a Lr th. aa k February 11, 1928 WINNETKA TALK New Trier Tankers to Meet Oak Park Swimmers Saturday New Trier swimmers will meet Oak Park this Saturday afternoon at the New Trier tank. Both teams have been defeated by Evanston. Oak Park bowed to Coach Vance's men two weeks ago 52 to 12 in the seniors, while the west sub- urban juniors suffered a 44 to 11 de- feat. New Trier was able to make more of a dent in the Evanston score column, however, last Saturday night, but the meet promises to be close, and, in all probability, the relay will decide the result in either junior or senior divisions, and possibly in both. Captain Bennett will be entered in the 40 and 100-yard swims for the grey-and-green, Rogers will partici- pate in the 220-yard swim, with Rich in the 100-yard breaststroke. Read and Netterstrom are to be the probable assignees in the backstroke. The New Trier senior divers will be D. Gran- strom and Enchelmeyer. Schukraft is to be one of the two Oak Park men in the 40-yard swim. McManus will be used in the 100- yard swim, while Bartholomew is to swim for the invaders in the 220. Per- kins will meet Rogers and Rich in the breaststroke, and Stewart will be one of the two Oak Park entrants in the backstroke. Meisenheimer will be one of the divers, as usual, and the other will be chosen just before the meet. The 160-yard relay men will be chosen from the foregoing. Larner, Roos, Prussing, and N. Granstrom are the principal New Trier juniors in the sprint events, while two men will be chosen from Larner, Bar- nard, and Swabacker to enter the junior fancy diving. Unitarian Church 1405 Chicago avenue, Evanston. Rev. Raymond B. Bragg, minister Sunday, February 12-- 11 A. M. Sermon Topic: "Political and Religious Liberty." 6 P. M. The young people meet in the church house. Supper at 6 P. M. At 7 P. M., address by Robert Rich- ardson, a Harvard and Oxford man. Subject: "Student Life at Oxford." Wednesday, February 15-- 6:30 P. M.: The monthly meeting of the Laymen's league in the church house. Co $1.65 Grade For BD of yards of Armstrong' Linoleum OFFERED ONCE A YEAR BY ~-o-lerum Stores "The Stores That Floor the Nation" Square Yard 1:00 We carry the entire Armstrong Inlaid line of patterns ranging from the above advertised grade to their finest grade. 1007 Davis St. Phone Greenleaf 1941 Evanston