WINNETKA TALK February 11, 1928 Lee Says:-- WE like the man or WOMAN who is not AFRAID to speak his OR her mind--when THEY agree with US. We think that YOU will agree WITH us that the SPECIALS listed BELOW are rare VALUES for one DOLLAR. Eos BO $1.00 $1.25 Ple'ville Arc de Triomphe Per- fume. Bach cov uiioy sera oh $1.00 $1.25 Ple'ville Flamme de Gloire Per- fume. . Each sve nris- 1a ae $1 00 $1 2 to $2.00 Values in Stationery. Jox ei 1. 81.00 Soforn. ia vain. manne] 005 8 $1.00 Ea $1.00 mum SL OD Bachijoool, Fl ill, 19 p00, ae, 33 $1 00 Bach ivi oui EL AS $1 00 A ee P3100 50c Rexall Milk Magnesia Tooth Paste. $1.00 Or a ase RYE 50c Rexall Milk Magnesia. Bfor 10 Joes or ee ca eal Flore i aR i $1.00 ADAMS PHARMACY The Rexall Store Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 Speaks Here Monday Dr. Isaac Abt, president of the Chi- cago Medical society, will speak at the regular February meeting of the Winnetka League of Women Voters next Monday afternoon. Dr. Abt is one of the best known specialists in the country. He is professor of dis- eases of children in Northwestern uni- versity Medical school, consulting phy- sician at. the Provident and Michael Reese hospitals and is the author of many valuable articles relating to dis- eases of children. Edwin J. Stoddard, father of Lester Stoddard, 582 Provident avenue, was taken to the Fvanston hospital on Wednesday evening for an operation. SPECIAL Monday and Tuesday Only Facial Massage $1 Shampoo 8 Water Wave $1 Shampoo @ Eyebrow Arch $1 Manicure 8 Eyebrow Arch $1 During the remainder of February we offer our $15 Eugene Permanent Wave for $12.50 Marinello Beauty Shop Phone Winnetka 822 History and Aims of Winnetka C. C., Is Program Feb. 13 At the meeting of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce Monday eve- ning, February 13, Earl Weinstock, the first president of the Chamber, will talk on "The Original Aims of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce." William T. Wersted will follow with a talk on "What the Chamber of Commerce Has Accomplished," and there will be an open discussion on "The Future Plans of the Chamber of Commerce." Mrs. Taliaferro Milton, of 530 Wil- low road, secand vice-president of the Winnetka Woman's club, will speak on "An Outsiders Viewpoint of the Chamber of Commerce." The regular meetings of the Cham- ber are held on the second Monday evening of each month. The direc- tors have arranged to hold a meeting each month between the regular Chamber sessions. The first of these was held Tuesday noon at the Caravel Tea room at the noon lunch hour. Church Group Will Sponsor Dance in Sacred Heart Hall Thursday evening, February 16, the young women of the Sacred Heart church are sponsoring a dance in the church hall. Although this is the first undertaking of this nature the girls have done this year they feel certain the dance will be a great success. ®* One of the very prom- inent orchestras on the north shore has been secured to furnish the music. The proceeds irom this dance will go toward swelling the treasury of the group. The young women use the funds in their treasury for very worthy pur- poses such as donating necessities and accessories to the church. group of members of the older church organizations have offered to act as patrons and patronesses. Tickets have been placed on sale at a very moderate price. They are also be- ing sold by all members of the organi- zation. Dollar Days Will Beckon to Shoppers Here February 13-14 "Economy" will be the watch word in Winnetka Monday and Tuesday of next week, the date of the annual "Dol- lar Day" sales by many of the local business firms, Greater preparation than ever has been made for this advantageous buy- ing event, more details regarding which may be obtained in the announcements of the following firms, to be found else- where in this issue of WINNETKA TALK. Painted Butterfly and Gift Shop, Community Pharmacy, G. IL. Zick & company, Adams Pharmacy, The Leonard Shoppe, Peters' Market, Yes- terlaid Egg company, Rapp Brothers, Marinello Beauty Shop, Alice Beauty Shop. Frank Rohrig Has Fine Time on 93rd Birthday Frank Rohrig of 1069 Chatfield road was presented with a huge birthday cake, large enough to hold the 93 can- dles to celebrate his 93rd birthday, which came last Monday. But, al- though Mr. Rohrig walks to the vil- lage each day and reads his WINNETKA TALK every week without the -aid of glasses, he is beginning to be sensitive about candles on his birthday cake and would have none of them. Mr. Rohrig came to Hubbard Woods twelve years ago from Chicago. On his birthday many Chicago friends, as well as those in the village, came in to wish him many happy returns of the day.