March 17, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 15 Junior Arts Salon to : ye Give Program Sunday || Weds Wilmette Man The Junior Allied Arts salon is 1! I th Se next cronten. Seb What a Graduation ( Gift!--a trip ¥o the March 18, at 2:30 o'clock, at Com- munity House, Winnetka. The fol- lowing selections will be given after the greeting by the president, Frances Maydelle Rochlitz: I Cello : Cavatina, from "The Bohemian Le A I a het J eu aR ike ie it Balfe 'Richard Goder . 0) ation! George Goder at the piano HAT a climax Jo yn ede Recitation «++ tO see a civilization being OID «+o "Dont Be What Tone Ain't" v Yianhant history as it happens + « « books coming to Yeoree V obbar: . : . "Frances Maydelle Rochlitz life! : Give your loved ones this supreme Musical Reading privilege. Take them ...or send them Little Girl of Yesterday to the fast waki 2 Orient is & 5 oT Ophelia Laurence Blair ch akin > this ur Frances Maydelle Rochlitz mer. By the fastest, largest ships on the Dorothy Enop at the plang Pacific . . . under the famous hospitality Piano Selection 4 . Te Ban Dante. Lire. oa Leo Friedman and seamanship of White Empresses. 10 Louise Teich days of pure joy ....swimming, deck Recitation . : AIRE It Fine Today = oo. oo. £5 cele sports, movies, dancing under a Pacific tise .. James Whitcomb Riley moon . .. from Vancouver and Victoria iy Dorothy Knapp to Yokohama. Let us tell you about rates, Piano P Waltz in -A flat ~~... 00h... Brahms stop-overs, places tO 8€€ « « « DOW, Kone Grace Hirschberg or visit Recitation R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, ff and Her pCheck BO: ia hs i 71 ®B. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IIL, Telephone Mary France Edward 8 Ouest 'Wabash 1904, or any local Steamship Agent. Piano Mary aFrances Rogers For Freight apply W. A. Kittermaster, 209 S. 1a That Saxophone Waltz Song ....... Is Phote by Reick LaSalle St., Chicago. EEE St ea ROT J. Sisk | Miss Leota Jones, daughter of Mr. Bendings Mig Biles A wy and Mrs. Walter M. Jones of Chicago, rior is 2S rance. . Ri . . iia gti Ly He param "lis to become the bride of Raymond J. Aa i 2c H Gretchen Puetz Roth nd Mr Roth Pino : fi jon oi Mra £3: D. Ret World's Greatest Travel System Punch and Judy ....Cedric W. Lamont [of Wilmette. The announcement of Carry Canadian Pacific Express Travellers Chagues-- Good the World Over Katherine Jane Lightbody Dramatic Readings Tale of Two Cities ....Charles Dickens Execution of Svdneyv Carten Esther Cohon (pupil of Mme. Guion Hess) Piano Solo Dance of the Gnomes Adeline Smith (pupil of Mme. Anne Balatka) Impersonations Calories .. Elizabeth Guion Hess At the Fresh Air Camp .ecoessecsesss na dae eae a Marjorie Benton Cooke Tony Pleads His Own Case....adapted Revanna Pochter Violin Selectod io BNR Se. Chopin Robert Brown Mrs. Brown at the piano Vocal Selected Katherine Kees Finn J. A. Schneider at the piano Dance Pussian Dance %i a5... Tschaikowsky Adeline Smith Reading Trees : ..:3.. ne CE EAS 2 Carman June Orwig Piano Contrary Gi. Bou, il 30 8 Brahms Betty Dostal Reading No Use Kicking Lois McCallum Piano Sonata... Ure rce nh lars i Mozart Janet Orw ig ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Lawall Jacoby of Chicago announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Lyman Manley Drake, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake of 933 Lake avenue. Miss Jacoby attended the Chicago Latin school and then spent two years at Les Fourgeres at Lau- sanne, Switzerland, and made her debut last year. Mr. Drake is a Dart- mouth graduate. A CORRECTION In the Abel Battery & Tenition Serv- ice advertisement in Winnetka Talk, issue of March 10, reference was made to a genuine Exide Battery, 6 volts, IT plates. at $10.10. This should have been $9.75. The $10.10 battery has 13 plates. Winnetka Talk regrets the error. VISITS IN BOSTON John Takach. who has been conduct- inc a golf school in the Winnetka Masonic temple building this winter, and whan recently was made assistant Pro at Westward Ho club, left Thurs- dav to snend about two weeks in Boston. Upon his return, he will be located at the club. their betrothal was made last week. 2 (SCH il =0 --_-- Jl FRI Business Men -- Uptown Chicago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any other Chicago community to assure the success of every enterprise within the Up- town Chicago area. We urge you to investigate the possibilities here for substantia' success. Spring Fashions await you in UPTOWN CHICAGO . KILLED shoppers are going to Uptown Chicago these days--attracted by a wide choice of unusual values in charming imported Spring costumes. They well know the special shoppingadvantages found there. Uptown Chicagoans demand the smartest and newest thoughts ...and the concen- trated group of Uptown Stores are especially equipped to offer the season's first designs. There shopping is done in unhurried, un- jostled leisure. Rapid and frequent trans- portation by car, bus or "L" connects with all points in or around Chicago. Those who drive to Uptown Chicago find ample parking space near any desired store... a most important feature for those desiring to take their purchases home immediately. Uptown Chicago stores are constantly offering special values in every type of Merchandise for the home as well as for the family wardrobe. 'When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office --buy your ticket, reserve your Pullman and check your baggage at the Uptown Station. Phone: Longbeach 7454. UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People ARGYLE CLARK AMV 3HL MONTROSE One of a series of advertisements for Uptown Chicago, sponsored by the Central Uptoun Chicago Association, and paid for co-operatively by Uptown Chicago's business men. C--O