest for garden and home design. Fach club will be given an identical model house and grounds. The house will be decorated, the gar- dens will be worked out in detail to demonstrate the various artistic effects which may be achieved in small and identical areas. The 1928 show will be held in the exposition halls of Hotel Sherman and a total of 75,000 square feet of space will be devoted to the displays. The dates will be March 24 to April 1. Improving Home Environs "The life size gardens which will be a dominating attraction of the show, will illustrate the modern fashion of improving the small home grounds," said John A. Servas, manager of the show. "A great change has come about since the day when the home garden consisted of a round bed of red cannas in the front yard and a vegetable plot in the backyard. The improvement in garden architecture has been quite as great as the prog- ress in small home architecture. A distinctive American style of home garden has been developed. But this fashion is still unfamiliar to home owners in general. "Perhaps not one home owner in ten has really developed his garden according to the modern fashion and yet everyone nowadays desires to do this. Interest in gardening is wide- spread and the amateur gardener is always seeking correct information re- garding garden design. Stress Object Lessons "The Flower Show management teels that object lessons in correct garden design which illustrate the wide possibility for beautifying the grounds of every home will be of im- mense interest and value to those who visit the 1928 show. Life size gardens designed by competent landscape architects will be built in the Exhibi- tion hall. Growing plants and flowers with real sod and artistic accessories will give these gardens a definite edu- cational value for the amateur gar- dener. The spaces will be 20 by 20, or 20 by 40 feet and a different method of improving the small home garden area will be demonstrated in each. Exhibits of garden photographs and a continuous series of lectures on all phases of gardening will be additional features of the 1928 show. Mr. Servas says, "The show will be held just prior to the planting season and the manage- ment believes that the educational value of this show will do much to foster the distinctively American de- velopment in home gardens. The meeting of the garden clubs' representatives will be held this month, at which time details of the garden clubs' competition will be settled. The committee is planning many attractive gpards for the winning suburban clubs. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT "Life" will be the subject at the ser- vices of the First Church, Scientist, in Winnetka, Sunday morning, January 15, at 11 o'clock. Illinois ranks fifth among the states in the manufacture of explosives. The annual output of its eight factories is valued at more than $2,500,000. Congressman Rathbone Lectures at University Henry Riggs Rathbone, congress- man-at-large for the state of Illinois and a resident of Kenilworth, spoke at Harris hall, Northwestern university, on "The Work of Congress" last Wed- nesday evening. Many phases of the intricate machinery of Congress, its functions, and the tasks of the con- gressional committees were discussed. The lecture was open to the public. This lecture is the first in a series of three sponsored by the political science department at the university for the purpose of giving the students first hand information concerning the actual workings of the government. As Mr. Rathbone has been Congressman- at-large for six years, he seemed the logical man to start these lectures. Miss Mary Ott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nash Ott, 17 Indian Hill road, Winnetka, was among the north shore girls returning to Vassar. Miss Ott is in her junior year. Both Miss Ott and her sister, Dorothy, have been in the East with Mrs. Ott since Christ- mas. Mrs. Ott and Dorothy returned this week. HEAR RABBI LEVI Rabbi Gerson B. Levi addressed the North Shore Congregation Israel on "Why a Jew?" Friday, January 13, at the Winnetka Masonic temple, 708 Elm street, Winnetka. His subject was the first of a series. The services this week were held in the usual meeting place until the completion of the con- gregation's temple, which is expected sometime in February or March, al- though last week services were held in the Skokie Grammar school, Win- netka. Illinois has three of the world's 27 most important and best known bridges. The Forward Look OMORROW"S tele- phone requirements must be foreseen today; the service of the future must be provided for in the present. In the America of tomor- row new industries will de- velop, trade will increase, residential sections will re- place the vacant areas of today. There must be new telephone buildings and switchboards; millions of miles of new wire and cable; yet a largerarmy of men and women to build and operate the everincreasing facilities; more and more trained ex- One Policy - direct. a year to sum 1s to BELL SYSTEM One System » ecutives to manage and It costs about $385,000,000 keep ahead of America's demand for tele- phone service. If this vast be spent wisely and efficiently, future de- mands must be forecast with as much precision as is humanly possible so that materials, money, man- power will not be lacking when the need comes. Only through the forward look is the telephone kept ready to meet the growing demands of a growing nation. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Universal Service