March 31, 1928 WINNETKA TALK INGERLE ART EXHIBIT ATTRACTS ART LOVERS Winnetka Community House Is Scene of Exhibit Showing Scores of Fine Work Rudolph Ingerle's exhibit of paint- ings and sketches opened with an In- gerle evening Wednesday, in Matz hall, Community House, Winnetka. About 125 members of the North Shore Art league attended the open- ing. Before introducing Mr. Ingerle, James Cady Ewell, president of the league, reminded the members that pictures for the exhibit at the Orring- ton hotel must reach the hotel by April 5, in order to give the committee of selection time to pass on them be- fore the dinner and formal opening, April 13. Mr. Ewell also spoke of the success of the evening art class of the league and of George Ober- teuffer as the inspiring teacher of this class. Because of the Orrington open- ing, the class will not meet the sec- ond week in April. Its last sessions will be the third and fourth weeks in April. Introduced by Mr. Ewell, Mr. In- gerle told in an amusing way of his entrance into the world of art. His career started at the age of 14, when he received his inspiration from a de- partment store window, in which was displayed a group of pictures which seemed beautiful to the boy. He immediately decided to become an ar- tist, but didn't know just how to go about it. He entered the store, bought the cheapest picture, took it home, scraped off the paint, and used the canvas for the basis of a picture. A store permitted him to hang it in the window, this being Rudolph Ingerle's first exhibit. And the picture sold. Tells of Mountain Folk After telling this story of the be- ginnings of his career, Mr. Ingerle spoke rather briefly on art in general. Then he talked of the North Carolina mountain folk, who were so hospitable to him when he chose their mountains for his paintings. Mr. Ingerle's talk was followed by a motion picture of the mountain folk and another picture of mountain scenery. One of the outstanding features of the exhibit is the large number of pic- tures shown. More than fifty of Mr. Ingerle's paintings and sketches are hung in Matz hall, an unusual number for one man. The paintings are not- able for their gorgeous coloring, ex- quisite detail, and beautiful workman- ship. Among the most interesting are: Kentucky Haze, Moonlight, Ap- proaching Storm, Moonlight in Caro- lina, Pisgah, October Five O'clock, Twilight on Nantachalla, Sentinels, and The Beach. Of the smaller pic- tures, "Dawn" and "Hazy Sun" stand out for their lovely, soft coloring; giv- ing almost the effect of water color. "Dream City" is striking in compo- sition and detail. Exhibit Remains a Week The exhibit will be open until Good Friday morning. Sunday afternoon, March 31, Matz hall will be open from 2:30 until 7 o'clock. Mr. Ingerle him- self is expected to be present at that time. THE LUSITANIA STORY At the Winnetka Sunday Evening club, Mr. George Lane will tell of his experience on board the Lusitania, when it was torpedoed. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Harmann of Winnetka, who have been sojourning in Biloxi, will remain there a fort- night longer. Flowers for EASTER We now have on display some of the choicest flowers that are sure to make a happy Easter. Come in and see our LILIES HYACINTHS Beautiful Potted Plants and Cut Flowers TULIPS Specialists in Rockery Styles and Rustic Pools Moderate Prices Prevail North Shore Florist and Landscape Service 390 JEFFERSON AVE. TEL. GLENCOE 609 GLENCOE Phones Winnetka 522 Cortex St. 1869--1870 ® nails, 1871--1872 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 31st Pork Loin Roast, whole or half, ye rer ee Fresh Spare Ribs, Ib. ..... Shoulder Lamb Roast, 1b. Armour's Star or Miller & Hart's Hams, whole or half, Ib. Best Rib Roast Beef, rolled, 6 lbs. & up, Ib. Ducks, fresh dressed, lb. Stewing Chickens, 1b. Miller & Hart's Bacon, sliced 3 lbs. $1 Specials, Monday, April 2 Basy Bread EL... 19¢ FAT io fonts ou 12¢ D because it dis torts all th «BOER 29¢ CURVES o Al EXTERNAL \ comeliness. Hei vnee 22¢ Try BASY BREAD --the delicious, safe fie inte 39¢ food. REE, 35¢ Three oHoet 35¢ of BAS 2)_BREAD a day N helps RE: DUCE your weight in Na- ture's way. Fresh Mushrooms, Ib. ........... 45c Fresh Spinach, peck ............ 25¢ Sugar, pure Cane, 10 Ibs. ........ 65¢ Eggs, fresh, doz. ................ 28c Best Elgin Creamery Butter, 1b. . .53c Fresh Asparagus, 1 lb. bunch ....35c 2. bunch'................... 65¢c Lusk's Royal Ann Cherries, No. 20htin oo. vi a 35¢ Lakeside extra sifted Peas, CANS. ae 45¢ Specials, Wednesday, April 4 American Family or Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars American Family Soap, box of 80 bars $4.65 American Family Flakes, large pkg. ....49c Chipso large BES... ccna. -raede unin 20c Large Ivory Flakes, pkg. .............. 22¢ Large Ivory Soap, 10 bars P. & G. White Naptha Soap, 10 bars....39c Camay Soap, 3 bars. .................... 25¢ Bell Fair Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls ........ 25¢ Large :Gold Dust, pkg. .................. 23c BestiVeal' Stew, Ih. iG... li. 0h. iL on, 23c Rib dVeal:Chops, db. 5.5 ......L........... 35¢ Specials, Tuesday, April 3 Pillsbury, Ceresota or Gold Medal Flour, 2414 1b. sack 8 $1 Batavia, Sprague, Warner Best Flour, 241 1b. cloth bags Cream of Wheat or Wheatena, pkg. ....24c Kellogg Corn Flakes or Post Toasts, pkg. 9c Puffed Wheat .............;0¢f00 000 12¢ Puffed Rice .... 00g dling. Brn, 15¢ Shredded Wheat, pkg. ..... RIDA Loe a 11c Muffets, pkg. .... J... 4. . ohio... 15¢ Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg. ........ ...35¢ Kellogg's Pep, pkg. ......... coc cee. 12¢ Post Bran Flakes, pkg. .....\.......... 12¢ Best Lamb Stew, Ib. ...........0.. »...32¢c Rib Lamb Chops, 1b... coro onus, -49c Sweetheart Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, No. 2if tins, 3 cans iis $1.00 Alola Pealed Apricot, No. 215 tins, BACanS Lai ee eth ea 1.00 Sweetheart Bartlett Pears, No. 215 tin, 2UCANE .... i.e aay eens 1.00 Batavia Sliced Peaches, No. 2 can, ALORNS: ... 0 a eR Sh vas $1.00 Alola Golden Bantam Corn, 7 cans ..$1.00 Sweetheart Fresh Garden Peas, 5 cans $1.00 Playfair Cut Green Peas, 6 cans ....$1.00 Ham shank or Butts, Ib. .............. 1215¢c Chili Sauce, Sweetheart, 1 lb. jars, Sojars aaa alder ea $1.00 Best Pork Chops, Wns Seite 29e